min30327 / luxy.js

Inertia scroll and parallax effect plugin in Vanilla.js
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Inertia scroll and parallax effect plugin in Vanilla.js


View the demo


You can install it using npm:

npm install luxy.js --save

Or just include the script in your page:

<script src="https://github.com/min30327/luxy.js/raw/master/path/to/luxy.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Included luxy.js in your project and initialize:

<script charset="utf-8">


Wrap the entire content with the element specified in the wrapper option. Please exclude fixed elements.

<div id="luxy">
    ... Entire content

Add .luxy-el to the element for which parallax effect is to be specified.

<div id="luxy">
    <div class="luxy-el"></div>

Specify the speed of the parallax effect with the data-speed-y attribute and offset with the data-offset attribute.

<div id="luxy">
    <div class="luxy-el" data-speed-y="5" data-offset="-50"></div>

If you want to move horizontally, specify data-horizontal="1" and specify the speed in the horizontal direction with the data-speed-x attribute.

<div id="luxy">
    <div class="luxy-el" data-horizontal="1" data-speed-x="-5"></div>


Name default description
wrapper '#luxy' Entire content wrapper element.
targets '.luxy-el' Parallax effect targets elements.
wrapperSpeed 0.08 Inertia scroll speed.