mit-westgate / reservations

script for taking lounge and bbq pit reservations
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MIT Westgate Lounge/BBQ Reservation script

the technique running fcgi scripts was taken from

thank you Jared


To install dependencies locally into lib folder run:

    make lib


To run standalone version (meaning without any other webserver), run:

 ./app.fcgi standalone

To run it as a normal fcgi script under apache, run:


Note, no need to do anything extra beyond pointing apache to this directory.

RewriteRule ^(.*)$$ /path/to/fcgi/$(FCGI_NAME).fcgi/$$1 [QSA,L]

For MIT Students Looking To Run Python App Using Scripts

These instructions are meant for MIT affiliates with an athena account who want to host a python application using scripts.

  1. make sure to signup for web scripts at
  2. self host your dependencies, look at Makefile:lib command to see how I populate a standalone lib folder
  3. create an fcgi script to run your application, see app.fcgi for an example using Flask
  4. your fcgi script should use flup, for wsgi server things
  5. create a .htaccess file to rewrite all requests to your fcgi script. I put my .htaccess file in my Makefile. This is because we have to write the variable name of our fcgi script into the .htaccess file. We use a variable/random fcgi script name in order to "reboot" the server. Whenever you change the fcgi name, a new application starts and the old one is killed. This is one of the only systematic ways to reboot fcgi based applications, otherwise the webserver may always use the old one and will not update.

I would just copy the Makefile and app.fcgi I have here, and modify them for your needs.