mitchkeller / pretext-basics-reference

PreTeXt Basics Reference
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PreTeXt Basics Reference

This repository is the interim source code for the PreTeXt Basics Reference, which is a example-heavy reference for the basic features of PreTeXt.

The official HTML and PDF output are available was part of The PreTeXt Guide on the PreTeXt website.

This repository is primarily being used at this time to expedite the indexing process.


If you'd like to contribute to the PreTeXt Basics Reference, please fork and clone this repository, setting your clone as origin and this repository as upstream. After pushing your edits to a branch on your repository, create a pull request here. We suggest you consult David Farmer's git checklists for how to do this. The ones for forking and contributing a correction should suffice.


This project comes with a primitive Makefile to function as its build script. Start by following the instructions in Makefile.paths.original on how to configure the necessary paths for your computer. Because the project uses WeBWorK problems, you must first run make pbr-extraction. Then you can use make html to create the HTML output and make pdf to create PDF output via LaTeX.

While editing on your fork, you can just run make html and make pdf unless you add, remove, or modify a WeBWorK exercise. If you make an edit that impacts WeBWorK, run make pbr-extraction and then make html and/or make pdf.

Contributing to the Basics Reference portion of The PreTeXt Guide

xml:id usage

Cross references to other parts of The Guide

Code snippets

Index entries