mirapy-org / mirapy

MiraPy: A Python package for Deep Learning in Astronomy
MIT License
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astronomy autoencoder classification curve-fitting deep-learning htru1 image-reconstruction keras machine-learning ogle variable-stars x-ray-binaries

MiraPy: Python Package for Deep Learning in Astronomy

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MiraPy is a Python package for Deep Learning in Astronomy. It is built using Keras for developing ML models to run on CPU and GPU seamlessly. The aim is to make applying machine learning techniques on astronomical data easy for astronomers, researchers and students.

The documentation is available here <https://mirapy.readthedocs.io>_.


MiraPy can be used for problem solving using ML techniques and will continue to grow to tackle new problems in Astronomy. Following are some of the experiments that you can perform right now:

There are more projects that we will add soon and some of them are as following:

You can find the applications MiraPy in our tutorial <https://github.com/mirapy-org/tutorials>_ repository.


Before installing Keras, please install one of its backend engines: TensorFlow, Theano, or CNTK. We recommend the TensorFlow backend. You can find Keras installation guide here <https://keras.io/#installation>_.

You can download the package using pip package installer::

pip install mirapy

You can also build from source code::

git clone --recursive https://github.com/mirapy-org/mirapy.git
cd mirapy
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py install


MiraPy is far from perfect and we would love to see your contributions to open source community! In future, it will be able to do more and in better ways and we need your suggestions! Tell us what you would like to see as a part of this package on Slack <https://join.slack.com/t/mirapy/shared_invite/enQtNjEyNDQwNTI2NDY3LTE3ZmI3M2EyMjdkZWU4NTE2NjkxZjdhYWE4ZjUyODY0NzllNzRlMzZhNThhNWRiMjk4MjNhYWQ3NjA3YjJiNGY>_.

About Us

MiraPy is developed by Swapnil Sharma <https://www.linkedin.com/in/swapsha96/> and Akhil Singhal <https://www.linkedin.com/in/akhil-singhal-a59448106/> as their final year 'Major Technical Project' under the guidance of Dr. Arnav Bhavsar <http://faculty.iitmandi.ac.in/~arnav/> at Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi <http://iitmandi.ac.in/>.


This project is Copyright (c) Swapnil Sharma, Akhil Singhal and licensed under the terms of the MIT license.