misclabs / airheads

MIT License
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A simple project demo of capturing frames from a webcam, manipulating the frame, and displaying it in a window.

Dependencies and Credits

Dotdiff algorithm and logic is based on Anthony Barker's python scripts.

The project structure is based roughly on cpp-gui-template-sdl2 template.

The build system is cmake.

Basic rendering, window, and input are done with SDL2. The GUI is made with Dear ImGUI.

Webcam capture uses videoInput

The Manrope font is include.

The video capturing is Windows dependent, but everything else should be reasonable portable.


OpenCV is the one dependency that needs to be manually installed. On Windows grab opencv-4.8.0-windows.exe from the 4.8.0 release page (4.8.0 is confirmed to work, but later versions should work as well).

The environment variable OpenCV_DIR needs to be set to the .\build directory in the location you unpacked opencv. So if you unpacked it to c:\opencv you would set OpenCV_DIR=c:\opencv\build.

You also need to add %OpenCV_DIR%\x64\vc16\bin to your path for the program to find the OpenCV DLLs at runtime.

Note that the build does not automatically include the required OpenCV DLLs in a distribution (like it does for the SDL DLL). Currently they need to be manually copied over.

Building and Debugging w/ Visual Studio

The is a cmake project. Make sure you have C++ CMake tools for Windows installed and then open this folder using "Open a local folder". The first time you open the project it might take a bit for the dependencies to download (check the output panel for message like "Fetching fmt ..."). Once that's done select airheads.exe (app\aiheads.exe) as the target and run.


Some rough plans are documented in Trello here: https://trello.com/b/mAXCaU50/airheads

Generally Google C++ coding conventions should be followed although this is inconsistent at present.