misshie / bioruby-ucsc-api

Ruby UCSC API: An API for the UCSC Genome Database
MIT License
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bio-ucsc-api version 0.6.5 Build Status

The Ruby UCSC API: accessing the UCSC Genome Database using Ruby.

Your comments, suggestions and requests are welcome. Feel free to contact the author if you find your favorite reference genome is not yet supported.


The Ruby UCSC API: accessing the UCSC genome database using Ruby: Hiroyuki Mishima, Jan Aerts, Toshiaki Katayama, Raoul JP Bonnal and Koh-ichiro Yoshiura, BMC Bioinformatics 13:240 (2012).


$ gem install bio-ucsc-api

Web Service

TogoWS ( http://togows.org/ ), a web-service of DBCLS ( http://dbcls.rois.ac.jp/ ), supports UCSC Genome Database and offers the REST interface using the Ruby UCSC API internally. Please see the TogoWS API documentation (the "External API" section) at http://togows.org/help/ .


Supported databases (genome assemblies)

If your favorite databese is not supported, please do not hesitate to contact the author because the author mainly working only with human genomes.


This package is based on the followings:

Supported Ruby interpreter implementations:

Major rubygem dependencies:

See also:

Change Log

See 'ChangeLog.md' for older changes.

How to Use


Sample Codes

At first, you have to declare the API and establish the connection to a database.

 require 'bio-ucsc'
 DB = Bio::Ucsc::Hg19

 # Suppressing deprecation warnings for using dynamic finders such as 'find_by_name_and_chrom'.
 # These syles are deprecated in ActiveRecord 4.0. 
 ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silenced = true

Table search using genomic intervals:

 require 'bio-ucsc'
 DB = Bio::Ucsc::Hg19

 DB::Snp138.with_interval("chr1:1-11,000").find(:all).each do |e|
   i = GenomicInterval.zero_based(e.chrom, e.chromStart, e.chromEnd)
   puts "#{i.chrom}\t#{i.chr_start}\t#{e.name}\t#{e[:class]}" # "e.class" does not work

 gi = "chr17:7,579,614-7,579,700"
 puts DB::Snp138.with_interval(gi).find(:all)

 puts DB::Snp138.with_interval_excl(gi).find(:all)

 relation = DB::Snp138.with_interval(gi).select(:name)
 puts relation.to_sql 
  # => SELECT name FROM `snp138`
  #      WHERE (chrom = 'chr17' AND bin in (642,80,9,1,0)
  #      AND ((chromStart BETWEEN 7579613 AND 7579700) AND
  #           (chromEnd   BETWEEN 7579613 AND 7579700)))
 puts relation.find_all_by_class_and_strand("in-del", "+").size # => 1

 # Rails4 style
 puts DB::Snp138.where(name: "rs56289060").first

 # Old style 
 ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silenced = true # Suppress warnings
 puts DB::Snp138.find_all_by_name("rs56289060").first

Sometimes, queries using raw SQLs provide elegant solutions.

 require 'bio-ucsc'
 DB = Bio::Ucsc::Hg19

 sql << 'SQL'
 SELECT name,chrom,chromStart,chromEnd,observed
 FROM snp138 
 WHERE name="rs56289060"
 puts DB::Snp138.find_by_sql(sql)

For gene prediction (genePred) tables, such as RefSeq, EndGene, and WgEncodeGencodeBasicV12, Ruby UCSC API automatically implements #exon, #introns, #cdss (or an alias #cdses) methods. Exons, introns, and CDSes are accessible as Array objects of Bio::GenomicInterval.

 require 'bio-ucsc'
 DB = Bio::Ucsc::Hg19

 r = DB::RefGene.with_interval("chr1:1,000,000-1,100,000").first
 puts "gene strand = #{r.strand}"
 r.exons.each{|x|puts "[#{x.chr_start}, #{x.chr_end}]"}
 r.cdss.each{|x|puts "[#{x.chr_start}, #{x.chr_end}]"}
 r.introns.each{|x|puts "[#{x.chr_start}, #{x.chr_end}]"}

retrieve reference sequence from a locally-stored 2bit file. The "hg19.2bit" file can be downloaded from http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/bigZips/hg19.2bit

 hg19ref = Bio::Ucsc::File::Twobit.load("hg19.2bit")
 puts hg19ref.find_by_interval("chr1:9,500-10,999")

 # another way to access a twobit file
 puts Bio::Ucsc::File::Twobit.open("hg19.2bit"){|tb|tb.find_by_interval("chr1:9,500-10,999")}

Connetcting to non-official or local full/partial mirror MySQL servers

 Bio::Ucsc::Hg18.connect( :db_host => 'localhost',
                          :db_username => 'genome',
                         :db_password => '' )

 Bio::Ucsc::Hg18.default # reset to connect UCSC's public MySQL sever

And see also sample scripts in the samples directory.

Notes of Exceptions in Table Support

Details in "with_interval"

Table Associations

Ruby UCSC API supports two ways to define table association/relation, manual and automatic. Manual definition can define minimum association set you need. Automatic definition is easy to use. However, automatic definition may define huge number of association. You may have to restrict database set before definition.

Manual definition of table associations

See samples/snp2gene.rb. Association definitions using has_one/has_many methods are shown below. class_eval is used not to replace but to add definition.

 Bio::Ucsc::Hg19::KnownGene.class_eval do
   has_one :knownToEnsembl, {:primary_key => :name, :foreign_key => :name}
 Bio::Ucsc::Hg19::KnownToEnsembl.class_eval do
   has_one :ensGtp, {:primary_key => :value, :foreign_key => :transcript}
   has_one :kgXref, {:primary_key => :name, :foreign_key => :kgID}
 Bio::Ucsc::Hg19::KgXref.class_eval do
   has_one :refLink, {:primary_key => :mRNA, :foreign_key => :mrnaAcc}

And fields can be referred like the followings:


ActiveRecord::Base#find can be used with the :include option to perform "eager fetching" to reduce number of SQL statement submission.

 kg = Bio::Ucsc::Hg19::KnownGene.with_interval(gi).
             :include => [:knownToEnsembl => :ensGtp,
                          :knownToEnsembl => {:kgXref => :refLink}])

Automatic definition of table associations using the all.joiner schema file

First, use Bio::Ucsc::Joiner.load(url) to the all.joiner file from url. If url is not given, http://genome-source.cse.ucsc.edu/gitweb/?p=kent.git;a=blob_plain;f=src/hg/makeDb/schema/all.joiner;hb=HEAD will be used as the url. Please see further infomation about all.joiner at http://genome-source.cse.ucsc.edu/gitweb/?p=kent.git;a=blob;f=src/hg/makeDb/schema/joiner.doc;hb=HEAD

Next, you can overwrite all.joiner variables by the Joiner#variables method. For examle, a "gbd" variable means "all databases". Overwriting this variables can restrict databases to be used in table assocations and makes automatic definition faster. Unconnected databases and undefined tables are ignored during definition.

Then, you can access an associated tables using a method. Note that automatic definition always use "has_many" methods. Thus, resuls are always returned as an array.

joiner = Bio::Ucsc::Schema::Joiner.load
joiner.variables["gbd"] = ["hg19", "hg18"]
# "first" is required because the snp138Seq method always returns an array.
puts Bio::Ucsc::Hg19::Snp138.find_by_name("rs242").snp138Seq.first.file_offset


Copyright: (c) 2011-2018 MISHIMA, Hiroyuki (hmishima at nagasaki-u.ac.jp / Twitter: @mishima_eng (in English) and @mishimahryk (in Japanese)
Copyright: (c) 2010 Jan Aerts
License: The MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for further details..