mitre / menelaus

Online and batch-based concept and data drift detection algorithms to monitor and maintain ML performance.
Apache License 2.0
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concept-drift data-drift data-science drift-detection machine-learning statistics

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Menelaus implements algorithms for drift detection in machine learning. Drift detection is a branch of machine learning focused on the detection of unforeseen shifts in data. The relationships between variables in a dataset are rarely static and can be affected by changes in both internal and external factors, e.g. changes in data collection techniques, external protocols, and/or population demographics. Both undetected changes in data and undetected model underperformance pose risks to the users thereof. The aim of this package is to enable monitoring of data and of model performance.

The algorithms contained within this package were identified through a comprehensive literature survey. Menelaus\' aim was to implement drift detection algorithms that cover a range of statistical methodology. Of the algorithms identified, all are able to identify when drift is occurring; some can highlight suspicious regions of the data in which drift is more significant; and others can also provide model retraining recommendations.

Menelaus implements drift detectors for both streaming and batch data. In a streaming setting, data is arriving continuously and is processed one observation at a time. Streaming detectors process the data with each new observation that arrives and are intended for use cases in which instant analytical results are desired. In a batch setting, information is collected over a period of time. Once the predetermined set is \"filled\", data is fed into and processed by the drift detection algorithm as a single batch. Within a batch, there is no meaningful ordering of the data with respect to time. Batch algorithms are typically used when it is more important to process large volumes of information simultaneously, where the speed of results after receiving data is of less concern.

Menelaus is named for the Odyssean hero that defeated the shapeshifting Proteus.

Detector List

Menelaus implements the following drift detectors.

Type Detector Abbreviation Streaming Batch
Change detection Cumulative Sum Test CUSUM x
Change detection Page-Hinkley PH x
Change detection ADaptive WINdowing ADWIN x
Concept drift Drift Detection Method DDM x
Concept drift Early Drift Detection Method EDDM x
Concept drift Linear Four Rates LFR x
Concept drift Statistical Test of Equal Proportions to Detect concept drift STEPD x
Concept drift Margin Density Drift Detection Method MD3 x
Data drift Confidence Distribution Batch Detection CDBD x
Data drift Hellinger Distance Drift Detection Method HDDDM x
Data drift kdq-Tree Detection Method kdq-Tree x x
Data drift PCA-Based Change Detection PCA-CD x
Data drift Nearest Neighbor Density Variation Identification NN-DVI x
Ensemble Streaming Ensemble - x
Ensemble Batch Ensemble - x

The three main types of detector are described below. More details, including references to the original papers, can be found in the respective module documentation on ReadTheDocs.

The detectors may be applied in two settings, as described in the Background section:

Additionally, the library implements a kdq-Tree partitioner, for support of the kdq-Tree Detection Method. This data structure partitions a given feature space, then maintains a count of the number of samples from the given dataset that fall into each section of that partition. More details are given in the respective module.


Create a virtual environment as desired, then:

# for read-only, install from pypi:
pip install menelaus

# to allow editing, running tests, generating docs, etc.
# first, clone the git repo, then:
cd ./menelaus_clone_folder/
pip install -e .[dev] 

# to run examples which use datasets from the wilds library,
# another install option is:
pip install menelaus[wilds]

Menelaus should work with Python 3.8 or higher.

Getting Started

Each detector implements the API defined by menelaus.detector: notably, they have an update method which allows new data to be passed, and a drift_state attribute which tells the user whether drift has been detected, along with (usually) other attributes specific to the detector class.

Generally, the workflow for using a detector, given some data, is as follows:

from menelaus.concept_drift import ADWINAccuracy
from menelaus.data_drift import KdqTreeStreaming
from menelaus.datasets import fetch_rainfall_data
from menelaus.ensemble import StreamingEnsemble, SimpleMajorityElection

# has feature columns, and a binary response 'rain'
df = fetch_rainfall_data()

# use a concept drift detector (response-only)
detector = ADWINAccuracy()
for i, row in df.iterrows():
    detector.update(X=None, y_true=row['rain'], y_pred=0)
    assert detector.drift_state != "drift", f"Drift detected in row {i}"

# use data drift detector (features-only)
detector = KdqTreeStreaming(window_size=5)
for i, row in df.iterrows():
    detector.update(X=df.loc[[i], df.columns != 'rain'], y_true=None, y_pred=None)
    assert detector.drift_state != "drift", f"Drift detected in row {i}"

# use ensemble detector (detectors + voting function)
ensemble = StreamingEnsemble(
    'a': ADWINAccuracy(),
    'k': KdqTreeStreaming(window_size=5)

for i, row in df.iterrows():
    ensemble.update(X=df.loc[[i], df.columns != 'rain'], y_true=row['rain'], y_pred=0)
    assert ensemble.drift_state != "drift", f"Drift detected in row {i}"

As a concept drift detector, ADWIN requires both a true value (y_true) and a predicted value (y_predicted) at each update step. The data drift detector KdqTreeStreaming only requires the feature values at each step (X). More detailed examples, including code for visualizating drift locations, may be found in the examples directory, as stand-alone python scripts. The examples along with output can also be viewed on the RTD website.


Install the library using the [dev] option, as above.


Authors: Leigh Nicholl, Thomas Schill, India Lindsay, Anmol Srivastava, Kodie P McNamara, Shashank Jarmale.\ ©2022 The MITRE Corporation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED\ Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. Public Release\ Case Number 22-0244.