Cloning sane_plone_addon_template into a new install of plone 4.3.3 (under ubuntu 14.04) shows a broken-image icon for the logo (tho the footer override looks fine). Am I missing something? The only way I could fix this is by adding to configure.zcml:
directory="static" />
Is there a better way? Or did I not follow directions somewhere? I'm new to plone development and it would be great to have a customization tutorial that just works--each one I've tried gives a different error. Though fixing them sure is educational! That said, sincere thanks for your addon template.
Cloning sane_plone_addon_template into a new install of plone 4.3.3 (under ubuntu 14.04) shows a broken-image icon for the logo (tho the footer override looks fine). Am I missing something? The only way I could fix this is by adding to configure.zcml: <browser:resourceDirectory name="youraddon" directory="static" /> Is there a better way? Or did I not follow directions somewhere? I'm new to plone development and it would be great to have a customization tutorial that just works--each one I've tried gives a different error. Though fixing them sure is educational! That said, sincere thanks for your addon template.