milesmfe / kec.ILEConfigExcel
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ILE Config Excel

Table of Contents

  1. Excel Structure
    1. Tabs (Sheets)
    2. Parse (Blank)
    3. Formulae
  2. Processing Logic
    1. ILE
    2. VE
    3. Subroutines
      1. ProcessData
      2. ConvertToDate
      3. GetUserInput
      4. GenerateOutputData
      5. ExtendTableWithFormulas
      6. UpdateOutputTableAndStore
  3. Data Rules
    1. ILE
    2. VE

Excel Structure

Tabs (Sheets)

Both ILE and VE Excel Config Processors are divided into tabs, each of a specific type as identified by its highlighted colour (see table).

Type Colour Function
Input Green User is expected to paste data into sheet.
Output Blue Generated data is exported to sheet
Processing Red Data is parsed through sheet, either containing formulae or blank and used for temporary data storage.
Mapping Grey Sheet contains a table mapping sets of values together, used in lookups.

The process logic is very similar between ILE and VE however VE contains two additional tabs; Exchange Lookup and ILE Entry No. Map.

A full list of tabs for both ILE and VE is provided below.


Name Type Description
INPUT Input Exported csv NAV data is pasted into column A of this sheet.
OUTPUT Output Processed data is found on this sheet once processing is complete.
ENTRY NO. MAP Output Contains a list of every generated entry number mapped to its original (debug).
LINES Processing Formulae. Calculates each line against the output header according to processing rules.
BUDDY Processing Formulae. Calculates each adjustment line against the output header according to processing rules.
PROCESS Processing Formulae & Parse. Calculates each line against the input header, adding temporary processing fields.
T2C Processing Parse. Output location for the text-to-columns function.
CUSTOMER MAP Mapping Maps customer IDs between two systems.


Name Type Description
INPUT Input Exported csv NAV data is pasted into column A of this sheet.
ILE ENTRY NO. MAP Input Generated table found in the Entry No. Map tab, after processing the corresponding ILE data, should be pasted under the header of the table in this sheet.
OUTPUT Output Processed data is found on this sheet once processing is complete.
ENTRY NO. MAP Output Contains a list of every generated entry number mapped to its original (debug).
LINES Processing Formulae. Calculates each line against the output header according to processing rules.
BUDDY Processing Formulae. Calculates each adjustment line against the output header according to processing rules.
PROCESS Processing Formulae & Parse. Calculates each line against the input header, adding temporary processing fields.
T2C Processing Parse. Output location for the text-to-columns function.
EXCHANGE LOOKUP Mapping Maps an exchange rate to each day within the range of the input data.
CUSTOMER MAP Mapping Maps customer IDs between two systems.

Parse (Blank)

There is only one blank processing tab, T2C, which is required to convert the csv input data, pasted into column A on the input tab, into a more useful format. Each line of the input data is formatted as follows:


where n is the total number of fields. Each line represents a record and each field is seperated by the delimiter character, ^.

Note: the total number of delimiter characters is equal to n-1.

The first stage of processing uses the T2C sheet as an output to store the raw input data in rows and columns without a header, to later be used to populate the PROCESS tab with data.

The PROCESS tab is only labled as Parse due to the programatic transfer of data from T2C to PROCESS.

Formulae (Table)

There are three processing tables each labeled according to their encapsulating tab's name. Each cell in tables LINES and BUDDY contains a formula pointing to the PROCESS table. These formulae implement the data rules as defined [here].

Processing Logic

Excel ILE config uses macros to move data between each tab, sometimes running functions or applying formulae. The macro triggers when a cell in column A is changed, then performs several tasks such as user input collection, data manipulation across different sheets, and updating tables with new values. The code consists of one main event handler and several subroutines and functions.


This line checks if the changed cell is in column A. If not, the macro exits.

This improves performance by preventing the screen from updating during the macro execution and disabling automatic recalculation of formulas.

The macro prompts the user for three inputs: the next available ILE Entry Number, Global Dimension 1 Code, and currency code.

The macro updates cells N2 and BW2 in the PROCESS table with the user-provided Global Dimension 1 Code and Currency Code, respectively.

The ProcessData subroutine is called to perform data processing and manipulation.

The ExtendTableWithFormulas subroutine is called twice to ensure the formulas in the LINES and BUDDY tables are extended to match the data size.

References to the process, lines, and buddy sheets/tables are set. The Calculate method is called on the ranges of these tables to refresh any calculations/formulas.

