miohtama / sane_plone_addon_template

A sane Plone 4 add-on source code template
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A simple Plone add-on / theme skeleton with instructions

This project is a sane Plone 4 add-on / theme template which provides youraddon code skeleton. It allows you to quicky start developing your own Python, CSS and JS code for Plone.

The skeleton is not limited to visual aspects, but allow customizing Plone UI aspects beyond simple CSS changes or HTML transformations easily. It is intended to replace the old ZopeSkel plone add-on template with a version embracing modern development best practices.

Supported Plone versions

Supported Plone versions are 4.1 and above. Dexterity pindowns are required, though there is no dependency on the plone.app.dexterity package, only on five.grok.


This is a barebone code drop and does not depend on any more or less crappy Python templating solutions. There is no need for using code generators, because actions like adding a view are simple code copy-pastes following the sane defaults and Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principles.

Just clone it to your installation as src/youraddon, make sure the necessary buildout changes have been made, hack and go.

Benefits over through-the-web customizations

Old Zope 2 customization methods of using Zope Management Interface are seriously limited and rarely take you even half-way of your development needs. But youraddon template: