Added the annotate, railroady, and rails-erd gems to the Gemfile for the development environment only
The src/config/routes.rb file now lists the current output of the "rails routes" command. Just enter "bundle exec annotate --routes" to update this annotation.
The src/app/models/ and src/spec/models/ files now list the parameters for their respective models. Just enter "bundle exec annotate" to update these annotations.
The rails-erd gem now allows you to generate a block diagram of the models and their relationships to each other.
The railroady gem now allows you to generate a block diagram of the controllers and their relationships to each other.
Coverage remained the same at 52.482% when pulling 67bed6e8af36e814f2efa45280cb02bce5404e0b on jhsu802701:show_parameters_and_methods into 976930932148a993617335038f7126b36314cecf on minnestar:master.