misk-jsd2 / 03-conditionals-and-loops

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Bashayer Alghafis #21

Closed bashayeralghafis closed 5 years ago

bashayeralghafis commented 5 years ago

//Assignment 1

var bottles = 99;

var word = 'bottles';

while (bottles > 0 ){ if (bottles == 1){ word = "bottle";

} console.log(bottles + ' bottles of coke on the wall ', bottles +' bottles of coke. Take one down and pass it around bottle ', bottles-1 , word + ' of coke on the wall.'); bottles-- ;

if (bottles == 0){ console.log("No more bottles of coke on the wall, no more bottles of coke. Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of coke on the wall."); } }

//Assignment 2

var streetNumber = ['25489', '87459', '35478', '15975', '95125', '78965']

var streetName = ['Tahlea street', 'Olay street', 'Thumamah street', 'King fahad street', 'Rabi street', 'King Abdulaziz street',]

var cityName = ['Riyadh', 'Dammam', 'Jedda', 'Tabouk', 'Makka', 'Maddena', 'Haiel']

var stateName = ['Qa State', 'No State', 'Ea State', 'So State', 'We State']

var zipCode = ['12889', '12459', '12748', '12005', '12625', '12465']

var streetNumber = streetNumber[Math.floor(Math.random() streetNumber.length)]; var streetName = stateName[Math.floor(Math.random() streetName.length)]; var cityName = cityName[Math.floor(Math.random() cityName.length)]; var stateName = stateName[Math.floor(Math.random() stateName.length)]; var zipCode = zipCode[Math.floor(Math.random() * zipCode.length)];

console.log(streetNumber , streetName , cityName , stateName , zipCode);

morojAlh commented 5 years ago

We discussed the homework one-on-one. Good job šŸ‘šŸ¼