miyushan / mui-daterange-picker-plus

A modern Typescript/JavaScript library for simplifying date-range related operations and enhancing date-picker components in web applications. It provides a range of utilities, including date formatting, parsing, and a fully customizable date range picker with support for various locales.
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MUI DateRange Picker Plus

An advanced and highly customizable Date Range Picker component for Material-UI (MUI).

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Table of Contents



Install the MUI Date Range Picker package via npm:

npm install mui-daterange-picker-plus

Usage with Examples

1. Picker Model (Basic)

import { useState } from "react";
import Button from "@mui/material/Button";
import { PickerModal } from "mui-daterange-picker-plus/dist";
import type { DateRange } from "mui-daterange-picker-plus/dist";

export default function YourComponent() {
   // state + handlers for the Modal
  const [anchorEl, setAnchorEl] = useState<HTMLButtonElement | null>(null);
  const handleClick = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
  const handleClose = () => {
  const open = Boolean(anchorEl);

 // state + handlers for the DateRange Value
  const [dateRangeOnChange, setDateRangeOnChange] = useState<DateRange>({});
  const [dateRangeOnSubmit, setDateRangeOnSubmit] = useState<DateRange>({});
  const handleSetDateRangeOnChange = (dateRange: DateRange) => {
  const handleSetDateRangeOnSubmit = (dateRange: DateRange) => {
    // handleClose(); // close the modal

  console.log("dateRangeOnChange", dateRangeOnChange);
  console.log("dateRangeOnSubmit", dateRangeOnSubmit);

  return (
      <Button variant="contained" onClick={handleClick}>
        View Picker Model
        onChange={(range: DateRange) => handleSetDateRangeOnChange(range)}
          onSubmit: (range: DateRange) => handleSetDateRangeOnSubmit(range),
          onCloseCallback: handleClose,
          onClose: handleClose,
          slotProps: {
            paper: {
              sx: {
                borderRadius: "16px",
                boxShadow: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.21) 0px 0px 4px",
          anchorOrigin: {
            vertical: "bottom",
            horizontal: "left",

2. Picker Base (Basic)

import { useState } from "react";
import { PickerBase } from "mui-daterange-picker-plus/dist";
import type { DateRange } from "mui-daterange-picker-plus/dist";

export default function YourComponent() {
  // state + handlers for the DateRange Value
  const [dateRangeOnChange, setDateRangeOnChange] = useState<DateRange>({});
  const handleSetDateRangeOnChange = (dateRange: DateRange) => {

  console.log("dateRangeOnChange", dateRangeOnChange);

  return (
      onChange={(range: DateRange) => handleSetDateRangeOnChange(range)}

3. Picker Model (Advanced)

import { useState } from "react";
import Button from "@mui/material/Button";
import { PickerModal } from "mui-daterange-picker-plus/dist";
import type { DateRange } from "mui-daterange-picker-plus/dist";
import ArrowCircleRightIcon from "@mui/icons-material/ArrowCircleRight";
import ArrowCircleDownIcon from "@mui/icons-material/ArrowCircleDown";

export default function YourComponent() {
  // state + handlers for the Modal
  const [anchorEl, setAnchorEl] = useState<HTMLButtonElement | null>(null);
  const handleClick = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
  const handleClose = () => {
  const open = Boolean(anchorEl);

 // state + handlers for the DateRange Value
  const [dateRangeOnChange, setDateRangeOnChange] = useState<DateRange>({});
  const [dateRangeOnSubmit, setDateRangeOnSubmit] = useState<DateRange>({});
  const handleSetDateRangeOnChange = (dateRange: DateRange) => {
  const handleSetDateRangeOnSubmit = (dateRange: DateRange) => {
    // handleClose(); // close the modal

  console.log("dateRangeOnChange", dateRangeOnChange);
  console.log("dateRangeOnSubmit", dateRangeOnSubmit);

