mitodl / teachersportal

MIT ODL Teacher's Portal
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Teacher's Portal

.. image:: :target:

.. image:: :target:

Getting Started

You can either run teachersportal locally with a default sqlite database after installing the requirements.txt file, or if you have Docker and prefer a cleaner environment, install docker-compose with pip install docker-compose and run docker-compose up. This will set up a near production-ready containerized development environment that runs migrations, with the Django development server running on port 8075.

To run one-off commands, like shell, you can run::

docker-compose run web python shell

or to create root user::

docker-compose run web python createsuperuser

For OS X Development

Due to issues using Docker in OSX, development is more efficient if you install docker-osx-dev <>_. docker-osx-dev keeps host file system changes synced to the Docker container. You can install it by typing make once you have created the Docker container.

Subsequently, before you start your Docker container with docker-compose up, you would run::

 docker-osx-dev -m default -s ./

(Assuming your Docker VM is called default, and your current working directory is the root of the teachersportal source directory).

This starts a process that monitors the file system for changes. On startup you may receive this error::

  [ERROR] Found VirtualBox shared folders on your Boot2Docker VM. These may
  void any performance benefits from using docker-osx-dev:


  [INSTRUCTIONS] Would you like this script to remove them?
  1) yes
  2) no

Answer yes.

Configuration and Start-up

  1. Copy the .env.sample file to .env and edit these values::


. (OSX only) Create your docker machine::

 docker-machine create default
 docker-machine start default
 docker-machine env default
 eval "$(docker-machine env default)"

These commands create a Docker container named default, start the container, and configure environment variables to facilitate communication with ccxcon.

. Create a user who has permission to view the course::

 docker-compose run web python createsuperuser

. Start the machine::

 docker-compose up

. visit:

.. note:: (OSX only)

Your IP address may vary depending on what address docker assigns to your VM. If the IP above doesn't work:

  1. Power down your docker-machine (docker-machine stop default)
  2. docker-machine ssh default
  3. Once in the docker machine shell, run ifconfig, and look for the IP address that begins with

Dev Tools

This project uses react-devtools <>_. react-devtools help you debug actions and mutations to the underlying redux store. To enable it, press Ctrl+H in the browser. You can then click the action names to undo or redo them.

Adding an Application

To add an application to Teacher's Portal, add it to requirements.txt, add its needed settings, include its URLs, and provide any needed template overrides.


The project is set up with tox <> and py.test <>. It will run pylint, pep8, and py.test tests with coverage. It will also generate an HTML coverage report. To run them all inside the Docker image, run docker-compose run web tox, or if you are running locally, after installing the requirements file, just run tox.

How it works

This describes how the full system works with regards to edX and the Teacher's Portal (listed as TP for the rest of this document). The system is designed to work with multiple edX backends and multiple clients beyond TP, but this should provide a reasonable sense for how things work at a high level.

Initial App Setup

We need to generate users and keys for all clients of CCXcon. This is done in the Django admin. We pass those credentials to edX and TP who will use them for making requests.

Getting the course to Teacher's Portal

When the user lists a course as enabled for CCX and inputs a CCXcon advanced setting, the course is exportable to CCXcon.

Any publishes of this course will post updates to CCXCon asynchronously, using the credentials given to edX initially.

Upon receipt, CCXCon will make its own async post to any number of backends (e.g. TP).

From this point, the course is in the TP database. Its users can toggle its visibility after setting prices.

.. image:: figures/course-creation.png

Login Flow

When a CCX is marked as "enabled for CCX", we generate an anonymous user id for each admin user of the course. This gets sent along with the create payload to CCXCon. Additionally, we generate an email with a login link to TP for the user.

When the user clicks the link, they're taken to a login/register page on TP. Upon successful login/creation, TP queries CCXCon for which course this belongs to. If it finds a user, the account is linked on the TP side. All subsequent API requests are filtered by these credentials as necessary. CCXCon does NOT handle authorization checks.

.. image:: figures/login-flow.png

Course Listings

When doing a public course listing, the javascript front-end queries TP for available courses. This returns ids to look up. From here, the javascript dispatches an additional API call to CCXCon to get detail on those specific course ids for populating the UI.

In the instructor dashboard case (privileged, unpublished course listing), we validate they're a course owner on TP, then issue a fetch for their known course ids (using the mapping table we've generated on TP from them clicking the login links edX emailed them) on CCXCon.

.. image:: figures/course-listing.png

Order Fulfillment on Teacher's Portal

Order fulfillment will result in a user with a CCX on edX (or some similar backend instance) with a limited set of seats.

Upon checking out and paying for the course, TP issues a RPC to create a CCX for the user making the purchase with the seat count in the order. This synchronously posts the command to edX and handles the creation.

Updating previous order

Users can purchase additional seats, so it's important that TP keep track of seat count purchases.

If the teacher has bought a course and views it again, the buy slider is already selected to the seat count they've purchased. It can't go lower than that number. If they drag it to buy more seats and purchase, we make a synchronous patch to edX via CCXCon to update this seat count listing.