mitodl / ocw-to-hugo

A command line utility for taking master.json output from ocw-data-parser and producing markdown for use with hugo-course-publisher
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These examples demonstrate installing ocw-to-hugo globally, as it is designed to be a command line utility that can be run from anywhere in the system. However, you may omit the global flag if you wish to install it into another project.

From source

$ cd ~/path/to/temp/dir
$ git clone
$ cd ocw-to-hugo
$ npm install -g .

From npm

$ npm install -g @mitodl/ocw-to-hugo


$ ocw-to-hugo -c <courses.json location> --download -i <input directory> -o <output directory>

This utility optionally takes a JSON file of OCW course ID's. Various examples of this can be found in the course_json_examples folder, but generally it is formatted as:

    "courses": [

If the -c option has been specified, processing will be filtered by the courses specified in the format above. If the --download flag is set, the courses listed will first be downloaded from AWS to the input directory specified with -i. When downlading courses, ocw-to-hugo automatically determines if it needs to re-download a file by comparing dates. If --download is not set, the source for the courses specified in the JSON must already exist in the input directory. If any of the courses are not there, an error will be thrown. If you wish to simply process an input directory of courses without downloading or filtering, use only the -i and -o arguments.


Argument Required? Valid values Description
-i, --input Yes /path/to/open-learning-course-data Input folder of OCW course folders containing parsed.json files and optionally static content
-o, --output Yes /path/to/hugo-markdown-output Output path to place processed courses in
-c, --courses Only if download flag is true /path/to/courses.json If enabled, courses processed will be filtered based on the format above
--download No true or false Download parsed.json files from a configured S3 bucket and a list of courses passed in with -c
--strips3 No true or false Strip the s3 base URL from all OCW resources
--staticPrefix No /path/to/static/assets When --strips3 is set to true, replace the s3 base URL with this string
--rm No true or false Clear the contents of the path passed with -o before the conversion run

Environment Variables

Variable Description
AWS_REGION The AWS region to connect to, i.e. us-east-1
AWS_BUCKET_NAME The bucket to use, i.e. open-learning-course-data-ci
AWS_ACCESS_KEY Your AWS Access Key with access to said bucket
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The secret access key that pairs with your access key