milvus-io / milvus

A cloud-native vector database, storage for next generation AI applications
Apache License 2.0
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[Bug]: [benchmark][cluster] search raises error `fail to search on QueryNode 7: distribution is not servcieable: channel not available` in concurrent dql and dml(multi-partition) scene #33550

Open wangting0128 opened 3 months ago

wangting0128 commented 3 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?


- Milvus version:2.4-20240531-e68f0bf7-amd64
- Deployment mode(standalone or cluster):cluster
- MQ type(rocksmq, pulsar or kafka): pulsar   
- SDK version(e.g. pymilvus v2.0.0rc2): 2.4.0rc66
- OS(Ubuntu or CentOS): 
- CPU/Memory: 
- GPU: 
- Others:

Current Behavior

argo task: multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800 test case name: test_hybrid_search_locust_dql_dml_partition_hybrid_search_cluster


NAME                                                              READY   STATUS             RESTARTS           AGE     IP              NODE         NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-etcd-0                           1/1     Running            0                  3h11m   4am-node23   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-etcd-1                           1/1     Running            0                  3h11m   4am-node27   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-etcd-2                           1/1     Running            0                  3h11m    4am-node24   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-milvus-datacoord-7b4d6bb78x8w5   1/1     Running            3 (3h10m ago)      3h11m     4am-node13   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-milvus-datanode-8d9b48fc8xxkdq   1/1     Running            3 (3h10m ago)      3h11m    4am-node12   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-milvus-indexcoord-79d974724kcq   1/1     Running            0                  3h11m    4am-node12   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-milvus-indexnode-7b64b567452z6   1/1     Running            3 (3h10m ago)      3h11m     4am-node13   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-milvus-indexnode-7b64b5674qh8k   1/1     Running            3 (3h10m ago)      3h11m   4am-node25   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-milvus-indexnode-7b64b5676vr6b   1/1     Running            3 (3h10m ago)      3h11m    4am-node12   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-milvus-indexnode-7b64b567zrkbm   1/1     Running            3 (3h10m ago)      3h11m    4am-node32   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-milvus-proxy-64d698d676-gcsj7    1/1     Running            3 (3h10m ago)      3h11m   4am-node25   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-milvus-querycoord-854d7ccthwgx   1/1     Running            3 (3h10m ago)      3h11m     4am-node13   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-milvus-querynode-57d488854vzfr   1/1     Running            3 (3h10m ago)      3h11m   4am-node25   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-milvus-querynode-57d48885tzcm9   1/1     Running            3 (3h10m ago)      3h11m     4am-node13   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-milvus-rootcoord-ccf455f6hbz2z   1/1     Running            3 (3h10m ago)      3h11m   4am-node25   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-minio-0                          1/1     Running            0                  3h11m   4am-node23   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-minio-1                          1/1     Running            0                  3h11m   4am-node27   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-minio-2                          1/1     Running            0                  3h11m   4am-node21   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-minio-3                          1/1     Running            0                  3h11m    4am-node24   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-pulsar-bookie-0                  1/1     Running            0                  3h11m   4am-node23   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-pulsar-bookie-1                  1/1     Running            0                  3h11m   4am-node27   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-pulsar-bookie-2                  1/1     Running            0                  3h11m    4am-node24   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-pulsar-bookie-init-sdwxz         0/1     Completed          0                  3h11m    4am-node11   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-pulsar-broker-0                  1/1     Running            0                  3h11m    4am-node11   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-pulsar-proxy-0                   1/1     Running            0                  3h11m   4am-node18   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-pulsar-pulsar-init-vkhkz         0/1     Completed          0                  3h11m    4am-node12   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-pulsar-recovery-0                1/1     Running            0                  3h11m    4am-node11   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-pulsar-zookeeper-0               1/1     Running            0                  3h11m   4am-node23   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-pulsar-zookeeper-1               1/1     Running            0                  3h10m   4am-node21   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-1-pulsar-zookeeper-2               1/1     Running            0                  3h10m   4am-node27   <none>           <none>

client pod name: multi-vector-corn-1-1717336800-161976730 client logs:

截屏2024-06-03 14 26 43

hybrid search request raises error image

Expected Behavior

No response

Steps To Reproduce

concurrent test and calculation of RT and QPS

        :purpose:  `DQL & DML(partition)`
            verify concurrent DQL & DML(partition) scenario,
            which has 4 vector fields(IVF_FLAT, HNSW, DISKANN, IVF_SQ8) and scalar fields: `int64_1`, `varchar_1`

        :test steps:
            1. create collection with fields:
                'float_vector': 128dim,
                'float_vector_1': 128dim,
                'float_vector_2': 128dim,
                'float_vector_3': 128dim,
                scalar field: int64_1, varchar_1
            2. build indexes:
                IVF_FLAT: 'float_vector'
                HNSW: 'float_vector_1',
                DISKANN: 'float_vector_2'
                IVF_SQ8: 'float_vector_3'
                INVERTED: 'int64_1', 'varchar_1'
                default scalar index: 'id'
            3. insert 1 million data into 10 partitions
            4. flush collection
            5. build indexes again using the same params
            6. load collection
                replica: 1
            7. concurrent request:
                - scene_test_partition_hybrid_search
                    (partition: create->insert->flush->index again->load->hybrid_search->release->hybrid_search failed->drop)
                - search
                - hybrid_search
                - query

Milvus Log

No response

Anything else?

test result:

[2024-06-02 20:29:40,113 -  INFO - fouram]: Print locust final stats. (
[2024-06-02 20:29:40,115 -  INFO - fouram]: Type     Name                                                                          # reqs      # fails |    Avg     Min     Max    Med |   req/s  failures/s (
[2024-06-02 20:29:40,115 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|--------|----------- (
[2024-06-02 20:29:40,115 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     hybrid_search                                                                   2886     2(0.07%) |   4212      33   44262   2600 |    0.27        0.00 (
[2024-06-02 20:29:40,115 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     query                                                                            374     0(0.00%) |   3686      22   52896    390 |    0.03        0.00 (
[2024-06-02 20:29:40,115 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     scene_test_partition_hybrid_search                                               344     0(0.00%) | 380795  155959  677097 368000 |    0.03        0.00 (
[2024-06-02 20:29:40,116 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     search                                                                          2834     0(0.00%) |  23947    2535   52207  24000 |    0.26        0.00 (
[2024-06-02 20:29:40,116 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|--------|----------- (
[2024-06-02 20:29:40,116 -  INFO - fouram]:          Aggregated                                                                      6438     2(0.03%) |  32991      22  677097  13000 |    0.60        0.00 (
[2024-06-02 20:29:40,116 -  INFO - fouram]:  (
[2024-06-02 20:29:40,121 -  INFO - fouram]: [PerfTemplate] Report data: 
{'server': {'deploy_tool': 'helm',
            'deploy_mode': 'cluster',
            'config_name': 'cluster_2c8m',
            'config': {'queryNode': {'resources': {'limits': {'cpu': '32.0',
                                                              'memory': '32Gi'},
                                                   'requests': {'cpu': '17.0',
                                                                'memory': '17Gi'}},
                                     'replicas': 2},
                       'indexNode': {'resources': {'limits': {'cpu': '8.0',
                                                              'memory': '8Gi'},
                                                   'requests': {'cpu': '5.0',
                                                                'memory': '5Gi'}},
                                     'replicas': 4},
                       'dataNode': {'resources': {'limits': {'cpu': '2.0',
                                                             'memory': '8Gi'},
                                                  'requests': {'cpu': '2.0',
                                                               'memory': '5Gi'}}},
                       'cluster': {'enabled': True},
                       'pulsar': {},
                       'kafka': {},
                       'minio': {'metrics': {'podMonitor': {'enabled': True}}},
                       'etcd': {'metrics': {'enabled': True,
                                            'podMonitor': {'enabled': True}}},
                       'metrics': {'serviceMonitor': {'enabled': True}},
                       'log': {'level': 'debug'},
                       'image': {'all': {'repository': '',
                                         'tag': '2.4-20240531-e68f0bf7-amd64'}}},
            'host': '',
            'port': '19530',
            'uri': ''},
 'client': {'test_case_type': 'ConcurrentClientBase',
            'test_case_name': 'test_hybrid_search_locust_dql_dml_partition_hybrid_search_cluster',
            'test_case_params': {'dataset_params': {'metric_type': 'L2',
                                                    'dim': 128,
                                                    'scalars_index': {'id': {},
                                                                      'int64_1': {'index_type': 'INVERTED'},
                                                                      'varchar_1': {'index_type': 'INVERTED'}},
                                                    'vectors_index': {'float_vector_1': {'index_type': 'HNSW',
                                                                                         'index_param': {'M': 8,
                                                                                                         'efConstruction': 200},
                                                                                         'metric_type': 'L2'},
                                                                      'float_vector_2': {'index_type': 'DISKANN',
                                                                                         'index_param': {},
                                                                                         'metric_type': 'IP'},
                                                                      'float_vector_3': {'index_type': 'IVF_SQ8',
                                                                                         'index_param': {'nlist': 2048},
                                                                                         'metric_type': 'L2'}},
                                                    'scalars_params': {'float_vector_1': {'params': {'dim': 128},
                                                                                          'other_params': {'dataset': 'sift',
                                                                                                           'dim': 128}},
                                                                       'float_vector_2': {'params': {'dim': 128},
                                                                                          'other_params': {'dataset': 'sift',
                                                                                                           'dim': 128}},
                                                                       'float_vector_3': {'params': {'dim': 128},
                                                                                          'other_params': {'dataset': 'sift',
                                                                                                           'dim': 128}}},
                                                    'extra_partitions': {'partitions': ['_default',
                                                                         'data_repeated': False},
                                                    'dataset_name': 'sift',
                                                    'dataset_size': 1000000,
                                                    'ni_per': 10000},
                                 'collection_params': {'other_fields': ['float_vector_1',
                                                       'shards_num': 2},
                                 'resource_groups_params': {'reset': False},
                                 'database_user_params': {'reset_rbac': False,
                                                          'reset_db': False},
                                 'index_params': {'index_type': 'IVF_FLAT',
                                                  'index_param': {'nlist': 1024}},
                                 'concurrent_params': {'concurrent_number': 20,
                                                       'during_time': '3h',
                                                       'interval': 20,
                                                       'spawn_rate': None},
                                 'concurrent_tasks': [{'type': 'scene_test_partition_hybrid_search',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'nq': 1,
                                                                  'top_k': 1,
                                                                  'reqs': [{'search_param': {'nprobe': 128},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector',
                                                                            'top_k': 100},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'ef': 64},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector_1',
                                                                            'top_k': 10},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'search_list': 32},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector_2',
                                                                            'top_k': 30},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'nprobe': 16},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector_3',
                                                                            'top_k': 400}],
                                                                  'rerank': {'RRFRanker': []},
                                                                  'output_fields': ['*'],
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'guarantee_timestamp': None,
                                                                  'timeout': 600,
                                                                  'random_data': True,
                                                                  'data_size': 3000,
                                                                  'ni': 3000}},
                                                      {'type': 'search',
                                                       'weight': 8,
                                                       'params': {'nq': 1000,
                                                                  'top_k': 1,
                                                                  'search_param': {'nprobe': 1000},
                                                                  'expr': 'int64_1 '
                                                                          '>= '
                                                                  'guarantee_timestamp': None,
                                                                  'partition_names': ['_default',
                                                                  'output_fields': None,
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'group_by_field': None,
                                                                  'timeout': 600,
                                                                  'random_data': True}},
                                                      {'type': 'hybrid_search',
                                                       'weight': 8,
                                                       'params': {'nq': 1,
                                                                  'top_k': 100,
                                                                  'reqs': [{'search_param': {'nprobe': 128},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector',
                                                                            'top_k': 100},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'ef': 64},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector_1',
                                                                            'top_k': 10},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'search_list': 32},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector_2',
                                                                            'top_k': 30},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'nprobe': 16},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector_3',
                                                                            'top_k': 400}],
                                                                  'rerank': {'WeightedRanker': [0.85,
                                                                  'output_fields': ['*'],
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'guarantee_timestamp': None,
                                                                  'partition_names': ['_default',
                                                                  'timeout': 600,
                                                                  'random_data': True}},
                                                      {'type': 'query',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'ids': None,
                                                                  'expr': 'int64_1 '
                                                                          '> '
                                                                          '-1 '
                                                                          '&& ',
                                                                  'output_fields': ['*'],
                                                                  'offset': None,
                                                                  'limit': None,
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'partition_names': ['_default',
                                                                  'timeout': 600,
                                                                  'random_data': True,
                                                                  'random_count': 20,
                                                                  'random_range': [0,
                                                                  'field_name': 'id',
                                                                  'field_type': 'int64'}}]},
            'run_id': 2024060287183963,
            'datetime': '2024-06-02 17:18:38.929694',
            'client_version': '2.4.0'},
 'result': {'test_result': {'index': {'RT': 148.091,
                                      'float_vector_1': {'RT': 0.5363},
                                      'float_vector_2': {'RT': 5.557},
                                      'float_vector_3': {'RT': 1.0201},
                                      'id': {'RT': 0.5152},
                                      'int64_1': {'RT': 0.5269},
                                      'varchar_1': {'RT': 0.5217}},
                            'insert': {'total_time': 180.2778,
                                       'VPS': 5555.0821,
                                       'batch_time': 1.8028,
                                       'batch': 10000.0},
                            'flush': {'RT': 2.5625},
                            'load': {'RT': 6.5712},
                            'Locust': {'Aggregated': {'Requests': 6438,
                                                      'Fails': 2,
                                                      'RPS': 0.6,
                                                      'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                      'RT_max': 677097.6,
                                                      'RT_avg': 32991.11,
                                                      'TP50': 13000.0,
                                                      'TP99': 461000.0},
                                       'hybrid_search': {'Requests': 2886,
                                                         'Fails': 2,
                                                         'RPS': 0.27,
                                                         'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                         'RT_max': 44262.23,
                                                         'RT_avg': 4212.52,
                                                         'TP50': 2600.0,
                                                         'TP99': 23000.0},
                                       'query': {'Requests': 374,
                                                 'Fails': 0,
                                                 'RPS': 0.03,
                                                 'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                 'RT_max': 52896.65,
                                                 'RT_avg': 3686.56,
                                                 'TP50': 390.0,
                                                 'TP99': 41000.0},
                                       'scene_test_partition_hybrid_search': {'Requests': 344,
                                                                              'Fails': 0,
                                                                              'RPS': 0.03,
                                                                              'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                                              'RT_max': 677097.6,
                                                                              'RT_avg': 380795.08,
                                                                              'TP50': 369000.0,
                                                                              'TP99': 663000.0},
                                       'search': {'Requests': 2834,
                                                  'Fails': 0,
                                                  'RPS': 0.26,
                                                  'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                  'RT_max': 52207.5,
                                                  'RT_avg': 23947.47,
                                                  'TP50': 24000.0,
                                                  'TP99': 46000.0}}}}}
yanliang567 commented 3 months ago

