miyushan / mui-daterange-picker-plus

A modern Typescript/JavaScript library for simplifying date-range related operations and enhancing date-picker components in web applications. It provides a range of utilities, including date formatting, parsing, and a fully customizable date range picker with support for various locales.
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Support to other languages #6

Open willian-rosa opened 2 months ago

willian-rosa commented 2 months ago

Hello, I noticed that the project does not have full portability to other languages, such as the Actions.tsx component.

Does it make sense to add the i18next library?

If yes, I can open a PR.

miyushan commented 2 months ago

Hi, thank you for bringing up this important point.

Providing multiple languages support is a valuable feature for a Date Range Picker. Sounds like the i18next library is a great solution for achieving this. I would appreciate your offer to open a PR. Let's go ahead with it and work together to implement multi-language support. If you need any assistance or have further suggestions, please let me know.

Thanks again for your contribution!

miyushan commented 2 months ago

I'm considering sharing our interaction on my LinkedIn profile to highlight the collaborative nature of our development process and to showcase your valuable contribution. However, I wanted to first ask for your permission to mention your name in the post.

If you're comfortable with it, I would be honored to include your name in the post. Thanks.

willian-rosa commented 2 months ago

Hi, you can share my name, no problem. 👍

I'll open the PR.

miyushan commented 2 months ago

Thanks, Willian 😊