minired / cpp-btree

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Apache License 2.0
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This library is a C++ template library and, as such, there is no library to build and install. Copy the .h files and use them!

See for details.

To build and run the provided tests, however, you will need to install CMake, the Google C++ Test framework, and the Google flags package.

Download and install CMake from

Download and build the GoogleTest framework from

Download and install gflags from

Set GTEST_ROOT to the directory where GTEST was built. Set GFLAGS_ROOT to the directory prefix where GFLAGS is installed.

export GTEST_ROOT=/path/for/gtest-x.y export GFLAGS_ROOT=/opt

cmake . -Dbuild_tests=ON

For example, to build on a Unix system with the clang++ compiler,

export GTEST_ROOT=$(HOME)/src/googletest export GFLAGS_ROOT=/opt cmake . -G "Unix Makefiles" -Dbuild_tests=ON -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++