miohtama / visualtitle

Have different navigation and in-page text title in Plone
3 stars 1 forks source link

================= Visual Title

.. contents:: :local:


This add-on separates navigation title and visual title fields in Plone. This serves the needs of marketing message where

The add-on is also useful for languages preferring long words, like German and Finnish, where the actual title does not fit well into the navigation tree and a shortened title may be preferred.


Plone 4+


Add visualtitle in buildout.cfg::


eggs =

Install the add-on using the add-on installer in Site Setup.

.. note ::

For Plone 4.1 or lower: Add Dexterity extends = line in buildout.cfg


The add-on currently supports Archetypes <http://collective-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/content/archetypes/index.html>_ based content.

When the add-on is activated you see title and visual title fields on Archetypes edit pages on all Archetypes content pages.

.. note ::

Dexterity support is planned, but looking for the sponsor.


The page template must use Plone 4+ content-core slots or generic_title_view macro to render the page title.

Correct example 1::

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

    <metal:block fill-slot="content-core">
        .. page payload goes here ...

Correct example 2::

<h1 metal:use-macro="context/kss_generic_macros/macros/generic_title_view">
     Generic KSS Title. Is rendered with class="documentFirstHeading".

If you do like this for your own content types the visual title magic won't take a place::

<h1 class="documentFirstHeading">My title</h1>

You can also access the visual title directly (not recommended)::

<h1 tal:content="python:context.restrictedTraverse('visualtitle')()" class="documentFirstHeading" />


This add-on overrides kss_generic_macros template for Plone 4+, adds new fields using archetypes.schemaextender and a helper view which you can call from the code to get the visual title.


Yep, it does.

Source and issue tracking

Policy and source coding conventions +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

The code follows Pylint policies defined in VVV policy file <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/vvv>_.

The code is PEP-8 compatible for the parts where PEP-8 does not get confused.


Mikko Ohtamaa <http://opensourcehacker.com>_