mill1000 / midea-ac-py

Home Assistant custom integration to control Midea (and associated brands) air conditioners via LAN.
MIT License
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Help Wanted: Add more translations #54

Open mill1000 opened 8 months ago

mill1000 commented 8 months ago

I would like to provide additional languages for the config flow, fan speeds and swing modes.

Current Status

Currently the project has translations for:

How To Contribute

This file contains all the strings that need translating.

Only the values need to be translated. For example:

  "config": {
    "step": {
      "user": {
        "description": "Select how to add a device.",
        "menu_options": {
          "discover": "Discover device",
          "manual": "Configure manually"
  "config": {
    "step": {
      "user": {
        "description": "Zadajte informácie o svojom zariadení.",
        "menu_options": {
          "discover": "Objavte zariadenie",
          "manual": "Nakonfigurujte manuálne"

For each language, a new file should be created XX.json where XX is the language tag.

Either create a PR with the translations, or post the translations here and I will integrated them.

Thanks again.

Theo16 commented 8 months ago

Hi i can help with polish language. Which files need to be translated?

mill1000 commented 8 months ago

Excellent. Thank you very much!

The file that needs translation is this one:

The file contains a bunch of key-value pairs, but only the value strings need to be translated.

For each language, a new file should be created XX.json where XX is the language tag. For Polish it would be pl.json.

You can either create a PR, or just post the translations here, either is fine.

I appreciated the help.

Theo16 commented 8 months ago

I am sending the file in attachment. I would also need to be able to translate words such as: off, horizontal, vertical, both; low, medium, high, auto.

wt., 21 lis 2023 o 17:11 Tucker Kern @.***> napisał(a):

Excellent. Thank you very much!

The file that needs translation is this one:

The file contains a bunch of key-value pairs, but only the value strings need to be translated.

For each language, a new file should be created XX.json where XX is the language tag For Polish it would be pl.json.

You can either create a PR, or just post the translations here, either is fine.

I appreciated the help.

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mill1000 commented 8 months ago

Hey @Theo16 I don't think email attachments come through on Github. You'll probably have to attach it to a comment manually.

I would also need to be able to translate words such as: off, horizontal, vertical, both; low, medium, high, auto.

I thought this wasn't possible but upon reviewing the docs it may be but I'll have to run some tests

mill1000 commented 8 months ago

I figured out how to enable translations of swing modes and fan speeds. See #55

The following additional values need to be translated

 "entity": {
    "climate": {
      "midea_ac": {
        "state_attributes": {
          "fan_mode": {
            "state": {
              "Silent": "Silent",
              "Low": "Low",
              "Medium": "Medium",
              "High": "High",
              "Auto": "Auto",
              "Custom": "Custom"
          "swing_mode": {
            "state": {
              "Off": "Off",
              "Vertical": "Vertical",
              "Horizontal": "Horizontal",
              "Both": "Both"
jmigual commented 8 months ago

Spanish (es_ES):

 "entity": {
    "climate": {
      "midea_ac": {
        "state_attributes": {
          "fan_mode": {
            "state": {
              "Silent": "Silencioso",
              "Low": "Bajo",
              "Medium": "Medio",
              "High": "Alto",
              "Auto": "Automático"
          "swing_mode": {
            "state": {
              "Off": "Apagado",
              "Vertical": "Vertical",
              "Horizontal": "Horizontal",
              "Both": "Ambos"
jmigual commented 8 months ago

Also Catalan (ca_ES) if you want to add it:

 "entity": {
    "climate": {
      "midea_ac": {
        "state_attributes": {
          "fan_mode": {
            "state": {
              "Silent": "Silenciós",
              "Low": "Baix",
              "Medium": "Mitjà",
              "High": "Alt",
              "Auto": "Automàtic"
          "swing_mode": {
            "state": {
              "Off": "Apagat",
              "Vertical": "Vertical",
              "Horizontal": "Horitzontal",
              "Both": "Ambdós"
Theo16 commented 8 months ago


