mitre / saf-training

This repository contains several courses to learn about using and developing SAF capabilities
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MITRE Security Automation Framework Training Site

A comprehensive collection of security training classes with numerous features✨


The MITRE Security Automation Framework (SAF) Training Site is a collaborative effort between the SAF Team, our partners, and the broader security community. It offers a wide range of classes and resources.

For a comprehensive view of the courses we provide, we invite you to visit one of the deployment locations listed below.

Our content includes:


The MITRE SAF Training sites are hosted on:

Special Thanks

We extend our special thanks to the author of this VuePress theme - A New Hope, Mr. Hope! Check out the original work of the theme that powers our training site at

Building, Development & Hacking



This project uses npm, is a Vuepress v2 and Vue3 project, and employs simple cypress tests for basic smoke testing. For debugging, setup issues, or questions about additional capabilities of the VuePress Theme, please refer to the documentation at the link above.

Running in Dev

npm install
npm run docs:dev


npm run docs:build

Running Cypress Tests

The Cypress tests are located in the ./cypress directory, adjacent to the ./src directory.

Additional Cypress commands can be found in the package.json file under the scripts section.

npm run ci

This command starts the headless Cypress server, builds the current version of the site, runs the site, and then executes the Cypress tests.

Submitting a Pull Request or Additional Content

We welcome your contributions! Feel free to fork the project and submit a Pull Request to provide updates, content fixes, or even entirely new topics and courses.

If you find something that needs fixing, please open an Issue on the project's issue board (PRs are welcome!).


© 2018-2024 The MITRE Corporation.

Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. Case Number 18-3678.


MITRE grants express written permission to use, reproduce, distribute, modify, and otherwise leverage this software to the extent permitted by the licensed terms provided in the file included with this project.


This software was produced for the U. S. Government under Contract Number HHSM-500-2012-00008I, and is subject to Federal Acquisition Regulation Clause 52.227-14, Rights in Data-General.

No other use other than that granted to the U. S. Government, or to those acting on behalf of the U. S. Government under that Clause, is authorized without the express written permission of The MITRE Corporation.

For further information, please contact The MITRE Corporation, Contracts Management Office, 7515 Colshire Drive, McLean, VA 22102-7539, (703) 983-6000.