mit-dci / dlcoracle

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DLC Oracle

This project can serve as an oracle while forming Discreet Log Contracts. This oracle currently publishes the value of the US Dollar denominated in Bitcoin's smallest fraction (satoshis). You can interact with the oracle via simple REST calls. A live version of this oracle is running on - See "Using the public deployment" below.

If you want to learn more about Discreet Log Contracts, checkout the whitepaper

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You need to have golang installed, or you can use Docker


First, clone the repository and install the dependencies

git clone
cd dlcoracle
go get -v ./...

Then you can build the oracle using

go build

Running the oracle

Simply start the executable. Since the oracle generates a private key it will ask you for a password to protect it, that you have to enter each time you start up the oracle.


REST Endpoints

resource description
/api/pubkey Returns the public keys of the oracle
/api/datasources Returns an array of data sources the oracle publishes
/api/rpoint/{s}/{t} Returns the public one-time-signing key for datasource with ID s at the unix timestamp t.
/api/publication/{R} Returns the value and signature published for data source point R (if published). R is hex encoded [33]byte

Using the public deployment

You're free to use my public deployment of the oracle as well. I have linked the URLs of the public deployment in the REST endpoint table above.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details