mimbres / neural-audio-fp

MIT License
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audio-fingerprinting audio-search deep-learning fingerprint music-information-retrieval

License: MIT Python Tensorflow

Neural Audio Fingerprint for High-specific Audio Retrieval based on Contrastive Learning





More info #### System requirements to reproduce the ICASSP result - CPU with 8+ threads - NVIDIA GPU with 11+ GB V-memory - SSD free space 500+ GB for full-scale experiment - `tar` extraction temporarily requires additional free space 440 GB. #### Recommended batch-size for GPU | Device | Recommended BSZ | |-------------------------------------------------------------------|-------| | 1080ti, 2080ti (11GB), Titan X, Titan V (12GB), AWS/GCP V100(16 GB)| 320 | | Quadro RTX 6000 (24 GB), 3090 (24GB) | 640 | | V100v2 (32GB), AWS/GCP A100 (40 GB) | 1280 | | ~~TPU~~ |~~5120~~ | - The larger the BSZ, the higher the performance. - To allow the use of a larger BSZ than actual GPU memory, one trick is to remove `allow_gpu_memory_growth()` from the [run.py](run.py).



# CUDA 10.1-based image
docker pull mimbres/neural-audio-fp:latest
# CUDA 11.2-based image for RTX 30x0 and later
docker pull mimbres/neural-audio-fp:cuda11.2.0-cudnn8
Create a custom image from Dockerfile #### Requirements - NVIDIA driver >= 450.80.02 - Docker > 20.0 #### Create You can create an image through `Dockerfile` and `environment.yml`. ```sh git clone https://github.com/mimbres/neural-audio-fp.git cd neural-audio-fp docker build -t neural-audio-fp . ``` #### Further information - Intel CPU users can remove `libopenblas` from Dockerfile. - `Faiss` and `Numpy` are optimized for Intel MKL. - Image size is about 12 GB or 6.43 GB (compressed). - To optimize GPU-based search speed, [install from the source](https://github.com/facebookresearch/faiss/blob/master/INSTALL.md#building-from-source).


Create a virtual environment via .yml #### Requirements - `NVIDIA driver >= 450.80.02`, `CUDA >= 11.0` and `cuDNN 8` [(Compatiability)](https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/cudnn/support-matrix/index.html) - `NVIDIA driver >= 440.33`, `CUDA == 10.2` and `cuDNN 7` [(Compatiability)](https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/cudnn/support-matrix/index.html) - [Anaconda3](https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/index.html) or Miniconda3 with Python >= 3.6 #### Create After checking the requirements, ```sh git clone https://github.com/mimbres/neural-audio-fp.git cd neural-audio-fp conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate fp ```
Create a virtual environment without .yml ```sh # Python 3.8: installing in the same virtual environment conda create -n YOUR_ENV_NAME conda install -c anaconda -c pytorch tensorflow=2.4.1=gpu_py38h8a7d6ce_0 cudatoolkit faiss-gpu=1.6.5 conda install pyyaml click matplotlib conda install -c conda-forge librosa pip install kapre wavio ```
If your installation fails at this point and you don't want to build from source...:thinking: - Try installing `tensorflow` and `faiss-gpu=1.6.5` (not 1.7.1) in separate environments. ```sh #After creating a tensorflow environment for training... conda create -n YOUR_ENV_NAME conda install -c pytorch faiss-gpu=1.6.5 conda install pyyaml, click ``` Now you can run search & evaluation by ``` python eval/eval_faiss.py --help ```


Dataset-mini v1.1 (11.2 GB) Dataset-full v1.1 (443 GB)
tar :eight_spoked_asterisk:kaggle / gdrive dataport(open-access)
raw gdrive gdrive
pip install --user kaggle
cp kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/ && chmod 600 ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json
kaggle datasets download -d mimbres/neural-audio-fingerprint

100%|███████████████████████████████████| 9.84G/9.84G [02:28<00:00, 88.6MB/s]
Dataset installation This dataset includes all music sources, background noises, impulse-reponses (IR) samples that can be used for reproducing the ICASSP results. #### Directory location The default directory of the dataset is `../neural-audio-fp-dataset`. You can change the directory location by modifying `config/default.yaml`. ``` . ├── neural-audio-fp-dataset └── neural-audio-fp ``` #### Structure of dataset ``` neural-audio-fp-dataset/ ├── aug │ ├── bg <=== Audioset, Pub/cafe etc. for background noise mix │ ├── ir <=== IR data for microphone and room reverb simulatio │ └── speech <=== subset of common-voice, NOT USED IN THE PAPER RESULT ├── extras │ └── fma_info <=== Meta data for music sources. └── music ├── test-dummy-db-100k-full <== 100K songs of full-lengths ├── test-query-db-500-30s <== 500 songs (30s) and 2K synthesized queries ├── train-10k-30s <== 10K songs (30s) for training └── val-query-db-500-30s <== 500 songs (30s) for validation/mini-search ``` The data format is `16-bit 8000 Hz PCM Mono WAV`. `README.md` and `LICENSE` is included in the dataset for more details.
Checksum for Dataset-full Install `checksumdir`. ``` pip install checksumdir ``` Compare checksum. ``` checksumdir -a md5 neural-audio-fp-dataset # aa90a8fbd3e6f938cac220d8aefdb134 checksumdir -a sha1 neural-audio-fp-dataset # 5bbeec7f5873d8e5619d6b0de87c90e180363863d ```


There are 3 basic COMMAND s for each step.

# Train
python run.py train CHECKPOINT_NAME

# Generate fingreprint
python run.py generate CHECKPOINT_NAME

# Search & Evalutaion (after generating fingerprint)

Help for run.py client and its commands.

python run.py --help
python run.py COMMAND --help

More Features

Click to expand each topic.

Managing Checkpoint ```python python run.py train CHECKPOINT_NAME CHECKPOINT_INDEX ``` - If `CHECKPOINT_INDEX` is not specified, the training will resume from the latest checkpoint. - In `default` configuration, all checkpoints are stored in `logs/checkpoint/CHECKPOINT_NAME/ckpt-CHECKPOINT_INDEX.index`.
Training ```python python run.py train CHECKPOINT --max_epoch=100 -c default ``` Notes: - Check batch-size that fits on your device first. - The `default` config is set `TR_BATCH_SZ`=120 with `OPTIMIZER`=`Adam`. - For `TR_BATCH_SZ` >= 240, `OPTIMIZER`=`LAMB` is recommended. - For `TR_BATCH_SZ` >= 1280, `LR`=`1e-4` can be too small. - In NTxent loss function, the best temperature parameter `TAU` is in the range of [0.05, 0.1]. - Augmentation strategy is quite important. This topic deserves further discussion.
Config File The config file is located in `config/CONFIG_NAME.yaml`. You can edit `directory location`, `data selection`, hyperparameters for `model` and `optimizer`, `batch-size`, strategies for time-domain and spectral-domain `augmentation chain`, etc. After training, it is important to keep the config file in order to restore the model. ```python python run.py COMMAND -c CONFIG ``` When using `generate` command, it is important to use the same config that was used in training.
Fingerprint Generation ```python python run.py generate CHECKPOINT_NAME # from the latest checkpoint python run.py generate CHECKPOINT_NAME CHECKPOINT_INDEX -c CONFIG_NAME ``` ```sh # Location of the generated fingerprint . └──logs └── emb └── CHECKPOINT_NAME └── CHECKPOINT_INDEX ├── db.mm ├── db_shape.npy ├── dummy_db.mm ├── dummy_db_shape.npy ├── query.mm └── query_shape.npy ``` By `default` config, `generate` will generate embeddings (or fingerprints) from 'dummy_db', `test_query` and `test_db`. The generated embeddings will be located in `logs/emb/CHECKPOINT_NAME/CHECKPOINT_INDEX/**.mm` and `**.npy`. - `dummy_db` is generated from the 100K full-length dataset. - In the `DATASEL` section of config, you can select options for a pair of `db` and `query` generation. The default is `unseen_icassp`, which uses a pre-defined test set. - It is possilbe to generate only the `db` and `query` pairs by `--skip_dummy` option. This is a frequently used option to avoid overwriting the most time-consuming `dummy_db` fingerprints in every experiment. - It is also possilbe to generate embeddings (or fingreprints) from your custom source. ```python python run.py generate --source SOURCE_ROOT_DIR --output FP_OUTPUT_DIR --skip_dummy # for custom audio source python run.py generate --help # more details... ```
Search & Evaluation The following command will construct a `faiss.index` from the generated embeddings or fingerprints located at `logs/emb/CHECKPOINT_NAME/CHECKPOINT_INDEX/`. ```python # faiss-gpu python run.py evaluate CHECKPOINT_NAME CHECKPOINT_INDEX [OPTIONS] # faiss-cpu python run.py evaluate CHECKPOINT_NAME CHECKPOINT_INDEX --nogpu ``` In addition, you can choose one of the `--index_type` (default is `IVFPQ`) from the table below: | Type of index | Description | | --- | --- | | `l2` | *L2* distance| | `ivf` | Inverted File Index (IVF) | | `ivfpq` | Product Quantization (PQ) with IVF [:book:](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1702.08734) | | `ivfpq-rr` | IVF-PQ with re-ranking | | ~~`ivfpq-rr-ondisk`~~ | ~~IVF-PQ with re-ranking on disk search~~ | | `hnsw` | Hierarchical Navigable Small World [:book:](https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.09320) | ```python python run.py evaluate CHECKPOINT_NAME CHECKPOINT_INDEX --index_type IVFPQ ``` Currently, few options for `Faiss` settings are available in `run.py` client. Instead, you can directly run: ``` python eval/eval_faiss.py EMB_DIR --index_type IVFPQ --kprobe 20 --nogpu python eval/eval_faiss.py --help ``` Note that `eval_faiss.py` does not require `Tensorflow`.
Tensorboard Tensorboard is enabled by default in the `['TRAIN']` section of the config file. ```python # Run Tensorboard tensorboard --logdir=logs/fit --port=8900 --host= ```

Build DB & Search

Here is an overview of the system for building and retrieving the database. The system and 'matcher' algorithm are not detailed in the paper. But it's very simple as in this code.


Augmentation Demo and Scoreboard

Augmentation demo was generated by dataset2wav.py.

External links


This project has been supported by the TPU Research Cloud (TRC) program.


@conference {chang2021neural,
    author={Chang, Sungkyun and Lee, Donmoon and Park, Jeongsoo and Lim, Hyungui and Lee, Kyogu and Ko, Karam and Han, Yoonchang},
    title={Neural Audio Fingerprint for High-specific Audio Retrieval based on Contrastive Learning},
    booktitle={International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2021)},
    year = {2021}