Primary Owner: Maggie Moreno
See the live production app here
See the test/development app
You'll need yarn and node v8.11.3. I recommend using nvm to manage your node and npm version.
Install NVM-- see more detailed directions here
$ curl > ~/Desktop/
# read the file
$ bash ~/Desktop/
Install Yarn
$ brew install yarn
Install JS dependencies of this repo
$ nvm use
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
Deploy -- mostly follow these instruction here
$ yarn build
$ npm install -g firebase-tools
$ firebase login:ci
$ firebase use [env]
$ firebase deploy --only hosting
This is a ReactJS app bootstrapped with Create React App and built on top of Firebase. That means that all of the middleware/backend is taken care of by Firebase, and when you clone this repo, all you will see is the ReactJS codebase. Don't be alarmed.
Second, the codebase as-is has the backend-for-frontend API calls but doesn't have the database(s) set up. So if you want to contribute more than just a typo fix, you'll have to reach out to me, Maggie Moreno, and I'll help you get set up.
And lastly, if you are taking the time to read this, I already adore you and am so looking forward to your help.
Thank you!
<3 Maggie Moreno