mirror / sed

GNU General Public License v3.0
64 stars 20 forks source link

This is the GNU implementation of sed, the Unix stream editor.

GNU Sed website: https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/

See the NEWS file for a brief summary and the ChangeLog for more detailed descriptions of changes.

If you obtained this file as part of a "git clone", then see the README-hacking file. If this file came to you as part of a tar archive, then see the file INSTALL for compilation and installation instructions.

See the file BUGS for instructions about reporting bugs.

See the files AUTHORS and THANKS for a list of authors and other contributors.

See the file COPYING for copying conditions.

After installation run 'sed --help' or 'man sed' for short usage information, and 'info sed' for the complete manual. The manual is also available on sed's website.