{ "config": { "step": { "user": { "description": "Wybierz w jaki sposób dodać urządzenie.", "menu_options": { "discover": "Znajdź urządzenie", "manual": "Skonfiguruj ręcznie" } }, "discover": { "data": { "host": "Host (IP)" }, "description": "Pozostaw host(IP) pusty, aby znaleźć urządzenia w sieci." }, "manual": { "description": "Podaj dane Twojego urządzenia.", "data": { "id": "ID", "host": "Host (IP)", "port": "Port", "token": "Token", "k1": "Klucz" }, "data_description": { "token": "Token dla urządzeń w wersji V3", "k1": "Klucz dla urządzeń w wersji V3" } } }, "abort": { "already_configured": "To urządzenie zostało już skonfigurowane.", "cannot_connect": "Nie udało się nawiązać połączenia.", "no_devices_found": "Nie znaleziono wspieranego urządzenia w sieci." }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "Nie udało się nawiązać połączenia z tymi ustawieniami.", "device_not_found": "Nie znaleziono urządzenia w sieci.", "unsupported_device": "Urządzenie nie jest wspierane." } }, "options": { "step": { "init": { "data": { "prompt_tone": "Włącz sygnał dźwiękowy", "temp_step": "Krok nastawy temperatury", "use_fan_only_workaround": "Użyj obejścia dla błędu tylko tryb wentylacji.", "show_all_presets": "Pokaż wszystkie ustawienia wstępne", "additional_operation_modes": "Dodatkowe tryby pracy", "max_connection_lifetime": "Maksymalny czas połączenia" }, "data_description": { "temp_step": "Wielkość kroku dla nastawy temperatury", "additional_operation_modes": "Określenie dodatkowych trybów pracy", "max_connection_lifetime": "Maksymalny czas w sekundach, przez który połączenie będzie używane (minimum 30 sekund)" } } } }, "services": { "set_follow_me": { "name": "Ustaw podążaj za mną", "description": "Ustaw funkcję podążaj za mną.", "fields": { "enabled": { "name": "Włączona", "description": "Określ czy funkcja podążaj za mną ma być włączona." } } } } }

śr., 22 lis 2023 o 00:15 Tucker Kern @.***> napisał(a):

Hey @Theo16 I don't think email attachments come through on Github. You'll probably have to attach it to a comment manually.

I would also need to be able to translate words such as: off, horizontal, vertical, both; low, medium, high, auto.

I thought this wasn't possible but upon reviewing the docs it may be but I'll have to run some tests

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Theo16 commented 8 months ago


"entity": { "climate": { "midea_ac": { "state_attributes": { "fan_mode": { "state": { "Silent": "Cichy", "Low": "Niski", "Medium": "Średni", "High": "Wysoki", "Auto": "Auto" } }, "swing_mode": { "state": { "Off": "Wyłączony", "Vertical": "Pionowy", "Horizontal": "Poziomy", "Both": "Oba" } } } } }

śr., 22 lis 2023 o 01:22 Tucker Kern @.***> napisał(a):

I figured out how to enable translations of swing modes and fan speeds. See #55

The following additional values need to be translated

"entity": { "climate": { "midea_ac": { "state_attributes": { "fan_mode": { "state": { "Silent": "Silent", "Low": "Low", "Medium": "Medium", "High": "High", "Auto": "Auto" } }, "swing_mode": { "state": { "Off": "Off", "Vertical": "Vertical", "Horizontal": "Horizontal", "Both": "Both" } } } } }

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Theo16 commented 8 months ago

PL V2:

"entity": { "climate": { "midea_ac": { "state_attributes": { "fan_mode": { "state": { "Silent": "Cichy", "Low": "Niski", "Medium": "Średni", "High": "Wysoki", "Auto": "Automatyczny" } }, "swing_mode": { "state": { "Off": "Wyłączony", "Vertical": "Pionowy", "Horizontal": "Poziomy", "Both": "Oba" } } } } }

śr., 22 lis 2023 o 01:22 Tucker Kern @.***> napisał(a):

I figured out how to enable translations of swing modes and fan speeds. See #55

The following additional values need to be translated

"entity": { "climate": { "midea_ac": { "state_attributes": { "fan_mode": { "state": { "Silent": "Silent", "Low": "Low", "Medium": "Medium", "High": "High", "Auto": "Auto" } }, "swing_mode": { "state": { "Off": "Off", "Vertical": "Vertical", "Horizontal": "Horizontal", "Both": "Both" } } } } }

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mill1000 commented 8 months ago

@jmigual Thanks for the contributions! I also need the strings in this file ( for a complete translations. Would you be able to provide that? EDIT: I also need a translation for the "Custom" fan speed.

@Theo16 Thanks! There's one more fan mode that I need translated. I forgot to include in the original post. Can you provide a translation for "Custom"?

Theo16 commented 8 months ago

If I understand correctly, you mean custom, i.e. a value from 1 to 100, for example? If so, the Polish equivalent is "Ręcznie".

śr., 22 lis 2023 o 16:59 Tucker Kern @.***> napisał(a):

@jmigual Thanks for the contributions! I also need the strings in this file ( for a complete translations. Would you be able to provide that?

@Theo16 Thanks! There's one more fan mode that I need translated. I forgot to include in the original post. Can you provide a translation for "Custom"?

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mill1000 commented 8 months ago

If I understand correctly, you mean custom, i.e. a value from 1 to 100, for example? If so, the Polish equivalent is "Ręcznie". śr., 22 lis 2023 o 16:59 Tucker Kern @.***> napisał(a):

Yes exactly. Thank you very much. PR created #56

jmigual commented 8 months ago

Alright here it is:

Translation Spanish: es.json ```json { "config": { "step": { "user": { "description": "Selecciona como añadir un dispositivo.", "menu_options": { "discover": "Descubrir dispositivo", "manual": "Configurar manualmente" } }, "discover": { "data": { "host": "Anfitrión" }, "description": "Deja el anfitrión en blanco para descubrir los dispositivos en la red." }, "manual": { "description": "Introduce la información de tu dispositivo.", "data": { "id": "ID", "host": "Amfitrión", "port": "Puerto", "token": "Token", "k1": "Clave" }, "data_description": { "token": "Token para dispositivos V3", "k1": "Clave para dispositivos V3" } } }, "abort": { "already_configured": "El dispositivo ya ha sido configurado.", "cannot_connect": "No se pudo realizar una connexión.", "no_devices_found": "No se han encontrado dispositivos compatibles en la red." }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "No se pudo realizar una connexión con esta configuración.", "device_not_found": "No se ha encontrado el dispositivo en la red.", "unsupported_device": "El dispositivo no es compatible." } }, "options": { "step": { "init": { "data": { "prompt_tone": "Activar pitido", "temp_step": "Tamaño del escalón de temperatura", "use_fan_only_workaround": "Usar la alternativa \"solo ventilador\"", "show_all_presets": "Mostrar todos los preajustes", "additional_operation_modes": "Metodos de operación adicional", "max_connection_lifetime": "Tiempo de connexión máximo" }, "data_description": { "temp_step": "Tamaño del escalón para la consigna de temperatura", "additional_operation_modes": "Especificar metodos de operación adicionales", "max_connection_lifetime": "Tiempo máximo en segundos que se usará una connexión (mínimo 30 segundos)" } } } }, "services": { "set_follow_me": { "name": "Fijar \"sígueme\"", "description": "Fijar la funcion de \"sígueme\".", "fields": { "enabled": { "name": "Activado", "description": "Si \"sígueme\" debe estar activado." } } } }, "entity": { "climate": { "midea_ac": { "state_attributes": { "fan_mode": { "state": { "silent": "Silencioso", "low": "Bajo", "medium": "Medio", "high": "Alto", "auto": "Automático", "custom": "Personalizado" } }, "swing_mode": { "state": { "off": "Apagado", "vertical": "Vertical", "horizontal": "Horizontal", "both": "Ambos" } } } } } } } ```
Translation Catalan: ca.json ```json { "config": { "step": { "user": { "description": "Selecciona com afegir el dispositiu.", "menu_options": { "discover": "Descobrir dispositiu", "manual": "Configurar manualment" } }, "discover": { "data": { "host": "Amfitrió" }, "description": "Deixa l'amfitrió en blanc per descobrir dispositius a la xarxa." }, "manual": { "description": "Afegeix la informació del teu dispositiu.", "data": { "id": "ID", "host": "Amfitrió", "port": "Port", "token": "Token", "k1": "Clau" }, "data_description": { "token": "Token per a dispositius V3", "k1": "Clau per a dispositius V3" } } }, "abort": { "already_configured": "El dispositiu ja ha estat configurat.", "cannot_connect": "No s'ha pogut realitzar una connexió.", "no_devices_found": "No s'han trobat dispositius compatibles a la xarxa." }, "error": { "cannot_connect": "No s'ha pogut realitzar una connexió amb aquesta configuració.", "device_not_found": "No s'ha pogut trobar el dispositiu a la xarxa.", "unsupported_device": "El dispositiu no és compatible." } }, "options": { "step": { "init": { "data": { "prompt_tone": "Activar so", "temp_step": "Mida de l'escala de temperatura", "use_fan_only_workaround": "Utilitzar l'alternativa \"només ventilador\"", "show_all_presets": "Mostrar tots els preajustaments", "additional_operation_modes": "Mètodes d'operació addicionals", "max_connection_lifetime": "Temps màxim de connexió" }, "data_description": { "temp_step": "Mida de l'escala per a la consigna de temperatura", "additional_operation_modes": "Especificar modes d'operació addicionals", "max_connection_lifetime": "Temps màxim que s'utilitzarà una connexió en segons (mínim 30 segons)" } } } }, "services": { "set_follow_me": { "name": "Fixar \"segueix-me\"", "description": "Fixar la funció de \"segueix-me\".", "fields": { "enabled": { "name": "Activat", "description": "Si \"segueix-me\" s'ha d'activar." } } } }, "entity": { "climate": { "midea_ac": { "state_attributes": { "fan_mode": { "state": { "silent": "Silenciós", "low": "Baix", "medium": "Mitjà", "high": "Alt", "auto": "Automàtic", "custom": "Personalitzat" } }, "swing_mode": { "state": { "off": "Apagat", "vertical": "Vertical", "horizontal": "Horitzontal", "both": "Ambdós" } } } } } } } ```
mill1000 commented 8 months ago

