milocortes / sisepuede_data
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How to Update Livestock Data

  1. Ensure that you have the most up-to-date CSV file with FAO data in the AFOLU/pop_lvst_raw_data directory.
  2. Make sure the file is named FAOSTAT_livestock_data.
  3. Make sure your file has a column with the ISO3 country codes. This can be set when downloading the csv from the FAOSTAT website.
  4. Run the script to update all initial livestock data.
  5. You can check the initial_lvst_preprocessing.ipynb notebook to debug the preprocessing code or test new features.



How to Update Crop Yield Data

  1. Ensure that you have the most up-to-date CSV file with FAO data in the AFOLU/yf_agrc_raw_data directory.
  2. Make sure the file is named FAOSTAT_crop_data.
  3. Run the script to update all initial livestock data.
  4. You can check the yf_crops_preprocessing.ipynb notebook to debug the preprocessing code or test new features.