mjesusdev / PokemonGame

✨ PokemonGame is a game from Course Vue on Udemy. Build with Vue 3 and get pokemons with a public API ✏️📔
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vue3 vuejs

Pokemon Game of course Vue on Udemy ()

This project is a Pokemon Game, that includes 600 pokemons who are distributed randomly ✅ (Work with API from pokeapi).

Live Demo on Vercel

🚀 Link to PokemonGame on Vercel

Live Demo on Netlify

🚀 Link to PokemonGame on Vercel

👋 If you download this project, you should exect this commands 👇✅

Project setup (Install Dependices 👨‍💻)

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your unit tests

npm run test:unit

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.