Contribution Guidelines -Each member of your group must have an individual commit history to your project's repositories -Each project should include a that provides information as to the roles of each member of the group. It should include the responsibilities of each member and their accomplishments. -Each member of your group is expected to present for an equal amount of time during project presentations -During 10-minute daily scrums with an assigned instructor, teams members must share progress. Scrum discussion topics may include goal-setting, time management, accomplishments and individual group contributions. This is not time to address technical issues.
Front end HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Jquery
Back end Ruby on Rails, ActiveRecord
Database creation The database information is from's API. They have a premium API subscription service, though we cloned it and hosted a local copy for this project. The data is relevant as of June 2017.
Clone repo to local Run bundle install from terminal In terminal: drop, create, migrate, and seed Database if using local clone. Visit to get your own API key to use BreweryDB's most current API.
Add a comments model so people can leave feedback and comments on breweries. Add user authentication, which opens a whole realm of possibilities like user favorites, brewery checkin, more secure posting parameters. Rating system for beers. Map to populate breweries nearby based on location services API. Expand the database to include breweries from across the US and then international.
The app is deployed using AWS and can be found: