min30327 / luxy.js

Inertia scroll and parallax effect plugin in Vanilla.js
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Issue on PHP and Google Chrome #10

Open Felixr91 opened 5 years ago

Felixr91 commented 5 years ago


please ignore my previous issues

I've been developing in Firefox Developer Edition. Luxy is controlling the page inertia beautifully.

But on Chrome I'm noticing that when I scroll halfway down the page the scroll begins to get choppy.

I know that Firefox's Quantum CSS engine is super fast but is there anyway to optimize Luxy on Chrome? I'm developing in Wordpress and running Luxy through a cdn.


min30327 commented 5 years ago

Hi Felixr91

I developed luxy.js by Chrome. Demo page work correctly in Chrome? https://min30327.github.io/luxy.js/

If you can tell the difference from other demo pages, you may be able to help.