mkhairi / jquery-datatables

Jquery datatables ruby gems for assets pipeline
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Duplications after clicking back button #8

Closed jarrettyew closed 6 years ago

jarrettyew commented 7 years ago

I was navigating the page from dataTable to the show page. Once I clicked back button in the browser, the search and pagination from dataTable were duplicated as shown below.

screen shot 2017-08-25 at 5 52 16 pm

I believe it's related to caching issue, just have no idea how to make it consistent along the way. What I did after that is to make sure it reloads the whole page if the number of datatable is more than 1. It solves the problem temporarily. I just wonder if there's a way to make sure the flow is seamless even the back button is pressed.

      %th Company
      %th.text-center Sales Agent
      %th.text-center Number of Employees
    - @companies.each do |company|
        %td{:scope => "row"}
          .float-right= link_to 'View', [:comp, company, :hostels], class: 'btn btn-primary btn-sm'
        %td.text-center= company.sales_agent_name
        %td.text-center= company.workers.size

  $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() {
    if ($(".dataTables_length").length > 1) {
mkhairi commented 7 years ago

@yewness try add this in layout

%meta name="turbolinks-cache-control" content="no-cache" 
jarrettyew commented 6 years ago

@mkhairi Thanks it works. Doesn't this remove the caching for each layout? Seems like it will take a little bit longer to load it up.

mkhairi commented 6 years ago

yeah.. there is another way to fix this.

mkhairi commented 6 years ago
$(document).on 'turbolinks:before-cache', ->
  dataTable =  $($.fn.dataTable.tables(true)).DataTable()
  if (dataTable != null)
   dataTable = null;
Sabaabdoulaye2 commented 1 year ago

How about code where no turbolinks is used? I am using django and htmx and experiencing the same issue