mingchaoma / Auth0-Passwordless-Login-with-Twilio-Verify

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Note, if you use Auth0 MFA, please take a look at this blog post on how to use Twilio Verify with Auth0 MFA

Auth0 Passwordless Login with Twilio Verify

Auth0 supports passwordless loign via either SMS or Email. By default, Auth0 uses Twilio programmable messaging API to send OTP via SMS. However, Auth0 also allows you to setup custom SMS gateway for passwordless login. This project will show you how to setup Auth0 to use Twilio Verify for passwordless login.

Why custom SMS gateway with Twilio Verify?

Twilio Verify is a dedicated, fully managed, turn-key omnichannle verification solution.

What does this custom SMS gateway do?

it has the following features

  1. It uses Twilio carrier Lookup API to check the phone number and get carrier detail, aka, mobile country code (mcc) and mobile network code (mnc). The phone number will be blocked if its mcc and mnc is on the list of block_mcc_mnc.json. The primary purpose is to prevant toll fraud
  2. It uses Twilio Verify programmable rate limits feature. A service rate limit called 'ip_and_phone' is created and is used in this example. If you create a service rate limit using a different name, make sure to update the Twilio Function variable RATELIMIT_KEY to the name you choosed

What else can you do (or a to-do-list)?

  1. add authenticated request, i.e. the TWilio function will authenticate the request from Auth0
  2. to use other Verify channel to delivery OTP such as Email, Voice call and or WhatsApp


Setup custom SMS gateway for Auth0 Passwordless connection

  1. Please follow Auth0 online instruction to setup passwordless connection first, then
  2. Follow the instruction to setup custom SMS gateway. Please note, you will need the SMS gateway URL, please see the Twilio Function section below for the URL.

Setup Twilio Verify and Twilio Function

Setup Twilio Verify

Pleae follow this link to create a new Verify service. Note down the Verify service SID, a long string start with VA (VAxxxxxxxxx......) Please contact Twilio Sales to enable custom code feature for above Verify service.

Setup Twilio Function as the custom SMS Gateway

Twilio Functions is a serverless environment that empowers developers to quickly and easily create production-grade, event-driven Twilio applications that scale with their businesses.

  1. Create a new service, called it Auth0 (or anything you like)
  2. Add a new function and give it a name, for example, PasswordlessLogin.
  3. Change the function's visibility from protected to public
  4. Copy the code from this repo to your function PasswordlessLogin and save it
  5. Add a new asset and name it as block_mcc_mnc.json and copy the content from this file, change the visibility from protected to private and save it. Check here for more on MCC and MNC.
  6. Setup following Environment variables
Variable Value
VERIFY_SID VAxxxxxxxxx (the Verify service that you created at previous steps)
RATELIMIT_KEY ip_and_phone
  1. Update dependencies: update Twilio to the latest version (3.67.2, at the time of writing)
  2. Save and Deploy
  3. Take a note of your Twilio Function URL, in this example, it will be something like https://auth0-xxxx.twil.io/PasswordlessLogin. This is the URL that you will use when setting up the custom SMS gateway

Call Verify Feedback API and enable Twilio Verify Fraud Guard

In order to benefit from Twilio Verify Fraud Guard, you must call Twilio Verify Feedback API to update OTP status

Please note, when calling Verify feedback API, you can either use Verification SID or the user's phone number to update the status:

use phone number in e164 format:

curl -X POST "https://verify.twilio.com/v2/Services/VAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/Verifications/+4478xxx"

--data-urlencode "Status=approved"


or use Verification Sid:

curl -X POST "https://verify.twilio.com/v2/Services/VAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/Verifications/VEXXX..."

--data-urlencode "Status=approved"


Create Custom Log Streamms Using Webhook

Please follow this instruction to create custom log streams using webhook. Please note, you will need to create another Twilio function (acting as webhook receiver) and use it to receive the webhook call from Auth0 log stream. The Payload URL of custom log stream will be the the Twilio Function URL.

The Twilio Function will receive the webhook call from Auth0 log stream and parse the payload (for example, the successful login event and the phone number used for login), then call Verify Feedback API. For example, if you use Auth0 passwordless login and then issue an access token, you can capture the event "Success Exchange Token Exchange" which indicates a successful login with the OTP and then call Twilio Verify feedback API (you only need to call Verify feedback API for successful login event). If you are not sure, you can always check what log events are triggered for a successful login with the OTP and then use them as the triggers to call Verify feedback API.

Enable Twilio Verify Fraud Guard

Please follow this instruction to enable Verify Fraud Gurad. It is extremely important that you use Verify feedback API and enable Fraud Gurad feature when using Auth0 passwordless login. We had seen many SMS pumping victims, so you have been warned.