misterSokor / TimeSlotManager

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Peter Sokor individual project: "TimeSlotManager"

Project Description:

Problem Statement

For many years, music teachers have faced challenges in effectively organizing and managing schedules for music lessons with their students. Existing methods, such as manual schedule keeping, paper notebooks, or the use of shared calendars, often prove inconvenient and inefficient. This leads to difficulties in booking lesson times, tracking student availability, and exchanging schedule-related information.

Most music teachers also encounter the need to send lesson schedules to students and receive confirmations from them. This process can be cumbersome and time-consuming, especially when considering individual preferences and schedule changes.

This application helps music teachers to easily manage lesson schedules, helps to keep track of the list of students who have booked time for a lesson and send reminder messages.

Technologies and Tools:

Page where students can book time slot Page where the teacher can see list of people who booked time for a lesson

Project Components:

1. Controllers:

a. BookingController:

b. ScheduleController:

2. Services:

a. BookingService:

3. Repositories:

a. BookingRepository:

b. TimeSlotRepository:

4. Entities:

a. TimeSlot:

b. Booking:

Design Documentation

UserStories Tasks CreateTableSql

Plans to work on:

  1. Add Cognito Authentication and Authorization:

    • Integrate with AWS Cognito or a similar service to enhance security and user identification.
  2. Improve the Interface:

    • Develop a more appealing and user-friendly interface to enhance the user experience.
  3. Work on Unit Tests:

    • Develop additional unit tests to ensure the stability and reliability of the application.
  4. Deploy on AWS

    • To deploy this project on AWS BeansTalk and send link to other students