The GenerateOutputData subroutine is called to produce the final output data by combining data from the “LINES” and “BUDDY” tables.

This subroutine updates entry numbers in the OUTPUT table and stores a mapping of these numbers in the Entry No. Map tab.

A message box notifies the user that the processing is complete.

Screen updating and automatic calculations are re-enabled.


This line checks if the changed cell is in column A. If not, the macro exits.

This improves performance by preventing the screen from updating during the macro execution and disabling automatic recalculation of formulas.

The macro prompts the user for three inputs: the next available VE Entry Number and Global Dimension 1 Code.

The macro updates cell V2 in the PROCESS table with the user-provided Global Dimension 1 Code.

The ProcessData subroutine is called to perform data processing and manipulation.

The ExtendTableWithFormulas subroutine is called twice to ensure the formulas in the LINES and BUDDY tables are extended to match the data size.

References to the process, lines, and buddy sheets/tables are set. The Calculate method is called on the ranges of these tables to refresh any calculations/formulas.

The GenerateOutputData subroutine is called to produce the final output data by combining data from the “LINES” and “BUDDY” tables.

This subroutine updates entry numbers in the OUTPUT table and stores a mapping of these numbers in the Entry No. Map tab.

A message box notifies the user that the processing is complete.

Screen updating and automatic calculations are re-enabled.



This subroutine copies data from column A in the INPUT sheet to the T2C sheet and then applies a Text-to-Columns operation on the T2C sheet with a specific delimiter. Finally, it copies the processed data to the PROCESS sheet and converts data in date columns into a date format.

  1. Set up worksheet references:

    Set wsInput = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("INPUT")
    Set wsT2C = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("T2C")
    Set wsProcess = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PROCESS")
  2. Clear the T2C sheet

  3. Copy data from INPUT to T2C

    arrData = wsInput.Range("A1:A" & wsInput.Cells(wsInput.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row).Value
    wsT2C.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(arrData, 1), 1).Value = arrData
  4. Apply Text-to-Columns

    Set rng = wsT2C.Range("A1:A" & lastRow)
    rng.TextToColumns Destination:=wsT2C.Range("A1"), _
       DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, _
       ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, _
       Other:=True, OtherChar:="^"
  5. Copy processed data to PROCESS

    wsProcess.Range("A2:BU" & lastRow + 1).Value = wsT2C.Range("A1:BU" & lastRow).Value
  6. Convert columns to dates

    ConvertToDate wsProcess.Range("C2:C" & lastRow + 1)
    ConvertToDate wsProcess.Range("AF2:AF" & lastRow + 1)
    ConvertToDate wsProcess.Range("AR2:AR" & lastRow + 1)


Converts string representations of dates in a given range to proper date formats. Handles year values that are represented as two digits, assuming dates are in the 20th or 21st century.

  1. Load the range into an array

    arrValues = rng.Value
  2. Process each value

    For i = 1 To UBound(arrValues, 1)
       If IsDate(arrValues(i, 1)) Then
           ' Extract and reformat the date parts
           dateStr = CStr(arrValues(i, 1))
           dayPart = Left(dateStr, 2)
           monthPart = Mid(dateStr, 4, 2)
           yearPart = Right(dateStr, 2)
           If Val(yearPart) < 30 Then
               yearPart = "20" & yearPart
               yearPart = "19" & yearPart
           End If
           newDate = DateSerial(CInt(yearPart), CInt(monthPart), CInt(dayPart))
           arrValues(i, 1) = newDate
       End If
    Next i
  3. Write the array back to the range and apply format

    rng.Value = arrValues
    rng.NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd"


Prompts the user for a non-empty string and returns it after validation.

  1. Prompt user and validate input

    Do While Not isValidInput
       InputString = InputBox(prompt, title)
       If InputString <> "" Then
           isValidInput = True
           MsgBox "Invalid input. Please enter a non-empty string.", vbExclamation, "Invalid Input"
       End If
  2. Return the validated string

    GetUserInput = InputString


Combines data from two tables (“LINES” and “BUDDY”) into a third table (“OUTPUT”) in an alternating pattern.

  1. Set worksheet and table references

    Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("LINES")
    Set ws2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BUDDY")
    Set ws3 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OUTPUT")
    Set table1 = ws1.ListObjects("lines")
    Set table2 = ws2.ListObjects("buddy")
    Set table3 = ws3.ListObjects("output")
  2. Initialise variables and output array

    rowCount1 = table1.ListRows.Count
    rowCount2 = table2.ListRows.Count
    ReDim arrOutput(1 To rowCount1 + rowCount2, 1 To maxColumns)
  3. Loop through rows to combine data

    For i = 1 To Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(rowCount1, rowCount2)
       If i <= rowCount1 Then
           For j = 1 To table1.ListColumns.Count
               arrOutput(outputRow, j) = table1.DataBodyRange(i, j).Value
           Next j
           outputRow = outputRow + 1
       End If
       If i <= rowCount2 Then
           For j = 1 To table2.ListColumns.Count
               arrOutput(outputRow, j) = table2.DataBodyRange(i, j).Value
           Next j
           outputRow = outputRow + 1
       End If
    Next i
  4. Write combined data to the OUTPUT table

    If outputRow > 1 Then
       table3.Resize table3.Range.Resize(outputRow - 1, maxColumns)
       table3.DataBodyRange.Value = arrOutput
    End If


Extends a target table by adding rows and applying formulas from the first row to all added rows.

  1. Set source and target references

    Set sourceSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PROCESS")
    Set sourceTable = sourceSheet.ListObjects("process")
    Set targetSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(targetSheetName)
    Set targetTable = targetSheet.ListObjects(targetTableName)
  2. Calculate rows to add and resize table

    rowsToAdd = sourceTable.ListRows.Count - targetTable.ListRows.Count
    If rowsToAdd > 0 Then
       targetTable.Resize targetTable.Range.Resize(targetTable.ListRows.Count + rowsToAdd)
    End If
  3. Apply formulas to the new rows

    If targetTable.ListRows.Count > 1 Then
       lastDataRow = targetTable.Range.Rows.Count - 1
       For i = 1 To targetTable.ListColumns.Count
           formulaCell = targetTable.DataBodyRange(1, i)
           If formulaCell.HasFormula Then
               targetTable.DataBodyRange(2, i).Resize(rowsToAdd).Formula = formulaCell.Formula
           End If
       Next i
    End If


Updates the OUTPUT table by replacing the first column values with incrementing entry numbers starting from a specified number. It also stores the mapping between the original data and the new entry numbers in the ENTRY NO. MAP table.

  1. Declare variables

       Dim wsOutput As Worksheet
       Dim wsEntryNoMap As Worksheet
       Dim outputTable As ListObject
       Dim entryNoMapTable As ListObject
       Dim firstEntryNoValue As Long
       Dim rowCount As Long
       Dim i As Long
       Dim outputArray As Variant
       Dim entryNoMapArray As Variant
  2. Set worksheet and table references

    Set wsOutput = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OUTPUT")
    Set outputTable = wsOutput.ListObjects("output")
    Set wsEntryNoMap = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("ENTRY NO. MAP")
    Set entryNoMapTable = wsEntryNoMap.ListObjects("entryNoMap")
  3. Assign and validate firstEntryNo

    firstEntryNoValue = CLng(firstEntryNo)
  4. Count rows in the output table

       rowCount = outputTable.ListRows.Count
       If rowCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
  5. Read and initialise arrays

    outputArray = outputTable.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange.Value
    ReDim entryNoMapArray(1 To rowCount, 1 To 2)
  6. Populate arrays with data

    For i = 1 To rowCount
       entryNoMapArray(i, 1) = outputArray(i, 1)
       entryNoMapArray(i, 2) = CStr(firstEntryNoValue + i - 1)
       outputArray(i, 1) = entryNoMapArray(i, 2)
    Next i
  7. Write data back to tables

    outputTable.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange.Value = outputArray
    entryNoMapTable.DataBodyRange.Resize(rowCount, 2).Value = entryNoMapArray

Data Rules

Both ILE and VE populate their OUTPUT table with lines and adjustment (buddy) lines. Hence the number of rows in the OUTPUT table after processing will be equal to 2n where n is the number of lines in the input data.

Lines and buddy lines are added in series, as shown below:


Formulae are used to enforce data rules in both ILE and VE; the PROCESS, LINES and BUDDY tables contain a header row and a formula row. In the PROCESS table, the header row contains every field included in the input data plus additional calculation fields. In the LINES and BUDDY tables, the header row matches that of the OUTPUT table exactly.

The PROCESS table does not contain formulae for every field in the formula row, only the calculation fields; every other field is populated with input data after ProcessData is called.

The LINES and BUDDY tables do contain formulae for every field in the formula row.