/assign @zhagnlu /unassign

wangting0128 commented 3 months ago

same error, different scene

argo task: multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000 test case name: test_hybrid_search_locust_dql_dml_partition_cluster image: 2.4-20240620-e55fee6b-amd64


NAME                                                              READY   STATUS                  RESTARTS        AGE     IP              NODE         NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-etcd-0                           1/1     Running                 0               3h10m   4am-node36   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-etcd-1                           1/1     Running                 0               3h10m   4am-node25   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-etcd-2                           1/1     Running                 0               3h10m    4am-node23   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-milvus-datacoord-75b698cf5fcmj   1/1     Running                 3 (3h9m ago)    3h10m    4am-node23   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-milvus-datanode-566d86dd4mfc76   1/1     Running                 3 (3h9m ago)    3h10m    4am-node23   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-milvus-indexcoord-74c4b6d5slkk   1/1     Running                 0               3h10m    4am-node10   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-milvus-indexnode-57d68bc78ffg5   1/1     Running                 3 (3h9m ago)    3h10m    4am-node22   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-milvus-indexnode-57d68bc78lgm5   1/1     Running                 3 (3h9m ago)    3h10m     4am-node11   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-milvus-indexnode-57d68bc7f94bf   1/1     Running                 3 (3h9m ago)    3h10m     4am-node13   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-milvus-indexnode-57d68bc7v49qx   1/1     Running                 3 (3h9m ago)    3h10m     4am-node38   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-milvus-proxy-6c5bbcc884-ncdlc    1/1     Running                 3 (3h9m ago)    3h10m    4am-node23   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-milvus-querycoord-6d9c9f4cpq84   1/1     Running                 3 (3h9m ago)    3h10m    4am-node10   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-milvus-querynode-5fc8979c8f7fk   1/1     Running                 3 (3h9m ago)    3h10m    4am-node10   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-milvus-rootcoord-5f445f4ckdh7k   1/1     Running                 3 (3h9m ago)    3h10m     4am-node13   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-minio-0                          1/1     Running                 0               3h10m   4am-node25   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-minio-1                          1/1     Running                 0               3h10m    4am-node23   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-minio-2                          1/1     Running                 0               3h10m   4am-node21   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-minio-3                          1/1     Running                 0               3h10m     4am-node36   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-pulsar-bookie-0                  1/1     Running                 0               3h10m     4am-node36   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-pulsar-bookie-1                  1/1     Running                 0               3h10m   4am-node25   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-pulsar-bookie-2                  1/1     Running                 0               3h10m   4am-node21   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-pulsar-bookie-init-pdskm         0/1     Completed               0               3h10m    4am-node23   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-pulsar-broker-0                  1/1     Running                 0               3h10m   4am-node36   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-pulsar-proxy-0                   1/1     Running                 0               3h10m   4am-node36   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-pulsar-pulsar-init-8h5rq         0/1     Completed               0               3h10m    4am-node23   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-pulsar-recovery-0                1/1     Running                 0               3h10m   4am-node21   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-pulsar-zookeeper-0               1/1     Running                 0               3h10m   4am-node25   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-pulsar-zookeeper-1               1/1     Running                 0               3h9m    4am-node23   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-1-pulsar-zookeeper-2               1/1     Running                 0               3h9m    4am-node37   <none>           <none>


client pod name: multi-vector-corn-1-1718892000-3432833946 client logs:

[2024-06-20 17:08:43,971 - ERROR - fouram]: RPC error: [hybrid_search], <MilvusException: (code=503, message=fail to Query on QueryNode 3: distribution is not servcieable: channel not available[channel=by-dev-rootcoord-dml_1_450597291929633066v1])>, <Time:{'RPC start': '2024-06-20 17:08:43.263132', 'RPC error': '2024-06-20 17:08:43.971716'}> (
[2024-06-20 17:08:43,972 - ERROR - fouram]: (api_response) : [Collection.hybrid_search] <MilvusException: (code=503, message=fail to Query on QueryNode 3: distribution is not servcieable: channel not available[channel=by-dev-rootcoord-dml_1_450597291929633066v1])>, [requestId: bf5e3f56-2f27-11ef-b968-42a579a79d73] (
[2024-06-20 17:08:43,972 - ERROR - fouram]: [CheckFunc] hybrid_search request check failed, response:<MilvusException: (code=503, message=fail to Query on QueryNode 3: distribution is not servcieable: channel not available[channel=by-dev-rootcoord-dml_1_450597291929633066v1])> (

test steps:

        concurrent test and calculation of RT and QPS

        :purpose:  `DQL & DML(partition)`
            verify concurrent DQL & DML(partition) scenario,
            which has 4 vector fields(IVF_FLAT, HNSW, DISKANN, IVF_SQ8) and scalar fields: `int64_1`, `varchar_1`

        :test steps:
            1. create collection with fields:
                'float_vector': 128dim,
                'float_vector_1': 128dim,
                'float_vector_2': 128dim,
                'float_vector_3': 128dim,
                scalar field: int64_1, varchar_1
            2. build indexes:
                IVF_FLAT: 'float_vector'
                HNSW: 'float_vector_1',
                DISKANN: 'float_vector_2'
                IVF_SQ8: 'float_vector_3'
                INVERTED: 'int64_1', 'varchar_1'
                default scalar index: 'id'
            3. insert 1 million data into 10 partitions
            4. flush collection
            5. build indexes again using the same params
            6. load collection
                replica: 1
            7. concurrent request:
                - scene_test_partition
                    (partition: create->insert->flush->index again->load->search->release->search failed->drop)
                - search
                - hybrid_search
                - query

test result:

[2024-06-20 17:12:30,063 -  INFO - fouram]: Type     Name                                                                          # reqs      # fails |    Avg     Min     Max    Med |   req/s  failures/s (
[2024-06-20 17:12:30,063 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|--------|----------- (
[2024-06-20 17:12:30,063 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     hybrid_search                                                                   1114     1(0.09%) |  28736      25  158540  27000 |    0.10        0.00 (
[2024-06-20 17:12:30,063 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     query                                                                            127     0(0.00%) |  31414     183  161310  16000 |    0.01        0.00 (
[2024-06-20 17:12:30,064 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     scene_test_partition                                                             126     0(0.00%) | 956617  413009 1827396 890000 |    0.01        0.00 (
[2024-06-20 17:12:30,064 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     search                                                                          1044     0(0.00%) |  52480   13033  126048  51000 |    0.10        0.00 (
[2024-06-20 17:12:30,064 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|--------|----------- (
[2024-06-20 17:12:30,064 -  INFO - fouram]:          Aggregated                                                                      2411     1(0.04%) |  87650      25 1827396  41000 |    0.22        0.00 (
[2024-06-20 17:12:30,064 -  INFO - fouram]:  (
[2024-06-20 17:12:30,072 -  INFO - fouram]: [PerfTemplate] Report data: 
{'server': {'deploy_tool': 'helm',
            'deploy_mode': 'cluster',
            'config_name': 'cluster_2c8m',
            'config': {'queryNode': {'resources': {'limits': {'cpu': '32.0',
                                                              'memory': '64Gi'},
                                                   'requests': {'cpu': '17.0',
                                                                'memory': '33Gi'}},
                                     'replicas': 1},
                       'indexNode': {'resources': {'limits': {'cpu': '8.0',
                                                              'memory': '8Gi'},
                                                   'requests': {'cpu': '5.0',
                                                                'memory': '5Gi'}},
                                     'replicas': 4},
                       'dataNode': {'resources': {'limits': {'cpu': '2.0',
                                                             'memory': '8Gi'},
                                                  'requests': {'cpu': '2.0',
                                                               'memory': '5Gi'}}},
                       'cluster': {'enabled': True},
                       'pulsar': {},
                       'kafka': {},
                       'minio': {'metrics': {'podMonitor': {'enabled': True}}},
                       'etcd': {'metrics': {'enabled': True,
                                            'podMonitor': {'enabled': True}}},
                       'metrics': {'serviceMonitor': {'enabled': True}},
                       'log': {'level': 'debug'},
                       'image': {'all': {'repository': '',
                                         'tag': '2.4-20240620-e55fee6b-amd64'}}},
            'host': '',
            'port': '19530',
            'uri': ''},
 'client': {'test_case_type': 'ConcurrentClientBase',
            'test_case_name': 'test_hybrid_search_locust_dql_dml_partition_cluster',
            'test_case_params': {'dataset_params': {'metric_type': 'L2',
                                                    'dim': 128,
                                                    'scalars_index': {'id': {},
                                                                      'int64_1': {'index_type': 'INVERTED'},
                                                                      'varchar_1': {'index_type': 'INVERTED'}},
                                                    'vectors_index': {'float_vector_1': {'index_type': 'HNSW',
                                                                                         'index_param': {'M': 8,
                                                                                                         'efConstruction': 200},
                                                                                         'metric_type': 'L2'},
                                                                      'float_vector_2': {'index_type': 'DISKANN',
                                                                                         'index_param': {},
                                                                                         'metric_type': 'IP'},
                                                                      'float_vector_3': {'index_type': 'IVF_SQ8',
                                                                                         'index_param': {'nlist': 2048},
                                                                                         'metric_type': 'L2'}},
                                                    'scalars_params': {'float_vector_1': {'params': {'dim': 128},
                                                                                          'other_params': {'dataset': 'sift'}},
                                                                       'float_vector_2': {'params': {'dim': 128},
                                                                                          'other_params': {'dataset': 'sift'}},
                                                                       'float_vector_3': {'params': {'dim': 128},
                                                                                          'other_params': {'dataset': 'sift'}}},
                                                    'extra_partitions': {'partitions': ['_default',
                                                                         'data_repeated': False},
                                                    'dataset_name': 'sift',
                                                    'dataset_size': 1000000,
                                                    'ni_per': 10000},
                                 'collection_params': {'other_fields': ['float_vector_1',
                                                       'shards_num': 2},
                                 'resource_groups_params': {'reset': False},
                                 'database_user_params': {'reset_rbac': False,
                                                          'reset_db': False},
                                 'index_params': {'index_type': 'IVF_FLAT',
                                                  'index_param': {'nlist': 1024}},
                                 'concurrent_params': {'concurrent_number': 20,
                                                       'during_time': '3h',
                                                       'interval': 20,
                                                       'spawn_rate': None},
                                 'concurrent_tasks': [{'type': 'scene_test_partition',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'data_size': 3000,
                                                                  'ni': 3000,
                                                                  'nq': 1,
                                                                  'search_param': {'nprobe': 64},
                                                                  'limit': 1,
                                                                  'expr': None,
                                                                  'output_fields': ['*'],
                                                                  'guarantee_timestamp': None,
                                                                  'timeout': 600}},
                                                      {'type': 'search',
                                                       'weight': 8,
                                                       'params': {'nq': 1000,
                                                                  'top_k': 1,
                                                                  'search_param': {'nprobe': 1000},
                                                                  'expr': 'int64_1 '
                                                                          '>= '
                                                                  'guarantee_timestamp': None,
                                                                  'partition_names': ['_default',
                                                                  'output_fields': None,
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'group_by_field': None,
                                                                  'timeout': 600,
                                                                  'random_data': True}},
                                                      {'type': 'hybrid_search',
                                                       'weight': 8,
                                                       'params': {'nq': 1,
                                                                  'top_k': 100,
                                                                  'reqs': [{'search_param': {'nprobe': 128},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector',
                                                                            'top_k': 100},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'ef': 64},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector_1',
                                                                            'top_k': 10},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'search_list': 32},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector_2',
                                                                            'top_k': 30},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'nprobe': 16},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector_3',
                                                                            'top_k': 400}],
                                                                  'rerank': {'WeightedRanker': [0.85,
                                                                  'output_fields': ['*'],
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'guarantee_timestamp': None,
                                                                  'partition_names': ['_default',
                                                                  'timeout': 600,
                                                                  'random_data': True}},
                                                      {'type': 'query',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'ids': None,
                                                                  'expr': 'int64_1 '
                                                                          '> '
                                                                          '-1 '
                                                                          '&& ',
                                                                  'output_fields': ['*'],
                                                                  'offset': None,
                                                                  'limit': None,
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'partition_names': ['_default',
                                                                  'timeout': 600,
                                                                  'random_data': True,
                                                                  'random_count': 20,
                                                                  'random_range': [0,
                                                                  'field_name': 'id',
                                                                  'field_type': 'int64'}}]},
            'run_id': 2024062021686923,
            'datetime': '2024-06-20 14:02:48.048522',
            'client_version': '2.4.0'},
 'result': {'test_result': {'index': {'RT': 132.9929,
                                      'float_vector_1': {'RT': 0.5187},
                                      'float_vector_2': {'RT': 5.5508},
                                      'float_vector_3': {'RT': 1.0194},
                                      'id': {'RT': 0.5129},
                                      'int64_1': {'RT': 0.5132},
                                      'varchar_1': {'RT': 0.5122}},
                            'insert': {'total_time': 148.5766,
                                       'VPS': 6733.0546,
                                       'batch_time': 1.4858,
                                       'batch': 10000.0},
                            'flush': {'RT': 2.537},
                            'load': {'RT': 5.5589},
                            'Locust': {'Aggregated': {'Requests': 2411,
                                                      'Fails': 1,
                                                      'RPS': 0.22,
                                                      'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                      'RT_max': 1827396.76,
                                                      'RT_avg': 87650.74,
                                                      'TP50': 41000.0,
                                                      'TP99': 1240000.0},
                                       'hybrid_search': {'Requests': 1114,
                                                         'Fails': 1,
                                                         'RPS': 0.1,
                                                         'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                         'RT_max': 158540.85,
                                                         'RT_avg': 28736.84,
                                                         'TP50': 27000.0,
                                                         'TP99': 94000.0},
                                       'query': {'Requests': 127,
                                                 'Fails': 0,
                                                 'RPS': 0.01,
                                                 'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                 'RT_max': 161310.19,
                                                 'RT_avg': 31414.55,
                                                 'TP50': 16000.0,
                                                 'TP99': 140000.0},
                                       'scene_test_partition': {'Requests': 126,
                                                                'Fails': 0,
                                                                'RPS': 0.01,
                                                                'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                                'RT_max': 1827396.76,
                                                                'RT_avg': 956617.85,
                                                                'TP50': 912000.0,
                                                                'TP99': 1797000.0},
                                       'search': {'Requests': 1044,
                                                  'Fails': 0,
                                                  'RPS': 0.1,
                                                  'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                  'RT_max': 126048.28,
                                                  'RT_avg': 52480.46,
                                                  'TP50': 51000.0,
                                                  'TP99': 95000.0}}}}}
wangting0128 commented 1 month ago


argo task: multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400 test case name: test_hybrid_search_locust_dql_dml_partition_hybrid_search_cluster image: 2.4-20240805-1b304e98-amd64


NAME                                                              READY   STATUS             RESTARTS        AGE     IP              NODE         NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-etcd-0                           1/1     Running            0               3h23m   4am-node21   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-etcd-1                           1/1     Running            0               3h23m   4am-node27   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-etcd-2                           1/1     Running            0               3h23m   4am-node36   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-milvus-datacoord-57d64c44xsqfn   1/1     Running            3 (3h22m ago)   3h23m   4am-node23   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-milvus-datanode-57fcb5cb5cvnww   1/1     Running            3 (3h22m ago)   3h23m   4am-node16   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-milvus-indexcoord-6dcb697b9768   1/1     Running            0               3h23m   4am-node21   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-milvus-indexnode-f7565d8fhkhjh   1/1     Running            3 (3h22m ago)   3h23m    4am-node13   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-milvus-indexnode-f7565d8fjp9xr   1/1     Running            3 (3h22m ago)   3h23m    4am-node14   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-milvus-indexnode-f7565d8flczhs   1/1     Running            3 (3h22m ago)   3h23m   4am-node27   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-milvus-indexnode-f7565d8fn598n   1/1     Running            3 (3h22m ago)   3h23m   4am-node21   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-milvus-proxy-66997d8f5c-j6j28    1/1     Running            3 (3h22m ago)   3h23m   4am-node23   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-milvus-querycoord-6884458dsqnn   1/1     Running            3 (3h22m ago)   3h23m   4am-node16   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-milvus-querynode-7d4fcdb42sdtm   1/1     Running            0               3h23m   4am-node25   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-milvus-querynode-7d4fcdb4rr29j   1/1     Running            3 (3h22m ago)   3h23m   4am-node23   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-milvus-rootcoord-69848d5clw9m4   1/1     Running            3 (3h22m ago)   3h23m   4am-node16   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-minio-0                          1/1     Running            0               3h23m   4am-node21   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-minio-1                          1/1     Running            0               3h23m   4am-node25   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-minio-2                          1/1     Running            0               3h23m   4am-node36   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-minio-3                          1/1     Running            0               3h23m   4am-node27   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-pulsar-bookie-0                  1/1     Running            0               3h23m   4am-node21   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-pulsar-bookie-1                  1/1     Running            0               3h23m   4am-node25   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-pulsar-bookie-2                  1/1     Running            0               3h23m     4am-node28   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-pulsar-bookie-init-nt7kr         0/1     Completed          0               3h23m   4am-node23   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-pulsar-broker-0                  1/1     Running            0               3h23m   4am-node25   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-pulsar-proxy-0                   1/1     Running            0               3h23m    4am-node13   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-pulsar-pulsar-init-bn7nc         0/1     Completed          0               3h23m   4am-node23   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-pulsar-recovery-0                1/1     Running            0               3h23m   4am-node27   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-pulsar-zookeeper-0               1/1     Running            0               3h23m   4am-node25   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-pulsar-zookeeper-1               1/1     Running            0               3h22m   4am-node21   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1722866400-1-pulsar-zookeeper-2               1/1     Running            0               3h21m   4am-node36   <none>           <none>

client log:

截屏2024-08-06 14 14 22

test result:

[2024-08-05 20:45:02,810 -  INFO - fouram]: Print locust final stats. (
[2024-08-05 20:45:02,811 -  INFO - fouram]: Type     Name                                                                          # reqs      # fails |    Avg     Min     Max    Med |   req/s  failures/s (
[2024-08-05 20:45:02,811 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|--------|----------- (
[2024-08-05 20:45:02,811 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     hybrid_search                                                                   2768    21(0.76%) |   3912      14   42835   2300 |    0.26        0.00 (
[2024-08-05 20:45:02,811 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     query                                                                            336     1(0.30%) |   3497      30   49197    510 |    0.03        0.00 (
[2024-08-05 20:45:02,811 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     scene_test_partition_hybrid_search                                               344     0(0.00%) | 380458  116339  727011 383000 |    0.03        0.00 (
[2024-08-05 20:45:02,811 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     search                                                                          2823    21(0.74%) |  25075     676   55330  25000 |    0.26        0.00 (
[2024-08-05 20:45:02,811 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|--------|----------- (
[2024-08-05 20:45:02,811 -  INFO - fouram]:          Aggregated                                                                      6271    43(0.69%) |  34072      14  727011  14000 |    0.58        0.00 (
[2024-08-05 20:45:02,811 -  INFO - fouram]:  (
[2024-08-05 20:45:02,814 -  INFO - fouram]: [PerfTemplate] Report data: 
{'server': {'deploy_tool': 'helm',
            'deploy_mode': 'cluster',
            'config_name': 'cluster_2c8m',
            'config': {'queryNode': {'resources': {'limits': {'cpu': '32.0',
                                                              'memory': '32Gi'},
                                                   'requests': {'cpu': '17.0',
                                                                'memory': '17Gi'}},
                                     'replicas': 2},
                       'indexNode': {'resources': {'limits': {'cpu': '8.0',
                                                              'memory': '8Gi'},
                                                   'requests': {'cpu': '5.0',
                                                                'memory': '5Gi'}},
                                     'replicas': 4},
                       'dataNode': {'resources': {'limits': {'cpu': '2.0',
                                                             'memory': '8Gi'},
                                                  'requests': {'cpu': '2.0',
                                                               'memory': '5Gi'}}},
                       'cluster': {'enabled': True},
                       'pulsar': {},
                       'kafka': {},
                       'minio': {'metrics': {'podMonitor': {'enabled': True}}},
                       'etcd': {'metrics': {'enabled': True,
                                            'podMonitor': {'enabled': True}}},
                       'metrics': {'serviceMonitor': {'enabled': True}},
                       'log': {'level': 'debug'},
                       'image': {'all': {'repository': '',
                                         'tag': '2.4-20240805-1b304e98-amd64'}}},
            'host': '',
            'port': '19530',
            'uri': ''},
 'client': {'test_case_type': 'ConcurrentClientBase',
            'test_case_name': 'test_hybrid_search_locust_dql_dml_partition_hybrid_search_cluster',
            'test_case_params': {'dataset_params': {'metric_type': 'L2',
                                                    'dim': 128,
                                                    'scalars_index': {'id': {},
                                                                      'int64_1': {'index_type': 'INVERTED'},
                                                                      'varchar_1': {'index_type': 'INVERTED'}},
                                                    'vectors_index': {'float_vector_1': {'index_type': 'HNSW',
                                                                                         'index_param': {'M': 8,
                                                                                                         'efConstruction': 200},
                                                                                         'metric_type': 'L2'},
                                                                      'float_vector_2': {'index_type': 'DISKANN',
                                                                                         'index_param': {},
                                                                                         'metric_type': 'IP'},
                                                                      'float_vector_3': {'index_type': 'IVF_SQ8',
                                                                                         'index_param': {'nlist': 2048},
                                                                                         'metric_type': 'L2'}},
                                                    'scalars_params': {'float_vector_1': {'params': {'dim': 128},
                                                                                          'other_params': {'dataset': 'sift'}},
                                                                       'float_vector_2': {'params': {'dim': 128},
                                                                                          'other_params': {'dataset': 'sift'}},
                                                                       'float_vector_3': {'params': {'dim': 128},
                                                                                          'other_params': {'dataset': 'sift'}}},
                                                    'extra_partitions': {'partitions': ['_default',
                                                                         'data_repeated': False},
                                                    'dataset_name': 'sift',
                                                    'dataset_size': 1000000,
                                                    'ni_per': 10000},
                                 'collection_params': {'other_fields': ['float_vector_1',
                                                       'shards_num': 2},
                                 'resource_groups_params': {'reset': False},
                                 'database_user_params': {'reset_rbac': False,
                                                          'reset_db': False},
                                 'index_params': {'index_type': 'IVF_FLAT',
                                                  'index_param': {'nlist': 1024}},
                                 'concurrent_params': {'concurrent_number': 20,
                                                       'during_time': '3h',
                                                       'interval': 20,
                                                       'spawn_rate': None},
                                 'concurrent_tasks': [{'type': 'scene_test_partition_hybrid_search',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'nq': 1,
                                                                  'top_k': 1,
                                                                  'reqs': [{'search_param': {'nprobe': 128},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector',
                                                                            'top_k': 100},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'ef': 64},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector_1',
                                                                            'top_k': 10},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'search_list': 32},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector_2',
                                                                            'top_k': 30},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'nprobe': 16},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector_3',
                                                                            'top_k': 400}],
                                                                  'rerank': {'RRFRanker': []},
                                                                  'output_fields': ['*'],
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'guarantee_timestamp': None,
                                                                  'timeout': 600,
                                                                  'random_data': True,
                                                                  'data_size': 3000,
                                                                  'ni': 3000}},
                                                      {'type': 'search',
                                                       'weight': 8,
                                                       'params': {'nq': 1000,
                                                                  'top_k': 1,
                                                                  'search_param': {'nprobe': 1000},
                                                                  'expr': 'int64_1 '
                                                                          '>= '
                                                                  'guarantee_timestamp': None,
                                                                  'partition_names': ['_default',
                                                                  'output_fields': None,
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'group_by_field': None,
                                                                  'timeout': 600,
                                                                  'random_data': True}},
                                                      {'type': 'hybrid_search',
                                                       'weight': 8,
                                                       'params': {'nq': 1,
                                                                  'top_k': 100,
                                                                  'reqs': [{'search_param': {'nprobe': 128},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector',
                                                                            'top_k': 100},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'ef': 64},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector_1',
                                                                            'top_k': 10},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'search_list': 32},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector_2',
                                                                            'top_k': 30},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'nprobe': 16},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector_3',
                                                                            'top_k': 400}],
                                                                  'rerank': {'WeightedRanker': [0.85,
                                                                  'output_fields': ['*'],
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'guarantee_timestamp': None,
                                                                  'partition_names': ['_default',
                                                                  'timeout': 600,
                                                                  'random_data': True}},
                                                      {'type': 'query',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'ids': None,
                                                                  'expr': 'int64_1 '
                                                                          '> '
                                                                          '-1 '
                                                                          '&& ',
                                                                  'output_fields': ['*'],
                                                                  'offset': None,
                                                                  'limit': None,
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'partition_names': ['_default',
                                                                  'timeout': 600,
                                                                  'random_data': True,
                                                                  'random_count': 20,
                                                                  'random_range': [0,
                                                                  'field_name': 'id',
                                                                  'field_type': 'int64'}}]},
            'run_id': 2024080585433568,
            'datetime': '2024-08-05 17:22:23.148494',
            'client_version': '2.4.0'},
 'result': {'test_result': {'index': {'RT': 101.3387,
                                      'float_vector_1': {'RT': 0.5151},
                                      'float_vector_2': {'RT': 2.5389},
                                      'float_vector_3': {'RT': 0.5197},
                                      'id': {'RT': 0.5186},
                                      'int64_1': {'RT': 0.5196},
                                      'varchar_1': {'RT': 0.52}},
                            'insert': {'total_time': 157.084,
                                       'VPS': 6368.2859,
                                       'batch_time': 1.5708,
                                       'batch': 10000.0},
                            'flush': {'RT': 2.5605},
                            'load': {'RT': 3.95},
                            'Locust': {'Aggregated': {'Requests': 6271,
                                                      'Fails': 43,
                                                      'RPS': 0.58,
                                                      'fail_s': 0.01,
                                                      'RT_max': 727011.75,
                                                      'RT_avg': 34072.87,
                                                      'TP50': 14000.0,
                                                      'TP99': 458000.0},
                                       'hybrid_search': {'Requests': 2768,
                                                         'Fails': 21,
                                                         'RPS': 0.26,
                                                         'fail_s': 0.01,
                                                         'RT_max': 42835.57,
                                                         'RT_avg': 3912.88,
                                                         'TP50': 2300.0,
                                                         'TP99': 24000.0},
                                       'query': {'Requests': 336,
                                                 'Fails': 1,
                                                 'RPS': 0.03,
                                                 'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                 'RT_max': 49197.71,
                                                 'RT_avg': 3497.17,
                                                 'TP50': 580.0,
                                                 'TP99': 38000.0},
                                       'scene_test_partition_hybrid_search': {'Requests': 344,
                                                                              'Fails': 0,
                                                                              'RPS': 0.03,
                                                                              'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                                              'RT_max': 727011.75,
                                                                              'RT_avg': 380458.46,
                                                                              'TP50': 384000.0,
                                                                              'TP99': 693000.0},
                                       'search': {'Requests': 2823,
                                                  'Fails': 21,
                                                  'RPS': 0.26,
                                                  'fail_s': 0.01,
                                                  'RT_max': 55330.86,
                                                  'RT_avg': 25075.22,
                                                  'TP50': 25000.0,
                                                  'TP99': 48000.0}}}}}
wangting0128 commented 3 weeks ago

Recurrent on 2.5 branch

argo task: fouramf-85cth image: master-20240828-a52ba3d0-amd64 test case name: test_bitmap_locust_dql_dml_partitions_cluster


NAME                                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS        AGE     IP              NODE         NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
fouramf-85cth-72-5605-etcd-0                                      1/1     Running     0               4h22m    4am-node22   <none>           <none>
fouramf-85cth-72-5605-milvus-standalone-58f9444cdc-nhgxc          1/1     Running     0               4h22m    4am-node23   <none>           <none>
fouramf-85cth-72-5605-minio-55d8f6ffc-k4qcx                       1/1     Running     0               4h22m    4am-node22   <none>           <none>

search_failed.log image

client log: fouram_log.log

[2024-08-28 10:59:43,706 - DEBUG - fouram]: (api_request)  : [] args: [[[0.7237668359122134, 0.648043421129466, 0.4929686714403122, 0.41550353719605704, 0.7535322083862649, 0.3882265314186817, 0.2066266858127187, 0.6265932179570949, 0.777488351135437, 0.5541087949533525, 0.42416196166276654, 0.6035151148137117, 0.10227936496159118, 0.7976156761817611, 0.29368923395619206, 0.9509778787073774, 0.4990785872993516, 0.43167129097108936, 0.4451736754181129, 0.35101497385783387, 0.0611899852998713, 0.3358900179169769, 0.33630915534811856, 0.6335747992361372, 0.9056977071666841, 0.24092222211125436, 0.38195942745525324, 0.5181360770024148, 0.7076355784074545, 0.12141132264171273, 0.39456265840924465, 0.7376221784828476, 0.20506614371283804, 0.9584059342601796, 0.24679315765236542, 0.2860374825130768, 0.5005431069377602, 0.6656913542032278, 0.478018776774619, 0.9475406216172895, 0.057764987061774575, 0.5718156022234668, 0.05082033827823074, 0.26169580043857466, 0.925303933801244, 0.09902992827574508, 0.01187290339267244, 0.20098390467943827, 0.730228149397519, 0.7114744377163259, 0.9277106271987441, 0.8311958861501743, 0.7865491257058267, 0.5146069656988344, 0.40638197384461483, 0.12829032587045652, 0.0645563590751248, 0.48416426806191926, 0.16192089624676465, 0.47914207018107535, 0.46804159366866693, 0.22886164537020914, 0.379486069640923, 0.6378515699026558, 0.1886258518661701, 0.15896358410388134, 0.47206116816090893, 0.4943850049791644, 0.9978413459441872, 0.4826086769246196, 0.0044595201021364606, 0.36059543900413304, 0.3251206179044528, 0.3989551449540315, 0.6098779316869865, 0.2538205678793508, 0.1622851449145376, 0.5491437053975082, 0.12873870858202485, 0.5590444695755187, 0.06168532538710425, 0.4411134123648115, 0.6292100208292175, 0.44342174877311846, 0.7360380290116103, 0.7241368510156941, 0.5068123880802802, 0.7363878325858056, 0.74829639769815, 0.3449570090337192, 0.7915700019607437, 0.9699585142666377, 0.08560089756512523, 0.6398482310194643, 0.3535408226834059, 0.0991351119598265, 0.7842708949087892, 0.6899632829996758, 0.6072112465827695, 0.6447108997861742, 0.8798515472684227, 0.7564549394264041, 0.06512745797086017, 0.7801051730065407, 0.9312686025108594, 0.1435846156551729, 0.45581018472551393, 0.8144166048046874, 0.03643714305829682, 0.9059225633528635, 0.5972409608143253, 0.9938039792355797, 0.8372115858592578, 0.8755872201997471, 0.9446153322365856, 0.4828942988022089, 0.6265868754366474, 0.37482394516757245, 0.49212409093275056, 0.502523318769924, 0.45874470796158806, 0.9402983728648977, 0.0953326646024859, 0.6114380551553108, 0.37416090231460863, 0.6849343527591302, 0.14389896121429435, 0.9959474172933469], [0.8617711906646015, 0.43159586386376914, 0.349434518744565, 0.010054410416265647, 0.6467857748179233, 0.9059050938948503, 0.4753195406361216, 0.06033354154892534, 0.6307731446764382, 0.09112994978146416, 0.4401501130594322, 0.617060992527357, 0.9915670104334737, 0.1520865400880227, 0.9858038489080814, 0.13283776143154236, 0.9015218241704094, 0.06459150560400617, 0.2872810814154567, 0.661805490037......778866361, 0.9308997340257026, 0.4186401144128842, 0.11699929831544076, 0.019660611669384376, 0.9711947870100999], [0.6603006833348785, 0.5903344349057594, 0.18242347160983563, 0.34510040319518986, 0.5459001724318607, 0.8201285151345135, 0.8480956200402998, 0.8555216064383646, 0.6600774204720747, 0.6405828390650233, 0.8237909780719429, 0.6252980242115891, 0.1598743773772202, 0.6441883626438523, 0.8213097651959012, 0.6058424242109802, 0.8075491484003711, 0.5860706008260271, 0.4049646506819248, 0.8778260174488782, 0.5379174985042802, 0.9509919423113531, 0.9260166068677882, 0.8901320646142035, 0.7817020417542672, 0.9154804654456002, 0.09088861609545373, 0.5253783966797207, 0.358728093681423, 0.26903311180975664, 0.6972330930686408, 0.13099728777937725, 0.013716681113807416, 0.6410284460541524, 0.48414659620588296, 0.04221073445658352, 0.6763298149461207, 0.20468027347532358, 0.1824541603692108, 0.004278677227461114, 0.30220238694719215, 0.029829096935202082, 0.016016428195324783, 0.3775678421209432, 0.11316580850222646, 0.7999611720056753, 0.09885888984601976, 0.8253047257036695, 0.29882944004463874, 0.008529276118882878, 0.11747238176040065, 0.8036342891789162, 0.00629168362275867, 0.15065168872407808, 0.44489375631189276, 0.8876815206808192, 0.8879383612738007, 0.8052249206157476, 0.28839340412739856, 0.26459248551514014, 0.5653483290220287, 0.12269317753185494, 0.7513462699910726, 0.6437239140082646, 0.6171550086703265, 0.7862965863455841, 0.8366072050725535, 0.7472957001953385, 0.48742643816857023, 0.5366055350947154, 0.49435439405547354, 0.6922938094585521, 0.3131422740734765, 0.3215926802568324, 0.024389290438680766, 0.914491033415305, 0.8260326675493123, 0.8910245940154549, 0.9016703325706548, 0.029432883489792228, 0.10259074409291402, 0.9304993185876482, 0.9582871911084085, 0.6858113352180506, 0.5896426513331698, 0.4104130354955652, 0.9543306660466944, 0.4290964721411401, 0.10027251234666401, 0.9313843732655509, 0.31730064852568285, 0.5329878611594173, 0.4933910278430399, 0.07333480768635792, 0.4897473000902247, 0.8524555647688156, 0.14531276274701643, 0.9553457767942688, 0.6841320692462827, 0.8250997077389988, 0.36222793153958444, 0.9354370193786335, 0.586187255664986, 0.9530491554640134, 0.8614887430501613, 0.4375948687389515, 0.4283486729520276, 0.39567065577282634, 0.24874959709404565, 0.5154633311136565, 0.2723534907922769, 0.8048810347719334, 0.623966203874654, 0.636062308111971, 0.9692730206721839, 0.2884849836070842, 0.03431540043695258, 0.5607027669067339, 0.01891993807852932, 0.0019292267610200309, 0.6424147979941566, 0.951657953919519, 0.4434847784228676, 0.9768372288956938, 0.9535888688885901, 0.2912969172936094, 0.3016118512690228, 0.36948515651840275]], 'float_vector', {'metric_type': 'L2', 'params': {'nprobe': 16}}, 10, 'int8_1 == 100', ['_default', 'partition_1', 'partition_2', 'partition_3', 'partition_4', 'partition_5', 'partition_6', 'partition_7', 'partition_8', 'partition_9'], ['id', 'float_vector', 'int64_1'], None, -1], kwargs: {}, [requestId: a19351a6-652c-11ef-ac43-ba470a5fb028] (
[2024-08-28 10:59:45,769 - ERROR - fouram]: (api_response) : [] <MilvusException: (code=503, message=fail to Query on QueryNode 1: distribution is not servcieable: channel not available[channel=by-dev-rootcoord-dml_8_452155450596262579v8])>, [requestId: a19351a6-652c-11ef-ac43-ba470a5fb028] (

