minnestar / sessionizer

Conference session management application
MIT License
29 stars 23 forks source link


Sessionizer is a tool for managing session registration for unconferences. It was written for Minnebar, an unconference in Minnesota and one of the largest BarCamps in the world.



Application setup

# clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:minnestar/sessionizer.git
cd sessionizer

# install correct ruby version
asdf install ruby # OR
rbenv install # OR
rvm install

# install bundler
gem install bundler

# install ruby gems
bundle install

# database setup
rails db:setup

One-time setup

# create timeslots
bundle exec rails app:create_timeslots

# create rooms
bundle exec rails app:create_rooms

Troubleshooting setup


If you run into issues setting up the database:

# create 'postgres' user
createuser -s -r postgres

# create 'sessionizer_development' database
createdb sessionizer_development

Bundle exec

You're probably going to want to run all the rake tasks with bundle exec e.g.

bundle exec rails 

Running the application

To run the application

$ rails s

Then you can access the app at

Seeding data for development

For development, run rake app:make_believe to hydrate the database with sample data. It will reset the database, create an event, participants, timeslots, sessions, and apply randomized participant interest. This does not run the scheduling algorithm.


 $ bundle exec rake app:make_believe

Testing the application

The full test suite can be run with:

rails spec

Deploying to Heroku

  1. Create an application. Sessionizer runs on the default heroku-18 stack.
  2. Add the memcache add-on: heroku addons:add memcached:5mb
  3. Run heroku run rake db:migrate
  4. Run heroku run rake db:seed
  5. Set a username and password for the Sessionizer admin: heroku config:add SESSIONIZER_ADMIN_USER=foo SESSIONIZER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=bar
  6. Set a MANDRILL_MINNESTAR_USERNAME, MANDRILL_MINNESTAR_PASSWORD - These can be omitted if this app is for testing.
  7. Create the first event by navigating to /admin/events or using the console
  8. To deploy the app to heroku:
  $ git push heroku master

Generating a schedule

See SCHEDULING.MD for details and instructions.

Code of Conduct

Minnestar is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone. All conversations and discussions on GitHub (code, commit comments, issues, pull requests) must be respectful and harassment-free. By contributing to this project, you are agreeing to the Code of Conduct.



This project is open source under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.