mkleehammer / surround

An Emacs package for inserting, changing, and, deleting surrounding pairs of quotes, braces, etc.
MIT License
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An Emacs package for inserting, changing, and, deleting surrounding pairs of quotes, braces, etc.

This provides some of the functionality of vim-surround and evil-surround. After using evil-surround for a couple of years, I needed something similar when returning to native Emacs keybindings. There are a few similar packages, but none were quite as convenient as I wanted and some do not seem to be maintained.



There are five operations supported:


The commands provided all accept a single pair character, either the left or right (aka open and close). The mode has a list of left and right pairs, and if you enter either it will lookup the matching character. For example, if you run the surround command and enter (, the region will be surrounded with ( and ).

These pairs are stored in the variable surround-pairs which you can change. The default list contains the following open and close pairs:

( )  { }  [ ]  < >

If you enter a character that is not in the list, that character will be used for both the left and right. So, using the surround command with * would surround the region with two asterisks. (This means the list really only needs to contain characters where the left and right are different, unless you want a shortcut, discussed later.)

Inner, Outer, and, Auto

Marking and killing come in two flavors, "inner" and "outer", which you may recognize from vi or evil. Inner means text within the pairs, but not the surrounding pairs themselves. Outer means the pairs are also included.

 -------     <-- inner
---------    <-- outer

There are also functions defined as "auto" which work as "inner" most of the time, but work as "outer" if you enter a closing character. For example, killing using k ( kills text within parentheses, but k ) it will kill the parentheses also.

This allows the same command to be used for both inner and outer, but Unfortunately can't be used for pairs where the left and right are the same, like quotes. For these characters, the auto functions will always work as "inner".

Key Bindings

This package does not bind any keys. It provides some commands which can be bound to keys, but the recommended usage is to bind a single key to the provided keymap. The rest of the documentation will assume you are using this keymap.

Below, I'll assume you've chosen to bind M-' to the surround keymap. Another good choice is C-c s.

The Standard Commands

The keymap defines 7 standard keys for the different commands:

Shortcut Commands

The keymap also binds each of the characters from surround-pairs, both left and right, to a mark command. Left characters, including characters where left and right are the same (like quotes), will be bound to "mark auto". Right characters will be bound to "mark outer". So pressing M-' ( will mark inside parentheses and M-' ) will mark the parentheses also.

To provide shortcuts for quotes, they have been added to surround-pairs also, so M-' " will mark inside quotes.

The keymap is generated from surround-pairs, so if you change the pairs list, you may need to restart Emacs for shortcuts to be available for your new characters. (If you are more familiar with Emacs, you can use the provided function to rebuild the keymap instead.)


The easiest way to explain the package is probably to see how it works with examples. Starting with the text below with the cursor on the H:



To put quotes around the word, use the "surround" command bound to 's'. The command asks for the character to surround the text with, so enter a double quote: M-' s ".


To change the quotes to parentheses, use the "change" command bound to 'c'. It will ask for the character to replace, so enter a quote. It will then ask for the character replace the quotes with, so enter a parenthesis: M-' c " (



To mark (select) the text within the parentheses, you have a couple of options. You can use the "inner" command bound to 'i' or the shortcut bound do '(':

Both of these will mark within the parentheses, but not the parentheses themselves.


To mark the parentheses also, there are three options:

The cursor will be after the closing parenthesis:


Now let's delete the parentheses but leave the text "Hello". First, get back into the parentheses and deselect. Move the cursor to the first 'l':


Use the "delete" command bound to 'd'. It will ask for the character to delete and you can either either an open or closing parenthesis: M-' d ( or M-' d ).


Surround in curly braces using M-' s {


To kill the text between the braces, leaving the braces, you would use M-' k {. To kill the braces and the text together, you'd use M-' K { or M-' k } The K command is always outer. The k command is an auto command, so passing a closing character will be a kill outer command.


The package is available on MELPA, so you can install it with package-install. If you are using use-package, put this into your init.el. This snippet binds "M-'" - be sure to change that if you want a different key:

(use-package surround
  :ensure t
  :bind-keymap ("M-'" . surround-keymap))