if ( i == "0"){
console.log(i +" No more bottles of coke on the wall, no more bottles of coke. Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of coke on the wall.");
else if (i == "1"){
console.log(i +" Bottle of Coke on the Wall in the terminal. If you're unfamiliar with the song, you can find the lyrics below.");
else {console.log(i +" Bottles of Coke on the Wall in the terminal. If you're unfamiliar with the song, you can find the lyrics below.");}
// second Question Random Address Generator:
var streetNum = [12,14,15,33,22];
var streetName = ['murphy street','wiesly street','mike street','yarrow street','jeffrerson street'];
var cityName = ['Rochester','Boston','Tyson corner','califfornia','ocland'];
var stateName= ['NY','VA','CA','MA','DC'];
var zipCode=['11213','12312','34312','45314','123421'];
var randomStreetNum = streetNum[(Math.floor(Math.random()streetNum.length))];
var randomStreetName = streetName[(Math.floor(Math.random()streetName.length))];
var randomCityname = cityName[(Math.floor(Math.random()cityName.length))];
var randomStateName= stateName[(Math.floor(Math.random()stateName.length))];
var randomZipCode= zipCode[(Math.floor(Math.random()*zipCode.length))];
// First Question 99 Bottles of Coke:
for(var i = 99; i >=0; i--){
if ( i == "0"){ console.log(i +" No more bottles of coke on the wall, no more bottles of coke. Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of coke on the wall."); } else if (i == "1"){ console.log(i +" Bottle of Coke on the Wall in the terminal. If you're unfamiliar with the song, you can find the lyrics below."); }
else {console.log(i +" Bottles of Coke on the Wall in the terminal. If you're unfamiliar with the song, you can find the lyrics below.");}
} // second Question Random Address Generator:
var streetNum = [12,14,15,33,22];
var streetName = ['murphy street','wiesly street','mike street','yarrow street','jeffrerson street'];
var cityName = ['Rochester','Boston','Tyson corner','califfornia','ocland'];
var stateName= ['NY','VA','CA','MA','DC'];
var zipCode=['11213','12312','34312','45314','123421'];
var randomStreetNum = streetNum[(Math.floor(Math.random()streetNum.length))]; var randomStreetName = streetName[(Math.floor(Math.random()streetName.length))]; var randomCityname = cityName[(Math.floor(Math.random()cityName.length))]; var randomStateName= stateName[(Math.floor(Math.random()stateName.length))]; var randomZipCode= zipCode[(Math.floor(Math.random()*zipCode.length))];
// console.log(randomStreetNum+' '+randomStreetName +' '+randomCityname+' '+randomStateName+' '+randomZipCode);
// for (var i=0; i<= streetNum.length; i++) // { // console.log()
// }
// var random =[streetNum,stateName,cityName,stateName,zipCode];
// for(var i = 0 ; i<= random.length-1 ; i++){ // console.log(Math.floor(Math.random*random.length[i]));}