mkleemann / gimp-scripts

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GIMP scripts

Here you can find my excursions into the world of Script-Fu (or GIMP Scheme). The repository may or may not increase, but I'll show-off some of the stuff I did.

Ingress Banner Slicer

Never heard of Ingress? This script may not be for you. But who knows, it might be of use for slicing images into rows of 6 tiles with or without gaps between them. The intention is to prepare images for Ingress mission banners, the favorite way to do missions, to show in your agent profile within the scanner app. An overview of already created banners can be found at Bannergress.

The script comes with (currently) 4 functions, located in Tools/Ingress.

Banner Setup and Slicer

This is the whole stuff, preparing the current image for slicing and doing the slice including storage of the tiles as numbered files. The numbering follows the intended use during mission creation, so 1 is the bottom right tile and the last one the top left one.

Since all other commands follow the same options, the overall description is this:

Create Empty Image With Mask

This simply creates an empty image, the size reflecting the setup in raster and gaps, and adds the banner mask layers to it. This can be used to start work on your individual banner.

Set Banner Guides

For slicing the image, guides are used in GIMP. This function is used to create them according to your setup, including rescaling of your image, if chosen.

ATTENTION: Remove all guides set prior, if you want to slice using this script. An automatic removal is not possible at this time, since the built-in functions of GIMP (2.10) mess with undo stack doing so. Especially when using gaps you only have to use guides provided by this script.

Slice Only

It slices the image using the guides set in Set Banner Guides and stores the tiles into separate files according to the naming scheme described above. This function requires the guides to be set along the scheme used by this script, so better use the Set Banner Guides functionality.

Have fun!