mirdaki / silverbullet-pomodoro

Implement the Pomodoro technique in SilverBullet
MIT License
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SilverBullet Pomodoro Plug

note Alpha Release
This is still very early and unfinished. Please report issues.

This plug adds support for using the pomodoro technique in SilverBullet.

Example of what the pomodoro timer would look like



Use the Plugs: Add command and enter this: github:mirdaki/silverbullet-pomodoro/pomodoro.plug.js


  1. Open up the Pomodoro timer panel with the šŸ… Pomodoro: Toggle Panel command (Ctrl-Alt-z by default)
  2. Choose a task to work on with the šŸ… Pomodoro: Choose Task command (Ctrl-Alt-c by default)
  3. Click start and get working!
  4. Stop when the work timer ends. Click the break timer then, blink, drink water, go for a walk, etc
  5. Repeat. Get things done, give yourself grace, enjoy!

Query to see daily stats:

item where "pomodoro" in itags and date = "2024-09-27" order by pomodoroType desc render [[Library/Personal/Query/Pomodoro Day]]

Template to display daily stats:

* {{#if pomodoroType = "work"}}**{{iteration}}** for ā€œ{{name}}ā€œ {{#if taskRef}}[[{{taskRef}}]]{{/if}}{{/if}}{{#if pomodoroType = "shortBreak"}}**{{iteration}}** Short Break{{#if iteration > 1}}s{{/if}}{{/if}}{{#if pomodoroType = "longBreak"}}**{{iteration}}** Long Break{{#if iteration > 1}}s{{/if}}{{/if}}

Example of what the daily pomodoro template stats would look like


This plug has some optional configuration that can be set in SETTINGS:

  # Determines where the panel is displayed:
  # - "lhs" - left hand side
  # - "rhs" - right hand side
  position: rhs

  # Must be > 0.
  # position = "lhs" | "rhs": determines the width of the panel.
  size: .4

  # The query to use to get tasks listed by the `šŸ… Pomodoro: Choose Task` command.
  taskQuery: task where done = false

  # The audio file to play when the timer ends. Defaults to not playing.
  audioAlertPath: ""

  # The time in minutes for a work session.
  workTime: 25

  # The time in minutes for a short break.
  shortBreakTime: 5

  # The time in minutes for a long break.
  longBreakTime: 30

  # The number of work sessions before a long break.
  countForLongBreak: 4

  # The page to use to store pomodoro data.
  page: _POMODORO