Once the PROCESS table is populated, ExtendTableWithFormulas is called on both the LINES and BUDDY tables which repeats the formula row to match the number of rows in the PROCESS table.

A formula can either be a relative reference (e.g. [@[field_name]]) to a field in the PROCESS table (no manipulation/calculation), an implementation of a specific rule, or in some cases an absolute value.

The rules for each field in both ILE and VE are listed below.



Field Calculation
Entry No. Relative Reference
Item No. Relative Reference
Posting Date Relative Reference
Entry Type Relative Reference
Source No. Relative Reference
Document No. Relative Reference
Description Relative Reference
Location Code Always = "Y-HISTORY"
Quantity Relative Reference
Remaining Quantity Relative Reference
Invoiced Quantity Relative Reference
Applies-to Entry Relative Reference
Open Relative Reference
Global Dimension 1 Code Relative Reference (Populated by user input)
Global Dimension 2 Code Relative Reference
Positive Relative Reference
Source Type Relative Reference
Drop Shipment Relative Reference
Country/Region Code Relative Reference
Document Date Relative Reference
Area Relative Reference
No. Series Relative Reference
Document Type Relative Reference
Document Line No. Relative Reference
Job Purchase Relative Reference
Qty. per Unit of Measure Relative Reference
Unit of Measure Code Relative Reference
Derived from Blanket Order Relative Reference
Out-of-Stock Substitution Relative Reference
Item Category Code Relative Reference
Nonstock Relative Reference
Product Group Code Relative Reference
Completely Invoiced Relative Reference
Last Invoice Date Relative Reference
Applied Entry to Adjust Relative Reference
Correction Relative Reference
Shipped Qty. Not Returned Relative Reference
Prod. Order Comp. Line No. Relative Reference
Item Tracking Relative Reference
Currency Code Relative Reference (Populated by user input)


Field Calculation
Entry No. Relative Reference
Item No. Relative Reference
Posting Date Relative Reference
Entry Type (IF Quantity < 0, "Negative" ELSE "Positive") + " Adjmt."
Source No. Relative Reference
Document No. Relative Reference
Description Relative Reference
Location Code Always = "Y-HISTORY"
Quantity Quantity * -1
Remaining Quantity Remaining Quantity * -1
Invoiced Quantity Invoiced Quantity * -1
Applies-to Entry Relative Reference
Open Relative Reference
Global Dimension 1 Code Relative Reference (Populated by user input)
Global Dimension 2 Code Relative Reference
Positive Relative Reference
Source Type Relative Reference
Drop Shipment Relative Reference
Country/Region Code Relative Reference
Document Date Relative Reference
Area Relative Reference
No. Series Relative Reference
Document Type Relative Reference
Document Line No. Relative Reference
Job Purchase Relative Reference
Qty. per Unit of Measure Relative Reference
Unit of Measure Code Relative Reference
Derived from Blanket Order Relative Reference
Out-of-Stock Substitution Relative Reference
Item Category Code Relative Reference
Nonstock Relative Reference
Product Group Code Relative Reference
Completely Invoiced Relative Reference
Last Invoice Date Relative Reference
Applied Entry to Adjust Relative Reference
Correction Relative Reference
Shipped Qty. Not Returned Relative Reference
Prod. Order Comp. Line No. Relative Reference
Item Tracking Relative Reference
Currency Code Relative Reference (Populated by user input)



