mistervee / skin.madnox

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Current status of the skin #44

Closed mistervee closed 4 years ago

mistervee commented 4 years ago

@bartolomesoriano @gibxxi @meowmoo @Slipass

An update.... The skin is 90% for an alpha release, i am determined to have it ready for the forums by Christmas sometime in the future.

What needs to be finished....

Code Optimization

Skin functions that are not complete


If there is anything you think i have left out please let me know.

I really appreciate your help. TY all. Cheers Mr. V

meowmoo commented 4 years ago

In the Focus square view (music) the cd art shows only if the album case option is enabled, otherwise its missing

gibxxi commented 4 years ago


Hi Mr.V, Happy New Year & all that jazz. ;o)

I have come across a few visual duplication bugs, details below. I've not checked back in this (or any of the other) Madnox 2.0 threads here on GitHub, as I don't have time for that. So apologies if these bugs have already been raised / submitted.

Duplicated Buttons (Cast):

Duplicate 'Cast' buttons in the 'Information' view, one working, one not. Leftover from migration from ExtendedInfo to EmbuaryInfo? This affects both TV and Movie categories. See screenshot(s) below for details:

https://imgur.com/2RK8IO9 https://imgur.com/Bwsu2rs

(As it's indentical in look and layout, I've only taken screenshots for the 'TV' category, not the Movie category, but be advised, it's present in both).

Duplicated Codec Icons:

Similar to the above (Same reason?), Codec icons are shown twice for both TV shows, and Movies, see screenshot(s) below:

https://imgur.com/TdZWlCr https://imgur.com/KFnNJR2

Hope you are well since we've not heard much from you of late. Have a good New Year, that's all from me for the time-being.



Dan / Gib.

meowmoo commented 4 years ago

@gibxxi I have the duplicate codec but not the duplicate cast button.

@mistervee in rightlist view if you disable the floor, the movie/tv logo shows up in the bottom left over the poster.

gibxxi commented 4 years ago


Aye. The second (non-working) button is because I have the ExtendedInfo addon still installed (for compatibility with other skins that may require it). Disable ExtendedInfo (assuming it has no depedancies) and it disappears. There must be code in the skin that's leftover that still references it.


mistervee commented 4 years ago

@meowmoo @gibxxi @bartolomesoriano @Slipass

Hi all,

I have been away for some time and apologise for not keeping you all updated.

Over the past few months i needed to address my health issues and step away from development to get a better perspective on the my everyday life.

I am hoping to return to development of the skin within the next few weeks.

Cheers Mr. V

bartolomesoriano commented 4 years ago

@meowmoo @gibxxi @bartolomesoriano @Slipass

Hi all,

I have been away for some time and apologise for not keeping you all updated.

Over the past few months i needed to address my health issues and step away from development to get a better perspective on the my everyday life.

I am hoping to return to development of the skin within the next few weeks.

Cheers Mr. V

@mistervee , I am very glad that you are feeling better and that you were able to get the help you needed. Please take all the time that you need before you get back into development. I will be here to test whenever you get back into development.

Best regards,


mistervee commented 4 years ago

@gibxxi @bartolomesoriano @meowmoo @Slipass

Hi All,

Hope everyone is doing well.

Thanks for you kind words, i am doing much better than i was.

A long overdue update. Music/Video Info dialogs have been completed. For now there is no support for online content, TMDB, youtube ect.

A few features to note;

This is a rather unique approach for the info dialogs, so you dont need to navigate to a new window or lookup online content. This makes everything instant.

Still more to do, like getting to your bug reports and a general code cleanup.

Cheers Mr. V

gibxxi commented 4 years ago

Welcome back @mistervee , such a pleasure to see you "back on the horse" as it were.

It might be an idea to put a post up on the forums echoing what you've said here, since this is private and unaccessible to anyone other than the five of us. I expect there's quite a few forum members who would be glad to see a few words from you right about now. I've not been to the forums today, so sorry if you've already posted, because I won't have seen it.


Dan / Gib.

bartolomesoriano commented 4 years ago

@mistervee great to have you back!

I will be testing thoroughly in the next couple of days. I had a brief look today and your work is impeccable, as usual! :)


meowmoo commented 4 years ago

Hurra, glad to see you back @mistervee!

The update looks good, cool feature I like it and the info screen looks very nice!

mistervee commented 4 years ago

Welcome back @mistervee , such a pleasure to see you "back on the horse" as it were.