test steps:

        concurrent test and calculation of RT and QPS

        :purpose:  `primary key: INT64`, divided into 10 partitions
            1. building `BITMAP` index on all supported 12 scalar fields
            2. 2 fields of different vector types
            3. load and search partial partitions & DQL requests

        :test steps:
            1. create collection with fields:
                'float_vector': 128dim
                'float_vector_1': 768dim
                'id': primary key type is INT64

                all scalar fields: varchar max_length=100, array max_capacity=13
            2. build indexes:
                IVF_SQ8: 'float_vector'
                HNSW: 'float_vector_1'

                BITMAP: all scalar fields
            3. insert 5 million data
            4. flush collection
            5. build indexes again using the same params
            6. load collection
            7. concurrent request:
                - scene_insert_partition
                    (partition: create->insert->flush->release->drop)
                - scene_test_partition
                    (partition: create->insert->flush->index again->load->search->release->search failed->drop)
                - scene_test_partition_hybrid_search
                    (partition: create->insert->flush->index again->load->hybrid_search->release->hybrid_search failed->drop)
                - search
                - query
                - hybrid_search

test result:

[2024-08-28 13:29:25,321 -  INFO - fouram]: Print locust final stats. (
[2024-08-28 13:29:25,322 -  INFO - fouram]: Type     Name                                                                          # reqs      # fails |    Avg     Min     Max    Med |   req/s  failures/s (
[2024-08-28 13:29:25,322 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|--------|----------- (
[2024-08-28 13:29:25,322 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     hybrid_search                                                                    246     0(0.00%) |   2177     624    8312   1300 |    0.02        0.00 (
[2024-08-28 13:29:25,322 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     query                                                                            240     0(0.00%) |   1648      15   11873    280 |    0.02        0.00 (
[2024-08-28 13:29:25,322 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     scene_insert_partition                                                           229     0(0.00%) |  46708    3634  233616  40000 |    0.02        0.00 (
[2024-08-28 13:29:25,322 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     scene_test_partition                                                             230     0(0.00%) | 667868   43059 1264769 709000 |    0.02        0.00 (
[2024-08-28 13:29:25,322 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     scene_test_partition_hybrid_search                                               210     0(0.00%) | 690265   53355 1260876 715000 |    0.02        0.00 (
[2024-08-28 13:29:25,322 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     search                                                                           224     1(0.45%) |   2967       0    8799   1900 |    0.02        0.00 (
[2024-08-28 13:29:25,322 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|--------|----------- (
[2024-08-28 13:29:25,322 -  INFO - fouram]:          Aggregated                                                                      1379     1(0.07%) | 225422       0 1264769   7900 |    0.13        0.00 (
[2024-08-28 13:29:25,322 -  INFO - fouram]:  (
[2024-08-28 13:29:25,327 -  INFO - fouram]: [PerfTemplate] Report data: 
{'server': {'deploy_tool': 'helm',
            'deploy_mode': 'standalone',
            'config_name': 'standalone_8c16m',
            'config': {'standalone': {'resources': {'limits': {'cpu': '16', 'memory': '64Gi'}, 'requests': {'cpu': '5.0', 'memory': '5Gi'}}},
                       'cluster': {'enabled': False},
                       'etcd': {'replicaCount': 1, 'metrics': {'enabled': True, 'podMonitor': {'enabled': True}}},
                       'minio': {'mode': 'standalone', 'metrics': {'podMonitor': {'enabled': True}}},
                       'pulsar': {'enabled': False},
                       'metrics': {'serviceMonitor': {'enabled': True}},
                       'log': {'level': 'debug'},
                       'indexNode': {'replicas': 2},
                       'queryNode': {'replicas': 2},
                       'image': {'all': {'repository': '', 'tag': 'master-20240828-a52ba3d0-amd64'}}},
            'host': '',
            'port': '19530',
            'uri': ''},
 'client': {'test_case_type': 'ConcurrentClientBase',
            'test_case_name': 'test_bitmap_locust_dql_dml_partitions_cluster',
            'test_case_params': {'dataset_params': {'metric_type': 'L2',
                                                    'dim': 128,
                                                    'max_length': 100,
                                                    'scalars_index': {'int8_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'int16_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'int32_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'int64_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'varchar_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'bool_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'array_int8_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'array_int16_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'array_int32_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'array_int64_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'array_varchar_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'array_bool_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'}},
                                                    'vectors_index': {'float_vector_1': {'index_type': 'HNSW',
                                                                                         'index_param': {'M': 8, 'efConstruction': 200},
                                                                                         'metric_type': 'L2'}},
                                                    'scalars_params': {'array_int8_1': {'params': {'max_capacity': 13},
                                                                                        'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                         'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'random_range',
                                                                                                                              'specify_range': [-128, 128],
                                                                                                                              'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'array_int16_1': {'params': {'max_capacity': 13},
                                                                                         'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                          'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'random_range',
                                                                                                                               'specify_range': [-200, 200],
                                                                                                                               'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'array_int32_1': {'params': {'max_capacity': 13},
                                                                                         'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                          'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'specify_scope',
                                                                                                                               'specify_range': [-300, 300],
                                                                                                                               'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'array_int64_1': {'params': {'max_capacity': 13},
                                                                                         'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                          'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'fixed_value_range',
                                                                                                                               'specify_range': [-400, 432],
                                                                                                                               'batch': 50,
                                                                                                                               'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'array_varchar_1': {'params': {'max_capacity': 13},
                                                                                           'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                            'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'random_range',
                                                                                                                                 'specify_range': [-1500, 1500],
                                                                                                                                 'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'array_bool_1': {'params': {'max_capacity': 13}},
                                                                       'int8_1': {'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                   'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'random_range',
                                                                                                                        'specify_range': [-128, 128],
                                                                                                                        'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'int16_1': {'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                    'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'random_range',
                                                                                                                         'specify_range': [-200, 200],
                                                                                                                         'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'int32_1': {'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                    'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'specify_scope',
                                                                                                                         'specify_range': [-300, 300],
                                                                                                                         'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'int64_1': {'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                    'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'fixed_value_range',
                                                                                                                         'specify_range': [-400, 432],
                                                                                                                         'batch': 50,
                                                                                                                         'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'varchar_1': {'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                      'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'random_range',
                                                                                                                           'specify_range': [-1500, 1500],
                                                                                                                           'max_capacity': 13}}}},
                                                    'extra_partitions': {'partitions': ['_default', 'partition_1', 'partition_2', 'partition_3', 'partition_4',
                                                                                        'partition_5', 'partition_6', 'partition_7', 'partition_8',
                                                                         'data_repeated': False},
                                                    'dataset_name': 'sift',
                                                    'dataset_size': 5000000,
                                                    'ni_per': 5000},
                                 'collection_params': {'other_fields': ['float_vector_1', 'int8_1', 'int16_1', 'int32_1', 'int64_1', 'varchar_1', 'bool_1',
                                                                        'array_int8_1', 'array_int16_1', 'array_int32_1', 'array_int64_1', 'array_varchar_1',
                                                       'shards_num': 16},
                                 'resource_groups_params': {'reset': False},
                                 'database_user_params': {'reset_rbac': False, 'reset_db': False},
                                 'index_params': {'index_type': 'IVF_SQ8', 'index_param': {'nlist': 1024}},
                                 'concurrent_params': {'concurrent_number': 30, 'during_time': '3h', 'interval': 20, 'spawn_rate': None},
                                 'concurrent_tasks': [{'type': 'scene_insert_partition',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'data_size': 3000, 'ni': 1000, 'with_flush': True, 'timeout': 600}},
                                                      {'type': 'scene_test_partition',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'data_size': 3000,
                                                                  'ni': 3000,
                                                                  'nq': 1,
                                                                  'search_param': {'nprobe': 64},
                                                                  'limit': 1,
                                                                  'expr': None,
                                                                  'output_fields': ['*'],
                                                                  'guarantee_timestamp': None,
                                                                  'timeout': 600}},
                                                      {'type': 'scene_test_partition_hybrid_search',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'nq': 1,
                                                                  'top_k': 1,
                                                                  'reqs': [{'search_param': {'nprobe': 128}, 'anns_field': 'float_vector', 'top_k': 100},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'ef': 64}, 'anns_field': 'float_vector_1', 'top_k': 10}],
                                                                  'rerank': {'RRFRanker': []},
                                                                  'output_fields': ['*'],
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'guarantee_timestamp': None,
                                                                  'timeout': 600,
                                                                  'random_data': True,
                                                                  'data_size': 3000,
                                                                  'ni': 3000}},
                                                      {'type': 'search',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'nq': 1000,
                                                                  'top_k': 10,
                                                                  'search_param': {'nprobe': 16},
                                                                  'expr': 'int8_1 == 100',
                                                                  'guarantee_timestamp': None,
                                                                  'partition_names': ['_default', 'partition_1', 'partition_2', 'partition_3', 'partition_4',
                                                                                      'partition_5', 'partition_6', 'partition_7', 'partition_8',
                                                                  'output_fields': ['id', 'float_vector', 'int64_1'],
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'group_by_field': None,
                                                                  'timeout': None,
                                                                  'random_data': True,
                                                                  'check_task': 'check_search_output',
                                                                  'check_items': {'nq': 1000}}},
                                                      {'type': 'query',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'ids': None,
                                                                  'expr': 'int64_1 > -1',
                                                                  'output_fields': ['*'],
                                                                  'offset': None,
                                                                  'limit': 10,
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'partition_names': ['_default', 'partition_1', 'partition_2', 'partition_3', 'partition_4',
                                                                                      'partition_5', 'partition_6', 'partition_7', 'partition_8',
                                                                  'timeout': None,
                                                                  'random_data': False,
                                                                  'random_count': 0,
                                                                  'random_range': [0, 1],
                                                                  'field_name': 'id',
                                                                  'field_type': 'int64',
                                                                  'check_task': 'check_query_output',
                                                                  'check_items': {'expect_length': 10}}},
                                                      {'type': 'hybrid_search',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'nq': 10,
                                                                  'top_k': 10,
                                                                  'reqs': [{'search_param': {'nprobe': 128},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector',
                                                                            'expr': '(array_contains_any(array_int32_1, [0]) || array_contains(array_int64_1, '
                                                                                    '1)) || ((varchar_1 like "1%") and (bool_1 == True))',
                                                                            'top_k': 100},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'ef': 64},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector_1',
                                                                            'expr': 'not (int16_1 == int8_1) && ARRAY_CONTAINS_ANY(array_int64_1, [-1, 0, '
                                                                  'rerank': {'RRFRanker': []},
                                                                  'output_fields': ['*'],
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'guarantee_timestamp': None,
                                                                  'partition_names': ['_default', 'partition_1', 'partition_2', 'partition_3', 'partition_4',
                                                                                      'partition_5', 'partition_6', 'partition_7', 'partition_8',
                                                                  'timeout': None,
                                                                  'random_data': True,
                                                                  'check_task': 'check_search_output',
                                                                  'check_items': {'output_fields': ['float_vector_1', 'int8_1', 'int16_1', 'int32_1', 'int64_1',
                                                                                                    'varchar_1', 'bool_1', 'array_int8_1', 'array_int16_1',
                                                                                                    'array_int32_1', 'array_int64_1', 'array_varchar_1',
                                                                                                    'array_bool_1', 'id', 'float_vector'],
                                                                                  'nq': 10}}}]},
            'run_id': 2024082860324811,
            'datetime': '2024-08-28 09:07:12.271400',
            'client_version': '2.2'},
 'result': {'test_result': {'index': {'RT': 3765.4554,
                                      'float_vector_1': {'RT': 0.519},
                                      'int8_1': {'RT': 0.5173},
                                      'int16_1': {'RT': 0.5249},
                                      'int32_1': {'RT': 0.5187},
                                      'int64_1': {'RT': 0.5209},
                                      'varchar_1': {'RT': 0.5207},
                                      'bool_1': {'RT': 0.521},
                                      'array_int8_1': {'RT': 0.5224},
                                      'array_int16_1': {'RT': 0.5217},
                                      'array_int32_1': {'RT': 0.5204},
                                      'array_int64_1': {'RT': 0.5219},
                                      'array_varchar_1': {'RT': 0.518},
                                      'array_bool_1': {'RT': 0.6875}},
                            'insert': {'total_time': 663.7768, 'VPS': 7540.4515, 'batch_time': 0.6638, 'batch': 5000.0},
                            'flush': {'RT': 5.2698},
                            'load': {'RT': 9.1158},
                            'Locust': {'Aggregated': {'Requests': 1379,
                                                      'Fails': 1,
                                                      'RPS': 0.13,
                                                      'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                      'RT_max': 1264769.2,
                                                      'RT_avg': 225422.68,
                                                      'TP50': 7900.0,
                                                      'TP99': 1230000.0},
                                       'hybrid_search': {'Requests': 246,
                                                         'Fails': 0,
                                                         'RPS': 0.02,
                                                         'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                         'RT_max': 8312.08,
                                                         'RT_avg': 2177.23,
                                                         'TP50': 1300.0,
                                                         'TP99': 8000.0},
                                       'query': {'Requests': 240,
                                                 'Fails': 0,
                                                 'RPS': 0.02,
                                                 'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                 'RT_max': 11873.5,
                                                 'RT_avg': 1648.34,
                                                 'TP50': 280.0,
                                                 'TP99': 11000.0},
                                       'scene_insert_partition': {'Requests': 229,
                                                                  'Fails': 0,
                                                                  'RPS': 0.02,
                                                                  'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                                  'RT_max': 233616.65,
                                                                  'RT_avg': 46708.28,
                                                                  'TP50': 40000.0,
                                                                  'TP99': 128000.0},
                                       'scene_test_partition': {'Requests': 230,
                                                                'Fails': 0,
                                                                'RPS': 0.02,
                                                                'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                                'RT_max': 1264769.2,
                                                                'RT_avg': 667868.79,
                                                                'TP50': 710000.0,
                                                                'TP99': 1260000.0},
                                       'scene_test_partition_hybrid_search': {'Requests': 210,
                                                                              'Fails': 0,
                                                                              'RPS': 0.02,
                                                                              'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                                              'RT_max': 1260876.86,
                                                                              'RT_avg': 690265.85,
                                                                              'TP50': 715000.0,
                                                                              'TP99': 1260000.0},
                                       'search': {'Requests': 224,
                                                  'Fails': 1,
                                                  'RPS': 0.02,
                                                  'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                  'RT_max': 8799.57,
                                                  'RT_avg': 2967.99,
                                                  'TP50': 1900.0,
                                                  'TP99': 8400.0}}}}}
wangting0128 commented 1 week ago

Continue to recur on the master branch

argo task: fouramf-hkh54 test case name: test_bitmap_locust_dql_dml_partitions_cluster image: master-20240906-7859faf8-amd64


[2024-09-07 05:41:14,625 -  INFO - fouram]: [Base] Deploy initial state: 
I0907 02:22:51.423609    2040 request.go:665] Waited for 1.17858041s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local/apis/
I0907 02:23:01.423819    2040 request.go:665] Waited for 3.997740261s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local/apis/
NAME                                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS        AGE     IP              NODE         NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-etcd-0                                      1/1     Running     0               4m52s   4am-node24   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-etcd-1                                      1/1     Running     0               4m52s   4am-node23   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-etcd-2                                      1/1     Running     0               4m52s   4am-node39   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-milvus-datanode-86d747c85c-nc4w6            1/1     Running     2 (4m29s ago)   4m53s   4am-node16   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-milvus-indexnode-595c56c756-glhrf           1/1     Running     2 (4m30s ago)   4m53s    4am-node14   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-milvus-indexnode-595c56c756-mfrg4           1/1     Running     1 (4m28s ago)   4m53s    4am-node13   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-milvus-mixcoord-688df4bc59-ssbrt            1/1     Running     2 (4m30s ago)   4m53s    4am-node14   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-milvus-proxy-b866bc67c-vmph6                1/1     Running     2 (4m29s ago)   4m53s   4am-node16   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-milvus-querynode-6dccfc6c86-4pkzh           1/1     Running     1 (4m29s ago)   4m53s    4am-node12   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-milvus-querynode-6dccfc6c86-rrrrf           1/1     Running     2 (4m30s ago)   4m53s    4am-node11   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-minio-0                                     1/1     Running     0               4m53s   4am-node24   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-minio-1                                     1/1     Running     0               4m52s   4am-node23   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-minio-2                                     1/1     Running     0               4m52s   4am-node39   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-minio-3                                     1/1     Running     0               4m52s    4am-node25   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-bookie-0                             1/1     Running     0               4m52s   4am-node24   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-bookie-1                             1/1     Running     0               4m52s   4am-node23   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-bookie-2                             1/1     Running     0               4m51s    4am-node38   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-bookie-init-dtm7v                    0/1     Completed   0               4m53s   4am-node16   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-broker-0                             1/1     Running     0               4m53s   4am-node16   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-proxy-0                              1/1     Running     0               4m53s   4am-node16   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-pulsar-init-7wxjk                    0/1     Completed   0               4m53s   4am-node24   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-recovery-0                           1/1     Running     0               4m53s   4am-node16   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-zookeeper-0                          1/1     Running     0               4m53s   4am-node24   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-zookeeper-1                          1/1     Running     0               4m9s   4am-node23   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-zookeeper-2                          1/1     Running     0               3m32s    4am-node25   <none>           <none> (
[2024-09-07 05:41:14,625 -  INFO - fouram]: [Cmd Exe]  kubectl get pods  -n qa-milvus  -o wide | grep -E 'NAME|fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-milvus|fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-minio|fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-etcd|fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar|fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-zookeeper|fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-kafka|fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-log|fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-tikv'  (
[2024-09-07 05:41:35,210 -  INFO - fouram]: [CliClient] pod details of release(fouramf-hkh54-78-5249): 
 I0907 05:41:15.922517    2113 request.go:665] Waited for 1.169743062s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local/apis/policy/v1beta1?timeout=32s
I0907 05:41:25.922736    2113 request.go:665] Waited for 3.997497169s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local/apis/
NAME                                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS        AGE     IP              NODE         NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-etcd-0                                      1/1     Running     0               3h23m   4am-node24   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-etcd-1                                      1/1     Running     0               3h23m   4am-node23   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-etcd-2                                      1/1     Running     0               3h23m   4am-node39   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-milvus-datanode-86d747c85c-nc4w6            1/1     Running     2 (3h22m ago)   3h23m   4am-node16   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-milvus-indexnode-595c56c756-glhrf           1/1     Running     2 (3h22m ago)   3h23m    4am-node14   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-milvus-indexnode-595c56c756-mfrg4           1/1     Running     1 (3h22m ago)   3h23m    4am-node13   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-milvus-mixcoord-688df4bc59-ssbrt            1/1     Running     2 (3h22m ago)   3h23m    4am-node14   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-milvus-proxy-b866bc67c-vmph6                1/1     Running     2 (3h22m ago)   3h23m   4am-node16   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-milvus-querynode-6dccfc6c86-4pkzh           1/1     Running     1 (3h22m ago)   3h23m    4am-node12   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-milvus-querynode-6dccfc6c86-rrrrf           1/1     Running     2 (3h22m ago)   3h23m    4am-node11   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-minio-0                                     1/1     Running     0               3h23m   4am-node24   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-minio-1                                     1/1     Running     0               3h23m   4am-node23   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-minio-2                                     1/1     Running     0               3h23m   4am-node39   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-minio-3                                     1/1     Running     0               3h23m    4am-node25   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-bookie-0                             1/1     Running     0               3h23m   4am-node24   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-bookie-1                             1/1     Running     0               3h23m   4am-node23   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-bookie-2                             1/1     Running     0               3h23m    4am-node38   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-bookie-init-dtm7v                    0/1     Completed   0               3h23m   4am-node16   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-broker-0                             1/1     Running     0               3h23m   4am-node16   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-proxy-0                              1/1     Running     0               3h23m   4am-node16   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-pulsar-init-7wxjk                    0/1     Completed   0               3h23m   4am-node24   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-recovery-0                           1/1     Running     0               3h23m   4am-node16   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-zookeeper-0                          1/1     Running     0               3h23m   4am-node24   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-zookeeper-1                          1/1     Running     0               3h22m   4am-node23   <none>           <none>
fouramf-hkh54-78-5249-pulsar-zookeeper-2                          1/1     Running     0               3h21m    4am-node25   <none>           <none>

client log: client.log

截屏2024-09-09 11 21 46

test result:

