mirkonasato / ionic2-webpack2-starter

Ionic 2 starter project based on Webpack 2
MIT License
25 stars 8 forks source link

Ionic 2 Webpack Starter

Ionic 2 starter project using Webpack 2 and @ngtools/webpack for AoT template compilation.

Includes Sass support for theming your app.


The Ionic CLI is the officially supported tool for creating and managing Ionic projects. So why use a custom project workflow instead? Here are my reasons:

In other words, have full control over the build process.


Clone This Project

Simply clone this project and use it as it is, or rename it to whatever you like.

git clone https://github.com/mirkonasato/ionic2-webpack2-starter my-app

Install Dependencies

Install all the dependencies (this only needs to be done once) with NPM:

cd my-app
npm install

(You can also use Yarn instead of NPM of course.)

Add Cordova

If you only want to create a (progressive) web app you can skip this step. To be able to build a mobile app with Cordova, create a new Cordova project in a cordova sub-folder using the Cordova CLI (did I say Cordova enough times?):

cordova create cordova

then edit cordova/config.xml and set your app id, name, etc.

Local Development Server

To start a local development web server with automatic refresh type:

npm run serve

Your application will be accessible at localhost:8080 by default. See the webpack-dev-server docs if you want to customise anything.

Build Targets

Running as a Mobile App

Simply build the project as described above, then use Cordova CLI from inside the cordova sub-folder to build and run.

E.g. for Android build the project in the top-level folder

npm run build:cordova

add Android as a platform (only needs to be done once):

cd cordova
cordova platform add android

and then you run the app in an emulator with

cordova emulate android

For iOS it's the same, just replace android with ios. Please refer to the Cordova CLI docs for the full list of available commands.

LiveReload in Android/iOS

To automatically reload the app at every change while running it in Android/iOS launch

npm run serve:cordova

this will start the dev server and create a special build in cordova/www with index.html set to load scripts from the dev server, using your machine external IP address.

In another terminal deploy the app to Android/iOS as usual with e.g.

ionic emulate android

You can even deploy to multiple devices and they will all live reload any changes.