mitmath / 6S083

Materials for MIT 6.S083 / 18.S190: Computational thinking with Julia + application to the COVID-19 pandemic
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6.S083 / 18.S190 - Introduction to Computational Thinking with Julia, with applications to modelling the COVID-19 pandemic

Spring 2020

Welcome to 6.S083 / 18.S190 (doubly listed)! This is an introductory course on Computational Thinking, using the Julia programming language, with applications to modelling the COVID-19 epidemic. It is being taught at MIT in the 2nd half of the spring 2020 semester.

Course Materials

See here.

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Visiting Professor David P. Sanders ( & Professor Alan Edelman


MW 3 - 4.30, online. (Registered students will receive a Zoom link.)

Lectures will be mostly live at the above times, with recordings posted when available. There will be some pre-recorded snippets.

Start date: March 30, 2020.

Office hours TBD

Discussion forum


Installation of Julia

You will need to install Julia, and various packages by carefully following the detailed instructions here. (Note that you do not need to separately install the Jupyter notebook -- it will be installed for you as part of the installation process. It is possible to use a pre-existing installation, but we recommend against it. This will install a new, separate copy of it.)

Office hours



Problem sets consist of coding and will be submitted online.

Windows users

If you use Windows, please download Git for Windows here

Getting the files

To get the files, use git from the command line (or from a GUI), as follows