[2024-09-07 05:40:51,039 -  INFO - fouram]: Print locust final stats. (
[2024-09-07 05:40:51,040 -  INFO - fouram]: Type     Name                                                                          # reqs      # fails |    Avg     Min     Max    Med |   req/s  failures/s (
[2024-09-07 05:40:51,040 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|--------|----------- (
[2024-09-07 05:40:51,040 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     hybrid_search                                                                    260     1(0.38%) |    560       0    3073    470 |    0.02        0.00 (
[2024-09-07 05:40:51,040 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     query                                                                            255     0(0.00%) |     85      15    1731     20 |    0.02        0.00 (
[2024-09-07 05:40:51,040 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     scene_insert_partition                                                           272   30(11.03%) |  71031    3715  216002  45000 |    0.03        0.00 (
[2024-09-07 05:40:51,040 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     scene_test_partition                                                             233   25(10.73%) | 283044   19183  863920 213000 |    0.02        0.00 (
[2024-09-07 05:40:51,040 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     scene_test_partition_hybrid_search                                               234     4(1.71%) | 309433   15188  873586 328000 |    0.02        0.00 (
[2024-09-07 05:40:51,040 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     search                                                                           235     0(0.00%) |   1254     884    3120   1100 |    0.02        0.00 (
[2024-09-07 05:40:51,041 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|--------|----------- (
[2024-09-07 05:40:51,041 -  INFO - fouram]:          Aggregated                                                                      1489    60(4.03%) | 106205       0  873586   2500 |    0.14        0.01 (
[2024-09-07 05:40:51,041 -  INFO - fouram]:  (
[2024-09-07 05:40:51,045 -  INFO - fouram]: [PerfTemplate] Report data: 
{'server': {'deploy_tool': 'helm',
            'deploy_mode': 'cluster',
            'config_name': 'cluster_8c16m',
            'config': {'queryNode': {'resources': {'limits': {'cpu': '16.0', 'memory': '32Gi'}, 'requests': {'cpu': '9.0', 'memory': '17Gi'}}, 'replicas': 2},
                       'indexNode': {'resources': {'limits': {'cpu': '8.0', 'memory': '8Gi'}, 'requests': {'cpu': '5.0', 'memory': '5Gi'}}, 'replicas': 2},
                       'dataNode': {'resources': {'limits': {'cpu': '8.0', 'memory': '16Gi'}, 'requests': {'cpu': '5.0', 'memory': '9Gi'}}},
                       'cluster': {'enabled': True},
                       'pulsar': {},
                       'kafka': {},
                       'minio': {'metrics': {'podMonitor': {'enabled': True}}},
                       'etcd': {'metrics': {'enabled': True, 'podMonitor': {'enabled': True}}},
                       'metrics': {'serviceMonitor': {'enabled': True}},
                       'log': {'level': 'debug'},
                       'image': {'all': {'repository': '', 'tag': 'master-20240906-7859faf8-amd64'}}},
            'host': '',
            'port': '19530',
            'uri': ''},
 'client': {'test_case_type': 'ConcurrentClientBase',
            'test_case_name': 'test_bitmap_locust_dql_dml_partitions_cluster',
            'test_case_params': {'dataset_params': {'metric_type': 'L2',
                                                    'dim': 128,
                                                    'max_length': 100,
                                                    'scalars_index': {'int8_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'int16_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'int32_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'int64_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'varchar_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'bool_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'array_int8_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'array_int16_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'array_int32_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'array_int64_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'array_varchar_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'},
                                                                      'array_bool_1': {'index_type': 'BITMAP'}},
                                                    'vectors_index': {'float_vector_1': {'index_type': 'HNSW',
                                                                                         'index_param': {'M': 8, 'efConstruction': 200},
                                                                                         'metric_type': 'L2'}},
                                                    'scalars_params': {'array_int8_1': {'params': {'max_capacity': 13},
                                                                                        'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                         'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'random_range',
                                                                                                                              'specify_range': [-128, 128],
                                                                                                                              'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'array_int16_1': {'params': {'max_capacity': 13},
                                                                                         'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                          'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'random_range',
                                                                                                                               'specify_range': [-200, 200],
                                                                                                                               'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'array_int32_1': {'params': {'max_capacity': 13},
                                                                                         'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                          'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'specify_scope',
                                                                                                                               'specify_range': [-300, 300],
                                                                                                                               'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'array_int64_1': {'params': {'max_capacity': 13},
                                                                                         'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                          'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'fixed_value_range',
                                                                                                                               'specify_range': [-400, 432],
                                                                                                                               'batch': 50,
                                                                                                                               'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'array_varchar_1': {'params': {'max_capacity': 13},
                                                                                           'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                            'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'random_range',
                                                                                                                                 'specify_range': [-1500, 1500],
                                                                                                                                 'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'array_bool_1': {'params': {'max_capacity': 13}},
                                                                       'int8_1': {'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                   'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'random_range',
                                                                                                                        'specify_range': [-128, 128],
                                                                                                                        'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'int16_1': {'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                    'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'random_range',
                                                                                                                         'specify_range': [-200, 200],
                                                                                                                         'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'int32_1': {'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                    'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'specify_scope',
                                                                                                                         'specify_range': [-300, 300],
                                                                                                                         'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'int64_1': {'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                    'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'fixed_value_range',
                                                                                                                         'specify_range': [-400, 432],
                                                                                                                         'batch': 50,
                                                                                                                         'max_capacity': 13}}},
                                                                       'varchar_1': {'other_params': {'dataset': 'random_algorithm',
                                                                                                      'algorithm_params': {'algorithm_name': 'random_range',
                                                                                                                           'specify_range': [-1500, 1500],
                                                                                                                           'max_capacity': 13}}}},
                                                    'extra_partitions': {'partitions': ['_default', 'partition_1', 'partition_2', 'partition_3', 'partition_4',
                                                                                        'partition_5', 'partition_6', 'partition_7', 'partition_8',
                                                                         'data_repeated': False},
                                                    'dataset_name': 'sift',
                                                    'dataset_size': 5000000,
                                                    'ni_per': 5000},
                                 'collection_params': {'other_fields': ['float_vector_1', 'int8_1', 'int16_1', 'int32_1', 'int64_1', 'varchar_1', 'bool_1',
                                                                        'array_int8_1', 'array_int16_1', 'array_int32_1', 'array_int64_1', 'array_varchar_1',
                                                       'shards_num': 16},
                                 'resource_groups_params': {'reset': False},
                                 'database_user_params': {'reset_rbac': False, 'reset_db': False},
                                 'index_params': {'index_type': 'IVF_SQ8', 'index_param': {'nlist': 1024}},
                                 'concurrent_params': {'concurrent_number': 15, 'during_time': '3h', 'interval': 20, 'spawn_rate': None},
                                 'concurrent_tasks': [{'type': 'scene_insert_partition',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'data_size': 3000, 'ni': 1000, 'with_flush': True, 'timeout': 600}},
                                                      {'type': 'scene_test_partition',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'data_size': 3000,
                                                                  'ni': 3000,
                                                                  'nq': 1,
                                                                  'search_param': {'nprobe': 64},
                                                                  'limit': 1,
                                                                  'expr': None,
                                                                  'output_fields': ['*'],
                                                                  'guarantee_timestamp': None,
                                                                  'timeout': 600}},
                                                      {'type': 'scene_test_partition_hybrid_search',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'nq': 1,
                                                                  'top_k': 1,
                                                                  'reqs': [{'search_param': {'nprobe': 128}, 'anns_field': 'float_vector', 'top_k': 100},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'ef': 64}, 'anns_field': 'float_vector_1', 'top_k': 10}],
                                                                  'rerank': {'RRFRanker': []},
                                                                  'output_fields': ['*'],
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'guarantee_timestamp': None,
                                                                  'timeout': 600,
                                                                  'random_data': True,
                                                                  'data_size': 3000,
                                                                  'ni': 3000}},
                                                      {'type': 'search',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'nq': 1000,
                                                                  'top_k': 10,
                                                                  'search_param': {'nprobe': 16},
                                                                  'expr': 'int8_1 == 100',
                                                                  'guarantee_timestamp': None,
                                                                  'partition_names': ['_default', 'partition_1', 'partition_2', 'partition_3', 'partition_4',
                                                                                      'partition_5', 'partition_6', 'partition_7', 'partition_8',
                                                                  'output_fields': ['id', 'float_vector', 'int64_1'],
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'group_by_field': None,
                                                                  'timeout': 30,
                                                                  'random_data': True,
                                                                  'check_task': 'check_search_output',
                                                                  'check_items': {'nq': 1000}}},
                                                      {'type': 'query',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'ids': None,
                                                                  'expr': 'int64_1 > -1',
                                                                  'output_fields': ['*'],
                                                                  'offset': None,
                                                                  'limit': 10,
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'partition_names': ['_default', 'partition_1', 'partition_2', 'partition_3', 'partition_4',
                                                                                      'partition_5', 'partition_6', 'partition_7', 'partition_8',
                                                                  'timeout': 30,
                                                                  'consistency_level': None,
                                                                  'random_data': False,
                                                                  'random_count': 0,
                                                                  'random_range': [0, 1],
                                                                  'field_name': 'id',
                                                                  'field_type': 'int64',
                                                                  'check_task': 'check_query_output',
                                                                  'check_items': {'expect_length': 10}}},
                                                      {'type': 'hybrid_search',
                                                       'weight': 1,
                                                       'params': {'nq': 10,
                                                                  'top_k': 10,
                                                                  'reqs': [{'search_param': {'nprobe': 128},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector',
                                                                            'expr': '(array_contains_any(array_int32_1, [0]) || array_contains(array_int64_1, '
                                                                                    '1)) || ((varchar_1 like "1%") and (bool_1 == True))',
                                                                            'top_k': 100},
                                                                           {'search_param': {'ef': 64},
                                                                            'anns_field': 'float_vector_1',
                                                                            'expr': 'not (int16_1 == int8_1) && ARRAY_CONTAINS_ANY(array_int64_1, [-1, 0, '
                                                                  'rerank': {'RRFRanker': []},
                                                                  'output_fields': ['*'],
                                                                  'ignore_growing': False,
                                                                  'guarantee_timestamp': None,
                                                                  'partition_names': ['_default', 'partition_1', 'partition_2', 'partition_3', 'partition_4',
                                                                                      'partition_5', 'partition_6', 'partition_7', 'partition_8',
                                                                  'timeout': 60,
                                                                  'random_data': True,
                                                                  'check_task': 'check_search_output',
                                                                  'check_items': {'output_fields': ['float_vector_1', 'int8_1', 'int16_1', 'int32_1', 'int64_1',
                                                                                                    'varchar_1', 'bool_1', 'array_int8_1', 'array_int16_1',
                                                                                                    'array_int32_1', 'array_int64_1', 'array_varchar_1',
                                                                                                    'array_bool_1', 'id', 'float_vector'],
                                                                                  'nq': 10}}}]},
            'run_id': 2024090754936377,
            'datetime': '2024-09-07 02:18:13.808144',
            'client_version': '2.2'},
 'result': {'test_result': {'index': {'RT': 207.0157,
                                      'float_vector_1': {'RT': 0.5206},
                                      'int8_1': {'RT': 0.5196},
                                      'int16_1': {'RT': 0.5197},
                                      'int32_1': {'RT': 0.5195},
                                      'int64_1': {'RT': 0.5219},
                                      'varchar_1': {'RT': 0.5195},
                                      'bool_1': {'RT': 0.5197},
                                      'array_int8_1': {'RT': 0.5202},
                                      'array_int16_1': {'RT': 0.5193},
                                      'array_int32_1': {'RT': 0.5189},
                                      'array_int64_1': {'RT': 0.5209},
                                      'array_varchar_1': {'RT': 0.5195},
                                      'array_bool_1': {'RT': 0.5211}},
                            'insert': {'total_time': 659.2684, 'VPS': 7587.5656, 'batch_time': 0.6593, 'batch': 5000.0},
                            'flush': {'RT': 5.7398},
                            'load': {'RT': 8.1003},
                            'Locust': {'Aggregated': {'Requests': 1489,
                                                      'Fails': 60,
                                                      'RPS': 0.14,
                                                      'fail_s': 0.04,
                                                      'RT_max': 873586.68,
                                                      'RT_avg': 106205.32,
                                                      'TP50': 2500.0,
                                                      'TP99': 768000.0},
                                       'hybrid_search': {'Requests': 260,
                                                         'Fails': 1,
                                                         'RPS': 0.02,
                                                         'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                         'RT_max': 3073.78,
                                                         'RT_avg': 560.7,
                                                         'TP50': 470.0,
                                                         'TP99': 2200.0},
                                       'query': {'Requests': 255,
                                                 'Fails': 0,
                                                 'RPS': 0.02,
                                                 'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                 'RT_max': 1731.48,
                                                 'RT_avg': 85.3,
                                                 'TP50': 20,
                                                 'TP99': 1300.0},
                                       'scene_insert_partition': {'Requests': 272,
                                                                  'Fails': 30,
                                                                  'RPS': 0.03,
                                                                  'fail_s': 0.11,
                                                                  'RT_max': 216002.66,
                                                                  'RT_avg': 71031.44,
                                                                  'TP50': 45000.0,
                                                                  'TP99': 213000.0},
                                       'scene_test_partition': {'Requests': 233,
                                                                'Fails': 25,
                                                                'RPS': 0.02,
                                                                'fail_s': 0.11,
                                                                'RT_max': 863920.34,
                                                                'RT_avg': 283044.0,
                                                                'TP50': 213000.0,
                                                                'TP99': 835000.0},
                                       'scene_test_partition_hybrid_search': {'Requests': 234,
                                                                              'Fails': 4,
                                                                              'RPS': 0.02,
                                                                              'fail_s': 0.02,
                                                                              'RT_max': 873586.68,
                                                                              'RT_avg': 309433.85,
                                                                              'TP50': 336000.0,
                                                                              'TP99': 864000.0},
                                       'search': {'Requests': 235,
                                                  'Fails': 0,
                                                  'RPS': 0.02,
                                                  'fail_s': 0.0,
                                                  'RT_max': 3120.8,
                                                  'RT_avg': 1254.73,
                                                  'TP50': 1100.0,
                                                  'TP99': 2800.0}}}}} 