Thanks! I'll get these merged and cut a new release early next week.

iscsu commented 7 months ago
  • [ ] Any language you want!


I came across your work, and finally was able to set up my Fisher Comfort Plus FSAIF-CP-121AE3 (Midea) to HA. As a thank you :) , here's a Hungarian translation:


mill1000 commented 7 months ago


57 - Spanish & Catalan

58 - Hungarian

pdtgit commented 7 months ago

Here is a pt-PT for portuguese translation, same expressions may be a little bit off but I will correct them after I set my ACs and make use of this integration to get a better context.


mill1000 commented 7 months ago

Thanks! I've created a PR here:

I'll wait to merge until you OK the translations.

lpispek commented 7 months ago

Hi to all, please find attached the Croatian translation. Regards.


mill1000 commented 7 months ago

Thanks! PR here

johannes387 commented 6 months ago

Hi all, here is a Dutch translation. I've left ID, host, port, token and key in English, because I guess users will need to find this information in English as well. Thanks for the nice work! nl.json

mill1000 commented 6 months ago

Thanks! PR #73

MihaiKrieger commented 3 months ago



This is the translation file for Romanian (ro-RO) language.

mill1000 commented 3 months ago

Thanks! I just merged a PR that added a few new strings. Would you be able to update this translation with those strings?

MihaiKrieger commented 3 months ago

Thanks! I just merged a PR that added a few new strings. Would you be able to update this translation with those strings?

Yes. I'll update the file and repost the updated one soon.

mill1000 commented 3 months ago

@johannes387 @lpispek @pdtgit @iscsu @jmigual @Theo16 @richbira @misa1515 @hwahyeon

If you're able to provide any translation updates as well that would be wonderful as well.

MihaiKrieger commented 3 months ago


As promised.

lpispek commented 3 months ago

I will do it soon and upload it. Thx

Zeljko Lav Pispek @.***

On Thu, 11 Apr 2024 at 16:19, Tucker Kern @.***> wrote:

@johannes387 @lpispek @pdtgit @iscsu @jmigual @Theo16 @richbira @misa1515 @hwahyeon

If you're able to provide any translation updates as well that would be wonderful as well.

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misa1515 commented 3 months ago

sk.json done

mill1000 commented 3 months ago

@MihaiKrieger Thanks! PR #113

Theo16 commented 3 months ago

Missing pl translation:

"select": {
  "horizontal_swing_angle": {
    "state": {
      "off": "Wyłączony",
      "pos_1": "Lewo",
      "pos_2": "Lewo-środek",
      "pos_3": "środek",
      "pos_4": "Prawo-środek",
      "pos_5": "Prawo"
  "vertical_swing_angle": {
    "state": {
      "off": "Wyłączony",
      "pos_1": "Góra",
      "pos_2": "Góra-środek",
      "pos_3": "Środek",
      "pos_4": "Dół-Środek",
      "pos_5": "Dół"
lpispek commented 3 months ago

CRO - HRV part:

"select": {
  "horizontal_swing_angle": {
    "state": {
      "off": "Off",
      "pos_1": "Lijevo",
      "pos_2": "Lijevo-centar",
      "pos_3": "Centar",
      "pos_4": "Desno-centar",
      "pos_5": "Desno"
  "vertical_swing_angle": {
    "state": {
      "off": "Off",
      "pos_1": "Gore",
      "pos_2": "Gore-centar",
      "pos_3": "Centar",
      "pos_4": "Dolje-centar",
      "pos_5": "Dolje"
mill1000 commented 3 months ago

Thanks. I've have these merged and released soon

mitakvd commented 2 months ago

Hello! This is the translation file for the Bulgarian (bg-BG) language. bg.json

mill1000 commented 2 months ago

Excellent! Thank you. PR #124

KVinS commented 3 weeks ago

Excellent! Thank you. PR #124

I missed the configuration screen and am not 100% sure I filled it out correctly. I especially didn't understand the meaning of "Use Fan-only Workaround" - so I didn't translate it. Is this some kind of "temporary hack"?

