mild-blue / about

Information about us, our projects that will be presented anywhere. Mostly in Forms of JSONS
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Mild Blue

Mild Blue About


Information about us, our projects that will be presented anywhere. Mostly in JSON format..


This app is rendered by Web presentation

Social links settings


"social": [
      "icon": "facebook-f",
      "url": ""

icon - Font Awesome icon name (see available icons). Icon name is also used in class property on FE for additional styling. url - Link to social media.

Onepager settings

Settings for Mild Blue Onepager . GitHub repository.

Example of settings object:

  "team": [
  "projects": [
  "showCooperation": false,
  "showSubtitle": true,
  "showCoFounderLabel": true,
  "footerLinkType": "web"
Attribute Type Possible values Description
team string[] ["tomas", "honza", ... (see "people/sources.json")] Team members to be displayed in onepager. Every listed team member has to have their config file in people directory
projects string[] ["breviary", "txm", ... (see "projects/sources.json")] Projects to be displayed in onepager. Every listed project has to have its config file in projects directory
showCooperation boolean true | false Defines whether to render last project block as a block about cooperation with Edwards Lifesciences
showSubtitle boolean true | false Defines whether to display submotto (small text next to the logo on the right side of the onepager)
showCoFounderLabel boolean true | false Defines whether to display "co-founder" title under co-founders' names.
footerLinkType string "email" | "web" If value is set to email a link to company e-mail will be shown. If value is set to web, link to web will be shown. Every link type has its corresponding label.


When creating a PR you can check how the website will look like with your PR by going to where instead of "branch" fill in the name of your branch.