Field Calculation
Entry No. Relative Reference
Item No. Relative Reference
Posting Date Relative Reference
Item Ledger Entry Type Relative Reference
Source No. LOOKUP in Customer Map, NO MATCH = Source No.
Document No. Relative Reference
Description Relative Reference
Location Code Always = "Y-HISTORY"
Inventory Posting Group Relative Reference
Source Posting Group Relative Reference
Item Ledger Entry No. Relative Reference
Valued Quantity Relative Reference
Item Ledger Entry Quantity Relative Reference
Invoiced Quantity Relative Reference
Cost per Unit Relative Reference
Sales Amount (Actual) IF Sales Amount (Actual) CZK = 0 AND Sales Amount (Expected) CZK <> 0, Sales Amount (Expected) CZK ELSE Sales Amount (Actual) CZK
Salespers./Purch. Code Relative Reference
Discount Amount IF Sales Amount (Actual) = 0, 0 ELSE Discount Amount CZK
User ID Relative Reference
Source Code Relative Reference
Applies-to Entry Relative Reference
Global Dimension 1 Code Relative Reference (Populated by user input)
Global Dimension 2 Code Relative Reference
Source Type Relative Reference
Cost Amount (Actual) IF Cost Amount (Actual) CZK = 0 AND Cost Amount (Expected) CZK <> 0, Cost Amount (Expected) CZK ELSE Cost Amount (Actual) CZK)
Cost Posted to G/L Relative Reference
Drop Shipment Relative Reference
Gen. Bus. Posting Group Relative Reference
Gen. Prod. Posting Group Relative Reference
Document Date Relative Reference
Cost Amount (Actual) (ACY) Cost Amount (Actual)
Cost Posted to G/L (ACY) Relative Reference
Cost per Unit (ACY) Relative Reference
Document Type Relative Reference
Document Line No. Relative Reference
Expected Cost Relative Reference
Valued By Average Cost Relative Reference
Partial Revaluation Relative Reference
Inventoriable Relative Reference
Valuation Date Relative Reference
Entry Type Relative Reference
Purchase Amount (Actual) Relative Reference
Purchase Amount (Expected) Relative Reference
Sales Amount (Expected) Relative Reference
Cost Amount (Expected) IF Cost Amount (Actual) CZK = 0 AND Cost Amount (Expected) CZK <> 0, 0 ELSE Cost Amount (Expected) CZK
Cost Amount (Non-Invtbl.) Relative Reference
Cost Amount (Expected) (ACY) Cost Amount (Expected)
Cost Amount (Non-Invtbl.)(ACY) Relative Reference
Expected Cost Posted to G/L Relative Reference
Exp. Cost Posted to G/L (ACY) Relative Reference
Adjustment Relative Reference
Average Cost Exception Relative Reference
Type Relative Reference


Field Calculation
Entry No. Relative Reference
Item No. Relative Reference
Posting Date Relative Reference
Item Ledger Entry Type (IF Valued Quantity >= 0, "Negative" ELSE "Positive") + "Adjmt."
Source No. LOOKUP in Customer Map, NO MATCH = Source No.
Document No. Relative Reference
Description Relative Reference
Location Code Always = "Y-HISTORY"
Inventory Posting Group Relative Reference
Source Posting Group Relative Reference
Item Ledger Entry No. Relative Reference
Valued Quantity Valued Quantity * -1
Item Ledger Entry Quantity Item Ledger Entry Quantity * -1
Invoiced Quantity Invoiced Quantity * -1
Cost per Unit Relative Reference
Sales Amount (Actual) Always = 0
Salespers./Purch. Code Relative Reference
Discount Amount IF Sales Amount (Actual) = 0, 0 ELSE Discount Amount CZK
User ID Relative Reference
Source Code Relative Reference
Applies-to Entry Relative Reference
Global Dimension 1 Code Relative Reference (Populated by user input)
Global Dimension 2 Code Relative Reference
Source Type Relative Reference
Cost Amount (Actual) (IF Cost Amount (Actual) CZK = 0 AND Cost Amount (Expected) CZK <> 0, Cost Amount (Expected) CZK ELSE Cost Amount (Actual) CZK)
Cost Posted to G/L Cost Posted to G/L * -1
Drop Shipment Relative Reference
Gen. Bus. Posting Group Relative Reference
Gen. Prod. Posting Group Relative Reference
Document Date Relative Reference
Cost Amount (Actual) (ACY) Cost Amount (Actual) * -1
Cost Posted to G/L (ACY) Relative Reference
Cost per Unit (ACY) Relative Reference
Document Type Relative Reference
Document Line No. Relative Reference
Expected Cost Relative Reference
Valued By Average Cost Relative Reference
Partial Revaluation Relative Reference
Inventoriable Relative Reference
Valuation Date Relative Reference
Entry Type Relative Reference
Purchase Amount (Actual) Relative Reference
Purchase Amount (Expected) Relative Reference
Sales Amount (Expected) Always = 0
Cost Amount (Expected) (IF Cost Amount (Actual) CZK = 0 AND Cost Amount (Expected) CZK <> 0, 0 ELSE Cost Amount (Expected) CZK) * -1
Cost Amount (Non-Invtbl.) Relative Reference
Cost Amount (Expected) (ACY) Cost Amount (Expected) * -1
Cost Amount (Non-Invtbl.)(ACY) Relative Reference
Expected Cost Posted to G/L Relative Reference
Exp. Cost Posted to G/L (ACY) Relative Reference
Adjustment Relative Reference
Average Cost Exception Relative Reference
Type Relative Reference