mkjiau / taifex-scrapy

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TAIFEX Scraper

forthebadge made-with-python

This is a Scrapy project which can be used to crawl TAIFEX website to scrape information about Taiwan futures and options.


Using CMD is prefered.

Prepare Python 3.6 in any way
# e.g. use anaconda to create a Python 3.6 env named python36, and activate it 
CMD> conda activate python36
Create and activate a virtual environment.
(python36) CMD> pipenv shell
Install all dependencies.
(taifex-scrapy) (python36) CMD> pipenv install


Directly Activate taifex-scrapy
CMD> C:\Users\{YOUR_NAME}\.virtualenvs\taifex-scrapy-lMUq6lYm\Scripts\activate
Start the crawler
(taifex-scrapy) CMD> scrapy crawl taifex

Data will be stored in json file located at data/taifex.json.


docker run --rm --name aaaa -p 6800:6800  my-scrapyd-a

scrapyd-deploy -l

scrapyd-client projects
scrapyd-client spiders -p taifex_scraper

scrapyd-client schedule -p taifex_scraper taifex

#scrapyd-client schedule -p taifex_scraper \* 
#scrapyd-client schedule -h


curl -v "http://localhost:9080/crawl.json?spider_name=taifex&start_requests=true"

Use Pipfile to yield requirements.txt

pipenv lock --requirements > requirements.txt
# delete the line about zope.interface==5.1.0; ....

Go Online

The crawling is scheduled to run by the cron job. The crawled data is persisted in InfluxDB, and we can visually view them through Chronograf web of TICK stack.

cd tick-sandbox
sandbox up
cd ..
docker-compose up -d
