min30327 / luxy.js

Inertia scroll and parallax effect plugin in Vanilla.js
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Elements animate immediately as the page scrolls and not based on viewport #19

Open holmesadrianh opened 4 years ago

holmesadrianh commented 4 years ago

I notice that an element quite far down the page begins its scrolling transition immediately and not relative to the view port.

For example, an element placed half way down a long page will begin at offset 0. Then by the time you scroll to that element it has moved quite far from its original position. Is there a way to make it relative to the view port?

Not sure if I am making sense.

jonschr commented 3 years ago

+1. Works great at the top of the page; elements seem offset by a ton when you make it to a point further down the page. Is there a solution for this?

RD1989 commented 2 years ago

How to trigger the animation when an item comes in the viewport?

Doxxxie commented 2 years ago

I'm struggling with this as well!