Also, I couldn’t find where to insert the translation of the terms: "Horizontal Swing Angle", 'Vertical Swing Angle", "Fan speed", "Filter Alert", “Display", “Purifier”?

Nevertheless, here is the RU translation. midea-ru.json

mill1000 commented 3 weeks ago

I missed the configuration screen and am not 100% sure I filled it out correctly. I especially didn't understand the meaning of "Use Fan-only Workaround" - so I didn't translate it. Is this some kind of "temporary hack"?

Yes "Use Fan-only Workaround" is a hack that I inherited from the original project. Apparently some devices had a quirk where they'd turn on and set to "fan-only" when queried. This hack effectively disabled polling the device state and instead assumes its state.

I am not aware of any users currently using it.

Also, I couldn’t find where to insert the translation of the terms: "Horizontal Swing Angle", 'Vertical Swing Angle", "Fan speed", "Filter Alert", “Display", “Purifier”?

Nevertheless, here is the RU translation. midea-ru.json

Thanks. I appreciate it.

Looks like you found the "Horizontal Swing Angle", 'Vertical Swing Angle" and "Fan speed" terms.

I have not setup translations for "Filter Alert", “Display", and “Purifier” yet.

PR #154

KVinS commented 3 weeks ago

Yes "Use Fan-only Workaround" is a hack that I inherited from the original project. Apparently some devices had a quirk where they'd turn on and set to "fan-only" when queried. This hack effectively disabled polling the device state and instead assumes its state.

I'll keep this in mind.

Looks like you found the "Horizontal Swing Angle", 'Vertical Swing Angle" and "Fan speed" terms.

I found the states, but not the term itself.


I have not setup translations for "Filter Alert", “Display", and “Purifier” yet.

It would be cool if you added this. There are languages ​​in which the Latin alphabet does not look very beautiful.

mill1000 commented 3 weeks ago

I found the states, but not the term itself.

Ah. In the case of horizontal and vertical swing angle you should be able to do this with the following form right now.

      "vertical_swing_angle": {
        "name": "Vertical Swing Angle",
        "state": {
          "off": "Off",
          "pos_1": "Top",
          "pos_2": "Top-center",
          "pos_3": "Center",
          "pos_4": "Bottom-center",
          "pos_5": "Bottom"

The rest will require some updates

mill1000 commented 3 weeks ago

@KVinS #155 should enable you to translate the remaining entities

KVinS commented 3 weeks ago

@KVinS #155 should enable you to translate the remaining entities

Thanks! I didn't know what to do with "purifier" for me it "Air Magic+" so I chose the most neutral term “air purification”.


I would also like to point out that it is not obvious to me as a user what “max_connection_lifetime” and “use_fan_only_workaround” are (what it will influence).

And it’s not clear what to enter in “additional_operation_modes”.

I also don’t understand what “show_all_presets” affects.

mill1000 commented 3 weeks ago

Those settings are documented here:

KVinS commented 3 weeks ago

By the way, wouldn’t it be more logical to move the beep enabled to the display panel?

Theo16 commented 3 weeks ago

pl.json Updated polish translation.

mill1000 commented 2 weeks ago

By the way, wouldn’t it be more logical to move the beep enabled to the display panel?

Considered it once, but the beep setting is stateless so it didn't make sense as an entity to me.

mill1000 commented 2 weeks ago

pl.json Updated polish translation.

@Theo16 Thanks! PR #156 I noticed you didn't translate the names of "Filter alert", "Fan speed", "Horizontal swing angle", and "Vertical fan angle". Was that intentional?

Theo16 commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry my mistake. Here is new file. pl.json

johannes387 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi mill1000, attached you'll find the updated Dutch translation. nl.json

mill1000 commented 2 weeks ago

@johannes387 Awesome. Thank you.

@mitakvd @lpispek @v1k70rk4 @richbira @MihaiKrieger @jmigual @misa1515 Entity names can now be translated if any of you feel inclined to update your respective translations.