mist64 / c64ref

Ultimate Commodore 64 Reference: ROM Disassembly, Memory Map, ...
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
473 stars 76 forks source link
6502 c64 collection commodore disassembly kernal memory-map rom
# Ultimate Commodore
64 Reference Guide An effort to collect `C64` reference material
in machine readable form and maintain
scripts to present this material to the web.

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## Material *Reference material collected in this repository.*
### ROM Disassembly
| KERNAL | BASIC | Lang | By / From | |:------:|:-----:|:----:|:---------:| | ◯ | [⬤][Disassembly BASIC] | :us: | **Microsoft** | [⬤][Disassembly KERNAL] | ◯ | :us: | **Commodore** | [⬤][Disassembly Lee] | [⬤][Disassembly Lee] | :us: | `Lee Davison` | ◯ | [⬤][Disassembly Bob] | :us: | `Bob Sander-Cederlof` | [⬤][Disassembly Buch] | [⬤][Disassembly Buch] | :de: | **Commodore-64-intern-Buch** | [⬤][Disassembly Magnus] | ◯ | :us: | `Magnus Nyman` | [⬤][Disassembly Marko] | [⬤][Disassembly Marko] | :us: | `Marko Mäkelä`
### Memory Map
| Title | Lang | By / From | |:-----:|:----:|:---------:| | [`Mapping the Commodore 64`][Memory Sheldon] | :us: | `Sheldon Leemon` | [`Memory Map mit Wandervorschlägen`][Memory Hauck] | :de: | `Dr. H. Hauck` | [`Commodore-64-intern-Buch`][Memory Buch] | :de: | **Commodore** | [`Reference`][Memory Joe] | :us: | `Joe Forster / STA` | [`Comments in the original source`][Memory Original] | :us: | **Microsoft** / **Commodore** | | [`C64 Programmer's Reference Guide`][Memory Guide] | :us: | | [`64map`][Memory Map] | :us: | | [`Reference`][Memory Jim] | :us: | `Jim Butterfield`
| Title | Lang | By / From | |:-----:|:----:|:---------:| | [`Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide`][API Guide] | :us: | **Commodore** | [`COMPUTE!'s VIC-20 and Commodore 64 Tool Kit: Kernal`][API Dan] | :us: | `Dan Heeb` | [`Machine Language Routines for the Commodore 64 and 128`][API Todd] | :us: | `Todd D Heimarck`
`Patrick Parrish` | [`Mapping the Commodore 64`][API Sheldon] | :us: | `Sheldon Leemon` | [`Commodore 128 intern`][API 128] | :us: | `Jörg Schieb`
`Frank Thrun`
`Heinz Wrobel` | [`The almost completely commented C64 ROM disassembly`][API Lee] | :us: | `Lee Davison` | [`Cracking The Kernal`][API Peter] | :us: | `Peter Marcotty` | [`Kernal 64 / 128`][API Craig] | :us: | `Craig Taylor` | [`Commodore 64 standard KERNAL functions`][API Joe] | :us: | `Joe Forster / STA` | [`C64 KERNAL jump table`][API Frank] | :us: | `Frank Kontros` | [`Das neue Commodore-64-intern-Buch`][API Sheldon] | :de: | `Baloui`

## Contributions `Extensions` , `Translations` , `Corrections`
of typos and content, .. **are welcome!**

## Credits The original effort of ***collecting***, ***converting***, ***formatting***
and ***editing*** the collected files was done by **[Michael Steil]**.