  return (
      <Button variant="contained" onClick={handleClick}>
        View Picker Model
          startDate: new Date(),
          endDate: new Date("2024-12-31"),
        minDate={new Date("2023-08-02")}
        maxDate={new Date("2025-02-04")}
        onChange={(range: DateRange) => handleSetDateRangeOnChange(range)}
          onSubmit: (range: DateRange) => handleSetDateRangeOnSubmit(range),
          onCloseCallback: handleClose,
          RangeSeparatorIcons: {
            xs: ArrowCircleDownIcon,
            md: ArrowCircleRightIcon,
          onClose: handleClose,
          slotProps: {
            paper: {
              sx: {
                borderRadius: "16px",
                boxShadow: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.21) 0px 0px 4px",
          anchorOrigin: {
            vertical: "bottom",
            horizontal: "left",

4. Picker Base (Advanced)

import { useState } from "react";
import { PickerBase } from "mui-daterange-picker-plus/dist";
import type { DateRange } from "mui-daterange-picker-plus/dist";

export default function YourComponent() {
  // state + handlers for the DateRange Value
  const [dateRangeOnChange, setDateRangeOnChange] = useState<DateRange>({});
  const handleSetDateRangeOnChange = (dateRange: DateRange) => {

  console.log("dateRangeOnChange", dateRangeOnChange);

  return (
        startDate: new Date("2023-09-15"),
        endDate: new Date("2024-12-31"),
      minDate={new Date("2023-08-02")}
      maxDate={new Date("2025-02-04")}
      onChange={(range: DateRange) => handleSetDateRangeOnChange(range)}

Customization using Props


Prop Type Default Description
initialDateRange DateRange - Initial date range for the picker.
definedRanges DefinedRange[] - Predefined date ranges for quick selection.
minDate Date \| string startOfYear(addYears( new Date(), -10)) Minimum selectable date.
maxDate Date \| string endOfYear(addYears( new Date(), 10)) Maximum selectable date.
onChange (dateRange: DateRange) => void - Callback function triggered on date range change.
locale Locale - Locale for date formatting.
labels Labels - Customize labels used in UI (Apply, Cancel, Start Date, End Date etc.)
hideDefaultRanges boolean false Option to hide default predefined ranges.
hideOutsideMonthDays boolean true Option to hide days outside the current month.

Make sure to provide initialDateRange within the min and max date.


Prop Type Default Description
onSubmit (dateRange: DateRange) => void - Callback function triggered on date range submission.
onCloseCallback () => void - Callback function triggered on popover close.
RangeSeparatorIcons RangeSeparatorIconsProps - Icons for the range separator in different sizes.
hideActionsButtons boolean false Option to hide action buttons.

Useful Types

Main Types

import { PopoverProps } from "@mui/material/Popover";
import { PickerProps, ModalCustomProps } from "./utils";

type PickerModalProps = PickerProps & {
  modalProps: PopoverProps;
  customProps: ModalCustomProps;

type PickerBaseProps = PickerProps;

In the above examples, the PickerBase has included PickerBaseProps props. Same as that, PickerModal has included PickerModalProps props.

Utility Types

import { ElementType } from "react";
import { SvgIconProps } from "@mui/material";
import { Locale } from "date-fns";

type DateRange = {
  startDate?: Date;
  endDate?: Date;

type DefinedRange = {
  startDate: Date;
  endDate: Date;
  label: string;

type RangeSeparatorIconsProps = {
  xs?: ElementType<SvgIconProps>;
  md?: ElementType<SvgIconProps>;

type PickerProps = {
  initialDateRange?: DateRange;
  definedRanges?: DefinedRange[];
  minDate?: Date | string;
  maxDate?: Date | string;
  locale?: Locale;
  onChange?: (dateRange: DateRange) => void;

  hideDefaultRanges?: boolean;
  hideOutsideMonthDays?: boolean;

type ModalCustomProps = {
  onSubmit?: (dateRange: DateRange) => void;
  onCloseCallback?: () => void;
  RangeSeparatorIcons?: RangeSeparatorIconsProps;
  hideActionButtons?: boolean;

You can use these types as per your requirement.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.