@weiliu1031 Please help take a look

wangting0128 commented 1 week ago


argo task:multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400 test case name: test_hybrid_search_locust_dql_dml_partition_hybrid_search_cluster image: 2.4-20240909-14fe3213-amd64


NAME                                                              READY   STATUS             RESTARTS          AGE     IP              NODE         NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-etcd-0                           1/1     Running            0                 3h10m     4am-node28   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-etcd-1                           1/1     Running            0                 3h10m   4am-node20   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-etcd-2                           1/1     Running            0                 3h10m   4am-node21   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-milvus-datanode-6c6dcc7667mkcn   1/1     Running            2 (3h10m ago)     3h10m   4am-node39   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-milvus-indexnode-86bc67bb2wg9d   1/1     Running            2 (3h9m ago)      3h10m   4am-node22   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-milvus-indexnode-86bc67bbnhqn2   1/1     Running            2 (3h10m ago)     3h10m   4am-node39   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-milvus-indexnode-86bc67bbq6vfh   1/1     Running            2 (3h10m ago)     3h10m   4am-node30   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-milvus-indexnode-86bc67bbsbm6m   1/1     Running            2 (3h9m ago)      3h10m    4am-node13   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-milvus-mixcoord-657c576d6vnqft   1/1     Running            2 (3h10m ago)     3h10m    4am-node13   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-milvus-proxy-5df578d89b-q799k    1/1     Running            2 (3h9m ago)      3h10m    4am-node11   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-milvus-querynode-6cf8747fjzbzd   1/1     Running            2 (3h10m ago)     3h10m    4am-node13   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-milvus-querynode-6cf8747fkcgdj   1/1     Running            2 (3h9m ago)      3h10m    4am-node11   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-minio-0                          1/1     Running            0                 3h10m   4am-node20   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-minio-1                          1/1     Running            0                 3h10m     4am-node28   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-minio-2                          1/1     Running            0                 3h10m   4am-node21   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-minio-3                          1/1     Running            0                 3h10m   4am-node24   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-pulsar-bookie-0                  1/1     Running            0                 3h10m   4am-node20   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-pulsar-bookie-1                  1/1     Running            0                 3h10m     4am-node28   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-pulsar-bookie-2                  1/1     Running            0                 3h10m   4am-node21   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-pulsar-bookie-init-nrd9h         0/1     Completed          0                 3h10m   4am-node28   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-pulsar-broker-0                  1/1     Running            0                 3h10m   4am-node37   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-pulsar-proxy-0                   1/1     Running            0                 3h10m   4am-node28   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-pulsar-pulsar-init-gghj7         0/1     Completed          0                 3h10m   4am-node37   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-pulsar-recovery-0                1/1     Running            0                 3h10m     4am-node14   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-pulsar-zookeeper-0               1/1     Running            0                 3h10m   4am-node28   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-pulsar-zookeeper-1               1/1     Running            0                 3h9m   4am-node38   <none>           <none>
multi-vector-corn-1-1725890400-1-pulsar-zookeeper-2               1/1     Running            0                 3h9m   4am-node20   <none>           <none>

client log:

[2024-09-09 20:26:39,843 -  INFO - fouram]: Type     Name                                                                          # reqs      # fails |    Avg     Min     Max    Med |   req/s  failures/s (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,843 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|--------|----------- (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,843 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     hybrid_search                                                                   2704     0(0.00%) |   4171      20   59788   2500 |    0.40        0.00 (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,843 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     query                                                                            335     0(0.00%) |   4333      35   85852    430 |    0.10        0.00 (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,843 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     scene_test_partition_hybrid_search                                               330     0(0.00%) | 393927  160338  690339 378000 |    0.10        0.00 (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,843 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     search                                                                          2604     0(0.00%) |  26572    2884   61882  26000 |    0.40        0.00 (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,843 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|--------|----------- (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,843 -  INFO - fouram]:          Aggregated                                                                      5973     0(0.00%) |  35480      20  690339  15000 |    1.00        0.00 (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,843 -  INFO - fouram]:  (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,845 -  INFO - fouram]: Response time percentiles (approximated) (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,845 -  INFO - fouram]: Type     Name                                                                                  50%    66%    75%    80%    90%    95%    98%    99%  99.9% 99.99%   100% # reqs (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,845 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------ (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,845 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     hybrid_search                                                                        2500   3400   4400   5300   9800  15000  24000  27000  59000  60000  60000   2704 (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,845 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     query                                                                                 430   1100   1600   2600  17000  27000  34000  48000  86000  86000  86000    335 (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,846 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     scene_test_partition_hybrid_search                                                 379000 433000 470000 491000 533000 566000 612000 625000 690000 690000 690000    330 (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,846 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     search                                                                              26000  29000  30000  31000  35000  42000  50000  52000  61000  62000  62000   2604 (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,846 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------ (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,846 -  INFO - fouram]:          Aggregated                                                                          15000  24000  27000  29000  35000 280000 427000 497000 617000 690000 690000   5973 (
[2024-09-09 20:26:39,846 -  INFO - fouram]:  (
[2024-09-09 20:26:47,577 - ERROR - fouram]: RPC error: [hybrid_search], <MilvusException: (code=503, message=fail to Query on QueryNode 2: distribution is not servcieable: channel not available[channel=by-dev-rootcoord-dml_1_452434948645454155v1])>, <Time:{'RPC start': '2024-09-09 20:26:35.698007', 'RPC error': '2024-09-09 20:26:47.577248'}> (
[2024-09-09 20:26:47,577 - ERROR - fouram]: (api_response) : [Collection.hybrid_search] <MilvusException: (code=503, message=fail to Query on QueryNode 2: distribution is not servcieable: channel not available[channel=by-dev-rootcoord-dml_1_452434948645454155v1])>, [requestId: cf59cbf8-6ee9-11ef-ad39-aaa779003951] (
[2024-09-09 20:26:47,577 - ERROR - fouram]: [CheckFunc] hybrid_search request check failed, response:<MilvusException: (code=503, message=fail to Query on QueryNode 2: distribution is not servcieable: channel not available[channel=by-dev-rootcoord-dml_1_452434948645454155v1])> (
[2024-09-09 20:26:48,375 - ERROR - fouram]: RPC error: [search], <MilvusException: (code=503, message=fail to search on QueryNode 2: distribution is not servcieable: channel not available[channel=by-dev-rootcoord-dml_1_452434948645454155v1])>, <Time:{'RPC start': '2024-09-09 20:26:47.663868', 'RPC error': '2024-09-09 20:26:48.375514'}> (
[2024-09-09 20:26:48,376 - ERROR - fouram]: (api_response) : [] <MilvusException: (code=503, message=fail to search on QueryNode 2: distribution is not servcieable: channel not available[channel=by-dev-rootcoord-dml_1_452434948645454155v1])>, [requestId: d670cc16-6ee9-11ef-ad39-aaa779003951] (
[2024-09-09 20:26:48,376 - ERROR - fouram]: [CheckFunc] search request check failed, response:<MilvusException: (code=503, message=fail to search on QueryNode 2: distribution is not servcieable: channel not available[channel=by-dev-rootcoord-dml_1_452434948645454155v1])> (
[2024-09-09 20:26:49,277 - ERROR - fouram]: RPC error: [search], <MilvusException: (code=503, message=fail to search on QueryNode 2: distribution is not servcieable: channel not available[channel=by-dev-rootcoord-dml_1_452434948645454155v1])>, <Time:{'RPC start': '2024-09-09 20:26:48.457082', 'RPC error': '2024-09-09 20:26:49.277828'}> (
[2024-09-09 20:26:49,278 - ERROR - fouram]: (api_response) : [] <MilvusException: (code=503, message=fail to search on QueryNode 2: distribution is not servcieable: channel not available[channel=by-dev-rootcoord-dml_1_452434948645454155v1])>, [requestId: d6ea9d5c-6ee9-11ef-ad39-aaa779003951] (
[2024-09-09 20:26:49,278 - ERROR - fouram]: [CheckFunc] search request check failed, response:<MilvusException: (code=503, message=fail to search on QueryNode 2: distribution is not servcieable: channel not available[channel=by-dev-rootcoord-dml_1_452434948645454155v1])> (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,119 -  INFO - fouram]: Type     Name                                                                          # reqs      # fails |    Avg     Min     Max    Med |   req/s  failures/s (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,120 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|--------|----------- (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,120 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     hybrid_search                                                                   2706     1(0.04%) |   4173      20   59788   2500 |    0.20        0.10 (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,120 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     query                                                                            336     0(0.00%) |   4320      35   85852    430 |    0.10        0.00 (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,120 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     scene_test_partition_hybrid_search                                               330     0(0.00%) | 393927  160338  690339 378000 |    0.00        0.00 (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,120 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     search                                                                          2612     2(0.08%) |  26556     783   61882  26000 |    0.70        0.20 (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,120 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|--------|----------- (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,120 -  INFO - fouram]:          Aggregated                                                                      5984     3(0.05%) |  35445      20  690339  15000 |    1.00        0.30 (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,120 -  INFO - fouram]:  (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,121 -  INFO - fouram]: Response time percentiles (approximated) (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,122 -  INFO - fouram]: Type     Name                                                                                  50%    66%    75%    80%    90%    95%    98%    99%  99.9% 99.99%   100% # reqs (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,122 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------ (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,122 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     hybrid_search                                                                        2500   3400   4400   5300   9800  15000  24000  27000  59000  60000  60000   2706 (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,122 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     query                                                                                 430   1100   1600   2400  17000  27000  34000  48000  86000  86000  86000    336 (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,122 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     scene_test_partition_hybrid_search                                                 379000 433000 470000 491000 533000 566000 612000 625000 690000 690000 690000    330 (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,122 -  INFO - fouram]: grpc     search                                                                              26000  28000  30000  31000  35000  42000  50000  52000  61000  62000  62000   2612 (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,122 -  INFO - fouram]: --------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------ (
[2024-09-09 20:27:00,122 -  INFO - fouram]:          Aggregated                                                                          15000  24000  27000  29000  35000 280000 427000 497000 617000 690000 690000   5984 (

@weiliu1031 Please help take a look