This repository is in response to Bitwise code challenge 2022 2/3. There is a network of nodes that are connected with some edges. The goal is to remove as much edges as possible, while maximizing total score P on
$$ P = (P_{og} / P_r - 1) \cdot 1000 \,,$$
where $P_{og}$ is the original score, $P_r$ new score of a network, where edges are removed, and $P_i$ are calculated by
$$ P_i = A Wt + B D{avg} \, . $$
Here, $A=0.1$, $B=2.1$, $Wt$ is the sum of length of all arcs and $D{avg}$ average shortest path length from each individual point to any other point.
Original data is included in this repository at bitwise_challenge_2022_2/koodipahkina-data.json.
poetry install # Install environment and dependencies
poetry shell # Enter environment
python -m bitwise_challenge_2022_2 # Run optimization
Please see program help for options:
$ python -m bitwise_challenge_2022_2 --help
usage: [-h] [--n-trials N_TRIALS] [--optuna-prune]
[--restart RESTART] [--metric-log METRIC_LOG]
[--xpath XPATH] [--resume] [--multiprocessing] [--quiet]
[--plot] [--seed SEED] [--elite-frac ELITE_FRAC]
[--mutant-frac MUTANT_FRAC] [--elite-bias ELITE_BIAS]
Optimize liana network.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--n-trials N_TRIALS Number of trials for hyperparameter optimization.
Default: None
--optuna-prune Use pruning in hyperparameter optimization. Default:
no pruning
--restart RESTART Restart specification in format
key1:value1,key2:value2. Available values: see keyword
arguments at .
Default: n_max_evals:1000000,n_last:500,n_max_gen:1000
--metric-log METRIC_LOG
Location for logging optimization running metrics.
Default: opt_log.txt
--xpath XPATH Location for saving intermediate x values for
population. Default: opt_X_latest.npy
--resume Resume from xfile
--quiet, -q Suppress output
--plot Display progress plot during calculation
--seed SEED Random seed. Default: 1
--elite-frac ELITE_FRAC
Elite fraction of population. Default: 0,2
--mutant-frac MUTANT_FRAC
Mutant fraction of population. Default: 0.1
--elite-bias ELITE_BIAS
Probability of elite gene transfer. Default: 0.7
The optimization is built on pymoo optimization framework, more specifically its biased random key genetic algorithm implementation. A population of vectors is initialized, where vector length is equal to the number of original edges in the network. These vectors represent, whether the edge is to be removed ($x_i < 0.5$) or kept. Some initial vectors are constructed with a greedy algorithm, others generated randomly. All vectors are repaired so, that they produce a feasible solution:
The genetic algorithm then is used to minimize the network score $P_r$.
A hyperparameter optimization framework optuna is also included, but tuning
the BRKGA parameters did not result in any significant findings.
For hyperparameter optimization, use flag --n-trials
By default, it is not used.
Numba Python compiler is used to make calculations faster. On an Intel i5-8350U CPU (Lenovo T480), the program runs at 600–800 evaluations per second, which results in a reasonable runtime.
For competition result, the optimizer was run on server with flag --restart n_max_evals:10000000,n_last:5000,n_max_gen:5000
A final score $P=1285.075$ was achieved.
For the competition entry details, see also output from
git tag v1.4
If installed with poetry install --dev
, a library for plotting is included.
Thus intermediate logs by the optimizer can be visualized with scripts/; see help with
python scripts/ --help