mitra28 / VJAM

461 Team 5's Part 2
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ECE461 Part 2 - Spring 2023

(description of project)

The Original Team

Maximilian Manzhosov
Kevin Loiselle
Zach Liao
Omar Tounsi

The Current Team

Jason Jones
Anonya Mitra
Dalilah Vaquera
Wahab William Akanbi

How to run the website:

Running the frontend (React) and the backend server (Espress)

Navigate to website/website

build the project with "npm run build"

start the frontend with "npm start"

Navigate to website/backend

run the server with "node server.js"

Original Team's run instructions

Please run cargo build inside the repo_analyzer directory. The run executable will be located inside repo_analyzer/target/debug.

Dependencies to install

npm install mysql2