mindwaveventures / good-thinking-phoenix

Phoenix layer to Good Thinking project
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Built using the PETE stack Phoenix, Elixir, Tachyons

This project works in tandem with the lmdw cms, for the admin section of the project see: https://github.com/ldmw/cms

Project Overview


Click on image to see large version. To edit: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1NX710eQ_1fJgxctvF3--KOO4S-m-_lOouWg1V_lPtXY

Project Design

See: zpl.io/ZDwoAh

If access is required, please ask the project maintainers!

See the designs in the following links:

Installation and Setup

To get up and running - make sure you have installed:


Ensure to have the following environement variables in your path:

export GOOGLE_SHEET_URL=<google_sheet_url_email>

See the google drive for these

Clone the repository and cd into it (make sure you don't have another project called app):

git clone https://github.com/ldmw/app.git && cd app

(Ensure postgres is running with: postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres/)

Go into the app directory

cd app

Install the dependencies:

mix deps.get

Set up the database:

mix do ecto.create, ecto.migrate

Start the server

mix phoenix.server

(For information on any of these commands run mix help <command>)

The project should now be running at https://localhost:4000

If you get the error:

ERROR 42501 (insufficient_privilege): permission denied for relation wagtailcore_page

You will need to grant access to the user "postgres"

To do so try running this command:

$ psql -d cms -c "grant all privileges on all tables in schema public to postgres"

And try starting the server again

If you get the error:

column articles_articlepage.heading does not exist
LINE 1: ...reated_at", "articles_articlepage"."page_ptr_id", "articles_...

You can fix this with:

$ psql -d cms -c "alter table articles_articlepage add column heading varchar not null default ''"

Local testing

Ensure that your have the most up to date dumpdata.json file from the dumpdata branch on the cms repo

To do so, ensure you are on the dumpdata branch and git pull origin dumpdata

Then run:

python manage.py loaddata dumpdata.json


The app is set to automatically push from the master branch to the staging area (https://ldmw-app-staging.herokuapp.com/). When we're happy this is working, we will push manually to the production site.

To deploy to the production site, make sure both the app and cms repos are in the same directory on your machine, then, from this directory (app), run ./deploy.sh {branch-you-want-to-deploy}, for example, if you wanted to deploy a branch called latest, you would run ./deploy.sh latest. If you don't include a branch in the command, it will deploy your master branch.


The documentation for the CMS (Creating pages, tags etc) can be found at https://github.com/LDMW/cms#cms


We are using Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager to track user actions on the site. We are currently tracking:

Google sheets

We are using google sheets for quick easy storage of feedback collected We have opted for a single spreadsheet with multiple tabs as multiple spreadsheets would be less manageable for both developer and client (Granting privileges for each one going between different files, etc)

We have opted for using Better Logger so that we can see logged outputs for debugging

When running the app locally, ensure you are using the development GOOGLE_SHEET_URL environment variable not the production one (See google drive for this)

If updating your environment variable doesn't work, try rm -rf _build and then starting your server again

Image uploads

File size

The Wagtail cms allows for a maximum file size of 10MB.

We would suggest that files be no bigger than 1MB.

If the image size is too large, users on poor connections or on mobile data will experience slow performance and increased data download costs.


Be aware that if an image has too high a resolution, clients will have to download more onto their device causing pages to take longer to load.

If an image has a too low resolution, then the image could be pixilated on high resolution displays.

If possible, please test your proposed image on the site's staging area so that you can determine how this will look

Preferred file type

Wagtail facilitates GIF, JPEG, PNG, but doesn't specify a preferred file type (you should go for png if you have the choice though)

Hero background image

The image should contrasts well with white text on top of it.

The image should be a wide, with a dimention ratio of approximately 3x2, try to aim for a pixel ratio between 500px and 1200px.

Also note that on mobile the hero image will be cropped as we are using a one size fits all image.

Again, please test your image on the staging area