It might be an idea to put a post up on the forums echoing what you've said here, since this is private and unaccessible to anyone other than the five of us. I expect there's quite a few forum members who would be glad to see a few words from you right about now. I've not been to the forums today, so sorry if you've already posted, because I won't have seen it.


Dan / Gib.

Thanks @gibxxi

Have posted on the forums.

mistervee commented 4 years ago

@mistervee in skin settings furniture the description for the last 3 settings is wrong, Jump to letter shows the plot description, plot outline the auto scroll, and auto scroll shows nothing

Artwork, its impossible to install Colored Studio icons, colored movie genre, BW movie genre, and movie Country icons, everything else works.

Colors, if you change the color platte, it need to reload all the colors again, would be nice if the get "cached" and show instant next time.

will the Save/load day/night feature from an early release be back at the end? i like the idear of sharing themes or just save it and use different colors for a while and than load the "old" one again.

the "letterbar" takes very long to load on my end, not sure if you can do anything to speed it up.

An option to lock the homescreen settings,beside from kiosk mode would be welcome, i often browse my widget and if I press left to often I end up in the Setting for the Homescreen.

@meowmoo @gibxxi @bartolomesoriano @Slipass

I have tidied up the skin settings area, you should see the correct description for all the options. There were some issue with some install options for the artwork addons, should be fixed.

For the color pallatte, that is handled by skin helper color picker. i dont have any control for that. I have noticed that sulfred has made some updates for kodi matrix. Not sure if that changes anything

The save/load day/night feature was removed as that was skin helper backup plugin. No development seems to be happening and had many bugs that i could not fix. Hence removed.

The 'Jump to letter feature' relys on Embuary helper addon. It is is instant for me. Not sure what i can do.

I have changed the home navigation with a recent update. Press down or up to get to home menu. If a widget is set you can only access the menu by pressing down.

Other things to note in recent update; -Music and Video info dialog options are now seperate -Music and Video info dialogButtons can be disabled -These options can also be changed in skin settings

@meowmoo I have not got to all your questions. I will in time.

meowmoo commented 4 years ago

@mistervee looks good, I like that I can disable the buttons I don't need.

It took me a while till I figured out I can press right on the info, like track list and movie info, genre, studio and so to get more info, maby a little hint would be helpful

When I try to copy the skin I get an error on the nox4.png, on phone and windows PC, that says image is in use. Maby it's just on my end?

Will we get artists slidshow support? I know you Handel it with the dB, but I miss it when listen to radio. I added it by myself before the last update, if you don't wannt to support it, it's fine for me though

mistervee commented 4 years ago

@mistervee looks good, I like that I can disable the buttons I don't need.

It took me a while till I figured out I can press right on the info, like track list and movie info, genre, studio and so to get more info, maby a little hint would be helpful

When I try to copy the skin I get an error on the nox4.png, on phone and windows PC, that says image is in use. Maby it's just on my end?

Will we get artists slidshow support? I know you Handel it with the dB, but I miss it when listen to radio. I added it by myself before the last update, if you don't wannt to support it, it's fine for me though

@meowmoo Will not be adding hints on how to navigate. As you said it took you a time to work it out. When you do hints are not needed anymore.

The png issue sounds like a system permission issue with your install.

Artist slideshow support... Installed it and played around with it for a bit. Yes, next update will have support.

bartolomesoriano commented 4 years ago

@mistervee, after some testing, the only thing I found is that in the video info dialog, when you press Up to view the movies and tv shows where a cast member also appears, the heading is missing the cast member name.

Apart from that, so far everything looks good!

mistervee commented 4 years ago


Will we get artists slidshow support? I know you Handel it with the dB, but I miss it when listen to radio. I added it by myself before the last update, if you don't wannt to support it, it's fine for me though

Artist slideshow support done.


@mistervee, after some testing, the only thing I found is that in the video info dialog, when you press Up to view the movies and tv shows where a cast member also appears, the heading is missing the cast member name.

Apart from that, so far everything looks good!


@gibxxi @bartolomesoriano @meowmoo @Slipass Other updates

gibxxi commented 4 years ago


Does Embuary info essentially replace all functionality previously provided by Phil65's ExtendedInfo? I know the latter is not under active development and has some issues, hence the reason for asking.

Thanks for the latest updates btw. Back to using Madnox full-time again now.


Dan / Gib.

meowmoo commented 4 years ago

@mistervee thanks for the update!

You need to rename the 4k.pngs to 4K.pngs (uppercase K) to make them work.

mistervee commented 4 years ago

@gibxxi It does.

@meowmoo Fixed.

mistervee commented 4 years ago

@gibxxi @bartolomesoriano @meowmoo @Slipass

New update.

Cleaned up the code for the topbar, floor and media menu. You should not see any difference in the functionality of the skin. No need for any testing. If you notice anything a bit odd with everyday use let me know.

Cheers Mr. V

meowmoo commented 4 years ago

Just wanna point out that most bugs I reported January 2. Are still present

mistervee commented 4 years ago


Check out the latest on git.

in skin settings furniture the description for the last 3 settings is wrong, Jump to letter shows the plot description, plot outline the auto scroll, and auto scroll shows nothing

Fixed a couple of updated ago

Artwork, its impossible to install Colored Studio icons, colored movie genre, BW movie genre, and movie Country icons, everything else works.

If you dont have script.image.resource.select installed it wont work. It is required when installing the skin and kodi will install it for you, when first installing the skin.

Also check that kodi has not disabled the addon. It can happen when upgrading to a new version.

Colors, if you change the color platte, it need to reload all the colors again, would be nice if the get "cached" and show instant next time.

The only control i have on the color pallete is the default one. Different color pallets are hadled by the skin helper color picker script. So every time you want to change a color the default madnox ones will display regardless of your previous choice.

will the Save/load day/night feature from an early release be back at the end? i like the idear of sharing themes or just save it and use different colors for a while and than load the "old" one again.

I like the idea of sharing themes too.

The functionality was from a skin helper script that is buggy and not maintained. The script is also not compatible with kodi matrix. It is not possible to reliably do this.

There is an option in SkinSettings/General to change themes. I need to code each theme that i want to display in the list.

If you have any themes you would like added, change themes and colors to what you like then send me your userdata\addon_data\skin.madnox\settings.xml. Let me know what you what like to call the theme and i can code it in.

Or Have a look at Includes_themes.xml. This is what is will be coded to the themes list in skin settings.

Feel free to make as many themes as you would like.

the "letterbar" takes very long to load on my end, not sure if you can do anything to speed it up.

Found a bug with some visiblity conditions. It should be fixed. If you are still having issues i will need a debug log as the letter bar uses script.embuary.helper.

In the info list 2 view it should show poster and fanart but it shows poster and (scaled) poster


The simple list for music looks a bit empty, if possible a cd count on the right side would be nice.

Added disc number to songs view. When ever i get to the matrix version there will be more info labels available.

An option to lock the homescreen settings,beside from kiosk mode would be welcome, i often browse my widget and if I press left to often I end up in the Setting for the Homescreen.

Navigation was updated a couple of updates ago. If you have widgets enabled on a home item you have to press down to get to the menu. Also in SkinSettings/General Kiosk mode you can disable the home menu.

the 4k logo did not work, i added a few 4k movies to my lib, and non of them shows the 4k logo, in Estuary it works

Fixed a few updated ago. Changed 4k.png to 4K.png

mistervee commented 4 years ago

@gibxxi @bartolomesoriano @meowmoo @Slipass

Currently working on various script xml’s, like the embuary info. This should not have any impact on other parts of the skin xml’s.

So now is the time to add some custom theme’s that can be selected in SkinSettings/General/Select Theme.

If you have any themes you would like added, go to ‘Skin settings’ and change the ‘themes’ and/or ‘colours’ to what you like then send me your userdata\addon_data\skin.madnox\settings.xml. Let me know what you what like to call the theme and I will code in the theme to the selection menu.

NOTE: Skin Settings/Background/Effects can also be included. So, we can have a Snow/Leaves themes ect. too. (I do need to add more effects for various holidays of the year, let me know what I should add as we come from different countries and backgrounds, so there can be many different holiday and events. I will add as many effects options as you like.)

A technical explanation; For the xml side, I will be coding ‘Include_Themes.xml’. Have a look at the include ‘ThemeNox4’. It is just setting a bunch of Skin strings when you click an option.

Feel free to make as many themes as you would like.

EDIT A question? Are background effects something that you would use?

gibxxi commented 4 years ago

EDIT A question? Are background effects something that you would use?

If said effects could be set to be applied on some kind of automated schedule, depending on the holiday period / time of year, with an optional setting / toggle switch to revert to manual selection if desired, yes.

Would I use these features if they were only available if you have to select them manually at the relevant time of year? Probably not. The whole idea of Kodi to my way of thinking is a "start & play" type of interface. IMHO people aren't going to want to keep messing around with settings just for short holiday periods / times of year. They're going to want to "set it and forget it". So if the process can't be automated, or the user given the option to do so, I don't think it will get much use, and by extension, I wouldn't waste valuable development time on it.

Not only that, as you already alluded to, different parts of the world have different regional holidays, that they observe. You can't please everyone, so by including them, you will have to expect people are going to keep asking for niche effects that are not worth pursuing. It's a nice addition, but something that can be left alone / ignored until everything else in the skin (that needs looking at) has already been addressed / fixed, IMHO.

I'm unable to find any way of animating the homescreen backdrops at this time. Media sub-category backdrops can be animated via view settings, but this isn't possible for the homescreen backdrops. Having animated backdrops is a good indicator that Kodi hasn't frozen / locked up, so I always have these enabled whenever possible. Is there a setting i'm missing / not seeing somewhere?

Also,the codec icon at the episode level in TV shows is duplicated twice. It's not limited to "Right List" view either. I also tried "Simple List" with the same results.


Dan / Gib.

Slipass commented 4 years ago


I'm glad to hear that you're back and that your health is a little better. Once again I wish you all the best!

And a big compliment, the skin looks great and gets better and better.

1: Fall Back Disc Art for videos (no movies) 1

2: Thumbnails instead of Case for the "Low" view for series in the third level (episode) Series - Season - Episode Madnox 2: 1

Madnox 1: 1

3: Video Previews not centered, but right-aligned in the views (Showcase and Low) I think it looks better. Madnox 2: 1

Madnox 1: 1

4: Bug: When I select Cover as background, I don't come back from the menu Question - What is sorting direction "Standard"? The last added movies? 1

5: For the music views it would be great if you could add a 3D view Madnox 1: 1

6: I don't know what you mean or the others but I think the old view of Live TV is better. 1

Question: How high is the resolution of the textures? I use the skin in 4K resolution and wanted to know if it looks optimal on a big TV (86 inch) or beamer?


meowmoo commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the update @mistervee!

It would be nice to see the Background texture option for the now playing screen also, so we could use for example the wallpaper Textur in the music visualization also to keep the look consistent.

For the background effect, short answer is no I would not use it, if it would be automated like Dan posted above, so set it up once and it will trigger on date x to get effect y than maybe I would use it.

meowmoo commented 4 years ago


I call it "Purple Carbon" till I come up with a better name

mistervee commented 4 years ago


EDIT A question? Are background effects something that you would use?

If said effects could be set to be applied on some kind of automated schedule, depending on the holiday period / time of year, with an optional setting / toggle switch to revert to manual selection if desired, yes.

Yes, It can be done. I can code it so that when you enter the home screen kodi will check the date and change the theme. The problem is changing back to a custom user theme on the next day. I would need to figure out how to code this. I think it is possible, but it is not something that I would want to spend time until the skin is in the kodi repo.

Would I use these features if they were only available if you have to select them manually at the relevant time of year? Probably not. The whole idea of Kodi to my way of thinking is a "start & play" type of interface. IMHO people aren't going to want to keep messing around with settings just for short holiday periods / times of year. They're going to want to "set it and forget it". So if the process can't be automated, or the user given the option to do so, I don't think it will get much use, and by extension, I wouldn't waste valuable development time on it.

Set and forget, I like. As you said valuable time, and my previous comment. It will work but not yet.

Not only that, as you already alluded to, different parts of the world have different regional holidays, that they observe. You can't please everyone, so by including them, you will have to expect people are going to keep asking for niche effects that are not worth pursuing. It's a nice addition, but something that can be left alone / ignored until everything else in the skin (that needs looking at) has already been addressed / fixed, IMHO.

Including various effects is not an issue. It is simply 5 images and a few lines of code to add a new one. The code being a param include, visibility condition and add the option to the selection menu.

So if you wanted an effect, just provide me with 5 images. Coding then is no more than 30 mins.

I'm unable to find any way of animating the homescreen backdrops at this time. Media sub-category backdrops can be animated via view settings, but this isn't possible for the homescreen backdrops. Having animated backdrops is a good indicator that Kodi hasn't frozen / locked up, so I always have these enabled whenever possible. Is there a setting i'm missing / not seeing somewhere?

Open the media menu on the home screen and click background.

Also,the codec icon at the episode level in TV shows is duplicated twice. It's not limited to "Right List" view either. I also tried "Simple List" with the same results.


mistervee commented 4 years ago


I'm glad to hear that you're back and that your health is a little better. Once again I wish you all the best! And a big compliment, the skin looks great and gets better and better.


1: Fall Back Disc Art for videos (no movies)

Still a WIP. Fallback’s are not complete for all artwork.

2: Thumbnails instead of Case for the "Low" view for series in the third level (episode) Series - Season - Episode

This is a design choice. Not something I will be adding.

3: Video Previews not centered, but right-aligned in the views (Showcase and Low) I think it looks better.

This is also a design choice. The preview is aligned with ‘Fanart’ info option. So it will stay the same.

4: Bug: When I select Cover as background, I don't come back from the menu


Question - What is sorting direction "Standard"? The last added movies?

It is the kodi default order for the cover, left to right for the playlist. You can override this by changing the sort direction or method.

5: For the music views it would be great if you could add a 3D view

Thanks for the suggestions. But I will not be coding any 3d views and I do not feel it fits the design of the skin.

6: I don't know what you mean or the others but I think the old view of Live TV is better.

I am content with how the live tv looks and I feel the design complements the rest of the skin. I am not a fan of the old design. I wont be changing the look.

Question: How high is the resolution of the textures? I use the skin in 4K resolution and wanted to know if it looks optimal on a big TV (86 inch) or beamer?

Most of the textures are good enough for a 4k tv. They look really good on my 60 inch 4k. I do need to update a few gradient textures though as some have banding with certain themes. I don’t have a tv that large so I cannot say on larger tv’s.

mistervee commented 4 years ago


Thanks for the update @mistervee!

It would be nice to see the Background texture option for the now playing screen also, so we could use for example the wallpaper Texture in the music visualization also to keep the look consistent.

Done. It is shown by default if you have set a background texture. There is an option to disable it if wanted.

For the background effect, short answer is no I would not use it, if it would be automated like Dan posted above, so set it up once and it will trigger on date x to get effect y than maybe I would use it.

See my comments above. Automation is something to look at in the future.


I call it "Purple Carbon" till I come up with a better name

Added to theme selection.

mistervee commented 4 years ago

@gibxxi @bartolomesoriano @meowmoo @Slipass

Fallback's for discart and banner complete.

Library discart fallback can be selected in 'skin settings/artwork/general'. Now playing fallback is selected under 'skin settings/furniture/general/Fullscreen audio or video', or under setting while plyaing fullscreen media.

gibxxi commented 4 years ago


Upon using the context menu to select "View Timer Rule" for an upcoming PVR recording, none of the right-hand buttons appears to be default, so given that there isn't any scrollable content in the main portion of the window, it's not possible to navigate to either the "OK" or "Cancel" with arrow keys alone.


Using the [Backspace] key as a workaround is however possible, assuming the remote control has such a key/function.

gibxxi commented 4 years ago

...BTW, I've read your reply to my earlier post(s), and thank you for the clarification and updates.

The TITAN skin has a seasonal effect much the same as the one your proposing, so perhaps browsing Marcelveldt's original thread for the skin, or the one for the "BiNGiE" mod might yield some feedback as to whether that skin's users find the effect a welcome addition, or not, as the case may be. I don't know, as i've not visited either in some time (I stopped using TITAN when Marcelveldt went MIA, due to some annoying outstanding bugs within the skin).

I'll stick with my earlier assessment though. In an either/or scenario (with regards automation), if the effect would need to be manually set, I probably wouldn't bother. Such effects, in my view are kitsch, and while a nice additional touch to some, are far from essential. Not something I'd invest much time in setting up, in reality. Same goes for themes (for me). I like the default theme with the blue / white / black combo, so I won't be submitting any themes for inclusion, sorry.


Dan / Gib.

mistervee commented 4 years ago


I don't have PVR setup atm, so i was unable to test. The issue looks likes a kodi or pvr backend problem as the contents of the list is supplied from kodi and i have no control over what is shown.

Just pushed a workaround on github. If there are no focusable items it should focus the 'ok' button.

Titan bingie uses skin helper plugins. So there is no easy solution there.

All good with the themes. The main reason for me asking was if anyone did have a custom theme they had setup, so i could include it in the list.

gibxxi commented 4 years ago


I don't have PVR setup atm, so i was unable to test. The issue looks likes a kodi or pvr backend problem as the contents of the > list is supplied from kodi and i have no control over what is shown.

Just pushed a workaround on github. If there are no focusable items it should focus the 'ok' button.

Just to clarify, there is no issue with the main section's contents not being editable, it's a single program timer (i.e: an OTR-style recording) and padding times for these types of recording are set globally in the add-on's settings. What appears there is for informational purposes only, but as suggested, with this being the case, arrow-key navigation isn't possible for that window / dialog.

Your workaround ought to do the job, thanks.

Titan bingie uses skin helper plugins. So there is no easy solution there.

Not sure what you mean by this. I was suggesting that since Titan also uses holiday animations pretty much the same as those your trying to introduce in Madnox 2.0, that if you require feedback as to whether it's inclusion in Madnox is worthwhile, to check the forum threads for the skin (and / or the BiNGiE mod) to see if anyone has commented as to whether they like the effect, or not, as the case may be.

All good with the themes. The main reason for me asking was if anyone did have a custom theme they had setup, so i could include it in the list.

Fair enough. I thought I'd mention I like the default skin, in case you might of been expecting submissions from all of us. The aesthetics (and colour-scheme) of the original Aeon Nox 4.0 skin, is what drew me to the skin in the first place, thus I don't have any desire to change it, at this time.

Dan / Gib.

meowmoo commented 4 years ago

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EOeWLM8BfvB6EbnnA4sCvOxJoj-s1REU/view?usp=drivesdk Blue Wood

If I change the shadow color in Color /Background it don't transfer to the now playing screen, it seem shadow don't work at all in the Music now playing screen. Don't want to be a ars, just noticed by listen to music an play around with the colors

mistervee commented 4 years ago


Just to clarify, there is no issue with the main section's contents not being editable, it's a single program timer (i.e: an OTR-style recording) and padding times for these types of recording are set globally in the add-on's settings. What appears there is for informational purposes only, but as suggested, with this being the case, arrow-key navigation isn't possible for that window / dialog.

Your workaround ought to do the job, thanks.


Titan bingie uses skin helper plugins. So there is no easy solution there.

Not sure what you mean by this. I was suggesting that since Titan also uses holiday animations pretty much the same as those your trying to introduce in Madnox 2.0, that if you require feedback as to whether it's inclusion in Madnox is worthwhile, to check the forum threads for the skin (and / or the BiNGiE mod) to see if anyone has commented as to whether they like the effect, or not, as the case may be.

I misunderstood that one. Thought it might have some coding solution.

mistervee commented 4 years ago


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EOeWLM8BfvB6EbnnA4sCvOxJoj-s1REU/view?usp=drivesdk Blue Wood

If I change the shadow color in Color /Background it don't transfer to the now playing screen, it seem shadow don't work at all in the Music now playing screen. Don't want to be a ars, just noticed by listen to music an play around with the colors

Missed that one. Shadow color is now an option for music now playing. Blue wood theme added.

mistervee commented 4 years ago

@gibxxi @bartolomesoriano @meowmoo @Slipass

Added Watched/Unwatched icon options to the views and widgets. (cover flow, icon, icon info and wall view) Default settings will show Watched and resume icons. Unwatched and unwatched episode count default is off. Widgets watched status do not show if you have not enbaled the option.

For the views;

For the widgets

mistervee commented 4 years ago

@gibxxi @bartolomesoriano @meowmoo @Slipass

New update.

Next aired script support has been removed as the plugin is no longer being maintained. It has been replaced by emburay info and tmdb helper script.

For the widget it will only display 7 days which is a limitation of embuary info. Media flags for next/last aired are handled by tmdb helper script. I have also created a custom next aired window. This is accessible from the main menu under tvshows.

To access the new submenu item you will need to delete \userdata\addon_data\script.skinshortcuts\skin.madnox.* files so the menu can be rebuilt with the new option. Otherwise edit the TVShow sub menu and add a shortcut with a path ‘ActivateWindow(1102)’.

Cheers Mr. V

EDIT: Forgot to mention trending, upcoming, popular widgets ect (under movies and tvshows) have been replaced with embuary info widgets.

bartolomesoriano commented 4 years ago

@mistervee , thanks for the update! I really like the next aired window.

I think I found an issue in the file "Includes_MediaFlags.xml", line 1490. I understand there needs to be value tags surrounding the value on that line, or maybe it is just leftover code from earlier testing? Anyway, I thought it best to mention it to you.

mistervee commented 4 years ago


Thankyou. Fixed.


Support added for 'Next Up Script'. Can be installed under 'skin settings/addons/optional'.

mistervee commented 4 years ago

@gibxxi @bartolomesoriano @meowmoo @Slipass

Fixed an issue withe next aired not showing when browsing your library.

You should see this 1

If not, close kodi and open this file, '\userdata\addon_data\skin.madnox\skinsettings.xml' Then find 'TMDbHelper.DisableExtendedProperties' and delete the line.

I enabled this setting by mistake a couple of updates ago.

gibxxi commented 4 years ago


Thanks for the recent updates, looking awesome.


Since you went to great pains to close all the other outstanding issues I thought I'd post this here instead of creating a new "issue" on GitHub...

First one is an edge-case issue, that (probably) won't affect everyone. This does affect me due to the number of entries in my video library, and the fact the media is hosted on my NAS devices accessed by my Powerline AV adapters (read: latency).

For items selected, under "Right List View", sometimes the "duration" value takes quite some time to populate, if at all. This leads to a glitch in the skin with regards positioning of the text elements for release/air date and duration vs. the positioning of the associated icons.

Just to clarify - I'm not seeking a resolution to the fact the duration isn't currently available, I think I know why it's happening, as suggested above. I'm just pointing out that it has a visually negative knock-on effect with regards the skin.


And the second issue, is one of redundancy. I've mentioned this one before, but am returning to it as nothing has changed with recent updates.

Under "Videos -> Files -> [Source Folder]" for movies you see a list of the movie folders containing said movies. You also get an icon, which denotes whether the movie is watched, un-watched or in-progress on the right-hand side. Immediately before that, on the right-hand side is a file-size text field. This file-size text field is redundant as it's reporting the file-size of the folder in the list-view itself, not the file-size of the movie contained under that folder. Folder entries in a file system rarely consume more than a few bytes, max, so having this displayed is of no practical benefit, whatsoever.

What would be preferable, is some kind of indicator / text / icon / etc. to show that the movie contained within that folder, is present (i.e: has been successfully scraped) in the video library. There was something in Madnox 1.0 that achieved this goal (It might of been the release year), but I cannot remember off the top of my head, exactly what it was. Either way, displaying "0.000000 B" for every item in the list, serves no purpose (IMHO) as it stands.

If you press [ENTER] for any item in this list, you get the extended information screen for that movie, as you would if you had selected it from the "Movies" section, elewhere. You cannot drill down any further in list view, to see the actual files in the folder, so the file-size (Bytes) being visible at this level serves no purpose (again, IMHO).


Any plans or timescale as to when this skin is going to go "Alpha/Public"? As I fear that some forum members are going to view this skin as "Vapourware" if you don't release something in the short-term, for their consumption. No pressure, just an idle thought.


Dan / Gib.

gibxxi commented 4 years ago

@gibxxi @bartolomesoriano @meowmoo @Slipass

Fixed an issue withe next aired not showing when browsing your library.

You should see this 1

If not, close kodi and open this file, '\userdata\addon_data\skin.madnox\skinsettings.xml' Then find 'TMDbHelper.DisableExtendedProperties' and delete the line.

I enabled this setting by mistake a couple of updates ago.

@mistervee @bartolomesoriano @meowmoo @Slipass

FYI: The file is called simply 'settings.xml' not 'skinsettings.xml' if referring to the file in '\addon_data\skin.madnox'. 'skinsettings.xml' is located in '\addons\skin.madnox\16x9'.

Thought I'd point out the difference, in case anyone else gets confused over which they ought to be editing (Assuming, of course, that I've got this right, lol).

Dan / Gib.

mistervee commented 4 years ago



mistervee commented 4 years ago


The rating/duration/date alignment are not so easy to code with an image. In all other views i use a grouplist. In a container, such as rightlist 'grouplists' do not work. What your seeing is my attemp at hacky work arounds. I will take a look to see if i can find a better way. I may have to remove the icons if i cant find a solution.

Just want to point out you are also missing media flags. Seems like numberous elements are not loading. Which at a guess is due to database issues not lataency. I would check your kodi logs, i suspect you will see warnings with loading images and database errors.

For the files size issue. Try changiing 'sort by' to somthing different. Kodi decide what to show bases on your sort options.

In regards to timeframe. I am not concerned what other people think. I will relase a alpha version when i am ready.

gibxxi commented 4 years ago


The rating/duration/date alignment are not so easy to code with an image. In all other views i use a grouplist. In a container, such as rightlist 'grouplists' do not work. What your seeing is my attemp at hacky work arounds. I will take a look to see if i can find a better way. I may have to remove the icons if i cant find a solution.

Not a critical issue, more of an edge-case, as suggested. Not everyone will have the latency issues I do. I also have to split video content between my two NAS devices, that do not sit near to each other, due to space restrictions here. TV shows on one NAS, Movies on another. Everything also linked via Powerline AV. It's far from ideal, but the only solution I can do that was both affordable and practical at the time it was set up. Most of my movies are HEVC also for that reason - lack of HDD space on those devices. Some TV shows also, but not Anime as dBPoweramp's video converter cannot handle multiple audio streams or subtitles in it's transcodings (as yet).

Just want to point out you are also missing media flags. Seems like numberous elements are not loading. Which at a guess is due to database issues not lataency. I would check your kodi logs, i suspect you will see warnings with loading images and database errors.

I have recently rescanned my DB's from scratch, although I also copy my (portable) setup between machines. Media Flags are shown perfectly at the episode / movie extended Info level (If my understanding of what you call 'media flags' is accurate), and according to my GitHub Desktop app, the content I have synced from your repo is consistent with what I have locally (i.e: no local changes). If your referring to codecs, etc, then I can provide screenshots showing this. I have disabled language flags because they look out of sorts for me, with regards the look of the rest of the skin. Not withstanding the fact, I know what language all my media contains, pretty much, so language flags are not required by me.

There are no issues with my databases other than those directly introduced by Kodi itself or the addons I've installed (All of which are perfectly cosher / legal, I might add. I don't use piracy addons).

For the files size issue. Try changiing 'sort by' to somthing different. Kodi decide what to show bases on your sort options.

Will look into this and report my findings.

In regards to timeframe. I am not concerned what other people think. I will relase a alpha version when i am ready.

At the start you asked us for honest feedback. so that's what I'm giving you. The decision is ultimately yours, of course.


Dan / Gib.

gibxxi commented 4 years ago

@gibxxi ... For the files size issue. Try changiing 'sort by' to somthing different. Kodi decide what to show bases on your sort options.

The only sort option that removes the '0.000000 B' size indicator (replaced by date added) is 'sort by date'. But this does not sort the items alphabetically (obviously), so finding specific titles / folders in the list becomes harder. I will put up with it if it's not something you can / want to change.


With reference to my previous comment, I forgot to point out that I am NOT using NFO files with my media. The software I use to categorize and standardize the file naming stucture (and some limited artwork downloading) does not add actor information to the NFO files it creates. Once In Kodi, and after library scraping, it seems Artwork Beef will not download actor images if this information isn't present in the NFO file itself (in so far as I understand it). So with this in mind, and the fact I am (more than) a bit OCD, and that I hate percieved unnessecary clutter files, I removed all the NFO files from everything and let Kodi itself handle grabbing the relevant information from the installed scrapers I use (TMBD / TVDB). This probably explains why there are no media flags at higher levels in the Kodi library-tree for me, not to mention the delay at which the duration information is retrieved (from the physical files) at a guess.

Suffice to say, it's something that I can live with / does not bother me enough to want to switch to TMM or EMM or any other 3rd-party tool, that requires further effort on my part to organize my media how I want it to be.

Dan / Gib.

mistervee commented 4 years ago

Not a critical issue, more of an edge-case, as suggested. Not everyone will have the latency issues I do. I also have to split video content between my two NAS devices, that do not sit near to each other, due to space restrictions here. TV shows on one NAS, Movies on another. Everything also linked via Powerline AV. It's far from ideal, but the only solution I can do that was both affordable and practical at the time it was set up. Most of my movies are HEVC also for that reason - lack of HDD space on those devices. Some TV shows also, but not Anime as dBPoweramp's video converter cannot handle multiple audio streams or subtitles in it's transcodings (as yet).

My thoughts were that if you could play a video in your current setup, the database info should load without an issue as it is less bandwidth. I will get to the optimization of the right list view in the near future. Hopefully that should fix any issues. Also I have just moved house and will be purchasing a powerline adaptor soon, it may give me some insight on to latency.

I have recently rescanned my DB's from scratch, although I also copy my (portable) setup between machines. Media Flags are shown perfectly at the episode / movie extended Info level (If my understanding of what you call 'media flags' is accurate), and according to my GitHub Desktop app, the content I have synced from your repo is consistent with what I have locally (i.e: no local changes). If your referring to codecs, etc, then I can provide screenshots showing this. I have disabled language flags because they look out of sorts for me, with regards the look of the rest of the skin. Not withstanding the fact, I know what language all my media contains, pretty much, so language flags are not required by me.

No screenshots needed. Using the kodi database you can install ‘DB Browser for SQLite’. If you have media info not showing you can see if it is in the kodi database. If you can’t see any info in the database it won’t show in the skin. https://sqlitebrowser.org/

At the start you asked us for honest feedback. so that's what I'm giving you. The decision is ultimately yours, of course.

Honest feedback is what I like. I will do the same.