mjuenema / docker-eclipse-pydev-pythons

Docker image with Eclipse, PyDev and multiple Python versions.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Docker image with Eclipse, PyDev and multiple Python versions. This may be useful for developing applications/libraries and testing them against the following versions of Python.

This Docker images is based on https://github.com/mjuenema/docker-eclipse-pydev.

There is similar Docker image but without Eclipse and PyDev, resulting in a much smaller size: https://github.com/mjuenema/docker-pythons

Building the Docker image

The build process is wrapped through a Makefile.

# make

# docker images
REPOSITORY                          TAG        IMAGE ID         VIRTUAL SIZE
mjuenema/eclipse-pydev-pythons                 bbc874dc97e3     1.581 GB

Using the Docker image

The intended purpose of this Docker image is to be the basis for a development and test container of a Python project; a bit like a virtualenv environment comprising a whole CentOS 6 system.

Creating a container

The command will create a Docker container named "mypythonproject". The -v flag makes the X11 session of the host available to the container. This is needed for running Eclipse inside the container.

# docker create -i -t --name="mypythonproject" \
         -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \

Starting the container

# docker start -i -a mypythonproject
bash-4.1$ eclipse &

Markus Juenemann, 25-Nov-2015