mkhairi / jquery-datatables

Jquery datatables ruby gems for assets pipeline
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datatables gem jquery jquery-datatables jquery-datatables-rails rails ruby rubygem rubygems rubyonrails

jquery-datatables Gem Version

Jquery datatables assets pipeline :: sprockets

Include jQuery DataTables in your asset pipeline with ease using jquery-datatables gem.

Gem Installation


Rails 6.0+

Since Webpacker the default JavaScript compiler for Rails 6. you can install via yarn.

see this official pages for details.

However, if your app still using javascript with sprockets, this gem is still good to go. How to use sprocket assets pipeline instead of webpacker

Rails 5.1+

The Rails JavaScript helpers has been rewritten in a new gem called rails-ujs and they use vanilla JavaScript, so jQuery is not a dependency of Rails anymore.

Since Jquery datatables relies on jQuery, you can install it with bin/yarn add jquery or via gem 'jquery-rails' and add //= require jquery to application.js.

NOTE: Ensure that the sass-rails gem is presented in your Gemfile.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'jquery-datatables'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Install generator


rails g jquery:datatables:install 

or if you using css framework

rails g jquery:datatables:install bootstrap4

this generator will:

available styling

Manual install


Include the JavaScript in your app/assets/javascripts/application.js:

//= require jquery
//= require datatables

create new file app/assets/javascripts/datatables.js

//Core component
//= require datatables/jquery.dataTables
//Bootstrap4 theme
//= require datatables/dataTables.bootstrap4

//Optional Datatables extensions
//= require datatables/extensions/Responsive/dataTables.responsive
//= require datatables/extensions/Responsive/responsive.bootstrap4
//= require datatables/extensions/Buttons/dataTables.buttons
//= require datatables/extensions/Buttons/buttons.html5
//= require datatables/extensions/Buttons/buttons.print
//= require datatables/extensions/Buttons/buttons.bootstrap4

*** you may refer other extensions in this directory: click me


Include the stylesheet in your app/assets/stylesheets/application.css:

*= require datatables

or if you using scss

Include the stylesheet in your app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss:

@import 'datatables';

Create new file app/assets/stylesheets/datatables.scss
** default theme

@import 'datatables/jquery.dataTables';
@import 'datatables/extensions/Responsive/responsive.dataTables';
@import 'datatables/extensions/Buttons/buttons.dataTables';

** if using boostrap4 theme

@import 'datatables/dataTables.bootstrap4';
@import 'datatables/extensions/Responsive/responsive.bootstrap4';
@import 'datatables/extensions/Buttons/buttons.bootstrap4';

*** you may refer other extensions in this directory: click me

Basic Initialization

Where needed in your JavaScripts, initialize your DataTables:

$(document).ready(function() {

And you will of course, need to have a html table (with a theader and tbody) with the id set to dttb. Here is an example:

    <table id="dttb" class="table table-hover">
          <th> Panel No</th>          
        <% @panels.each do |panel| %>
            <td><%= link_to, panel %></td>
        <% end %>

Server Side processing

Recommended use this gem

 gem 'ajax-datatables-rails'

see docs for details instruction


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