minyoungg / vqtorch

MIT License
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VQTorch is a PyTorch library for vector quantization.

The library was developed and used for.


Development was done on Ubuntu with Python 3.9/3.10 using NVIDIA GPUs. Some requirements may need to be adjusted in order to run. Some features, such as half-precision cdist and cuda-based kmeans, are only supported on CUDA devices.

First install the correct version of cupy. Make sure to install the correct version. The version refers to CUDA Version number when using the command nvidia-smi. cupy seem to now support ROCm drivers but this has not been tested.

# recent 12.x cuda versions
pip install cupy-cuda12x

# 11.x versions (for even older see the repo above)
pip install cupy-cuda11x

Next, install vqtorch

git clone https://github.com/minyoungg/vqtorch
cd vqtorch
pip install -e .

Example usage

For examples using VectorQuant for classification and auto-encoders check out here.

import torch
from vqtorch.nn import VectorQuant

print('Testing VectorQuant')
# create VQ layer
vq_layer = VectorQuant(
                feature_size=32,     # feature dimension corresponding to the vectors
                num_codes=1024,      # number of codebook vectors
                beta=0.98,           # (default: 0.9) commitment trade-off
                kmeans_init=True,    # (default: False) whether to use kmeans++ init
                norm=None,           # (default: None) normalization for the input vectors
                cb_norm=None,        # (default: None) normalization for codebook vectors
                affine_lr=10.0,      # (default: 0.0) lr scale for affine parameters
                sync_nu=0.2,         # (default: 0.0) codebook synchronization contribution
                replace_freq=20,     # (default: None) frequency to replace dead codes
                dim=-1,              # (default: -1) dimension to be quantized

# when `kmeans_init=True` is recommended to warm up the codebook before training
with torch.no_grad():
    z_e = torch.randn(128, 8, 8, 32).cuda()

# standard forward pass
z_e = torch.randn(128, 8, 8, 32).cuda()
z_q, vq_dict = vq_layer(z_e)

>>> dict_keys(['z', 'z_q', 'd', 'q', 'loss', 'perplexity'])

Supported features

Experimental features

Planned features

We aim to incorporate commonly used VQ methods, including probabilistic VQ variants.


If the features such as affine parameterization, synchronized commitment loss or alternating optimization was useful, please consider citing

  title={Straightening Out the Straight-Through Estimator: Overcoming Optimization Challenges in Vector Quantized Networks},
  author={Huh, Minyoung and Cheung, Brian and Agrawal, Pulkit and Isola, Phillip},
  booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},

If you found the library useful please consider citing

  author = {Huh, Minyoung},
  title = {vqtorch: {P}y{T}orch Package for Vector Quantization},
  year = {2022},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/minyoungg/vqtorch}},